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  1. Right, the intention was something related to Van the man's Days like these. Very glad you liked it. Swedish, right. Your name looks very Swedish or Norwegian to me. 🙂
  2. equality


    Gary, Jack...very kind. Thanks!
  3. equality


    Nice journey into a relaxing, meditative soundscape. Enjoyed. Thanks.
  4. equality


    Guess I am posting too much, sorry for that. "Go with the flow" or something but this is very short, hopefully funky piece with a muted "trumpet".
  5. Awesome rocker! Brilliant.
  6. equality

    Dreams of You

    Great feel in this one. Contemplating and relaxing at the same time. Excellent production and singing and a reminder that my music is too stressful. 😕
  7. High class as always. Perfect mix. I get some Kate Bush-vibes.
  8. equality


    Rocking all right! I get some Phil Collins vibes, except for the two voiced guitar. Very well performed. I'd like the vocalist closer to the mike.
  9. equality

    Gareki (WIP)

    I listened to the last version posted down the thread. Interesting and enjoyable soundscape and very cinematic to me. Could easily fit a SciFi movie with a spaceship discovering a new world and civilasation flying low over the ground :-). Nice harmonies with a world music feel. A lot going on and good craftmanship.
  10. Thanks treesha for coming back to this one. Yes, a fuller sound to my ears as well.
  11. New version, remix and new master by Meter in the OP.
  12. James Taylor! Awesome, I love his songs. Your ideas are very tempting and I will investigate.
  13. Thanks a lot Mark! There is a guy, Meter, who did a whole new remix and master. I linked to that one in the OP.
  14. equality

    Tight Wire

    Great sounding pentatonic, folkish, jazzy mix. The two(?) guitars fit perfectly together as do the rest of the mix. Perhaps I miss a lead vocal, flute or saxophone, perhaps not. It's very good as it is. Nice!
  15. equality

    Don't go There

    Top notch as always. Wish I could borrow your vocalist. Very tasteful arrangement with perfect transitions. 👏👏👏
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