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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @Stephen Power Noel said in a thread that they are not demos nor public BETA's.
  2. @Stephen Power at present the Backstage pass offers you access to; The expanded, more tracks, Bandlab Web/Android/iOS app, and all the loops etc. Cakewalk Sonar. Cakewalk Next. It has nothing to do with CbB which is still currently free.
  3. Wookiee

    Bad Dog

    Have you tried Jam Origin MIDI guitar. Version 3 for PC will be in BETA soon. Very different from MIDI guitar 2. Turns your guitar into an MPE controller. Several videos on YouTube worth a watch, no need for special pickups.
  4. Wookiee


    This Just fell out of the furry paws. Just Toys Used. Instruments ToonTrack Superior Drummer 3 Rock Warehouse Default Tweaked EZBass Fretless Rock Cherry Audio GX 80 DCO-106 Geforce MTron Pro IV OB-EZ (OB E with reduced interface) FX Boz Digital +10dB compressor Width All other FX are stock supplied with Cakewalk or S-Plat
  5. Wookiee

    Bad Dog

    No such thing as a bad dog only a bad owner Nice groove, quality Sax work as ever. What do you use for MIDI guitar, do you have a hex pickup or MIDI Guitar 2 from Jam Origin. I liked.
  6. Wookiee


    Mix works well here, very good singer, nicely balanced mix. Not hearing any distortion here, only listen to the original mix in first post.
  7. Production is what I have come to expect from you Steve. The tune didn't do much for me
  8. If you want to create distance just reverb is not enough you need to narrow the frequency range as well, i.e. cut the top and bottom ends.
  9. Mix wise it does sound like there is just a tad to much reverb on the "trumpet" compared with the rest of the instruments.
  10. Sorry to hear of your friends troubles, I have been witness to the toll chemo takes. Wishing you, him and his family all the best Dave.
  11. Wookiee

    T-here t' T-here

    Thanks for the listen. I considered myself a synthasist, meaning someone who makes music with synthetic instruments or synthesisers. Consequently I use synthetic strings etc. I don't have any sample libraries of Orchestral instruments, though I do have synths that have samples or particals of such instruments like the M1, Rapture Pro, Synclavier, and the samples on the M-Tron Pro IV from GForce and Melotron from Arturia. I use those if I want a more "realistic" instrument sound, but mainly I look for more synthetic sound. I belive it was Tomita who once said, try to get close when synthesising instruments but always add a twist, so the listener knows the truth or something similar. Again thanks for the ears, time and comments.
  12. First I would recommend only posting one track per post you are likely to get more listens. OP sounds pleasant, what did you use, synths, samples etc, to my furry ears the strings on the left seemed a tad more forward then the others of your orchestra.
  13. I found the vocal a little forward and seems slightly separated from the backing track. are you using a different reverb on the vocal? The overall mix of the backing track is not bad. as noted above perhaps over compressed.
  14. Nice Mark, this is the first third party track I have listened to using the ARC Studio room correction Box.
  15. I did say I won't ask ???
  16. @Tim Smith OK I won't ask ?
  17. It seems the trend these days is very much to use triads on only three strings, I see so many rhythm guitarist playing the G & D strings.
  18. @Brian Walton Audiority do one call Big Goat, which is nice for 20 Euro's
  19. It looks like a big muff distortion plugin.
  20. Wookiee

    Too Sweet

    Nice clean vocal, mix seems OK, I did find the bass in the opening minuet boomed a little but that could be my room, I am currently working on that.
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