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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    Dream Drifting 2

    The original was written a long time ago, my partner had trouble getting to sleep consequently I wrote something to try and help. This is an updated rewrite using different instruments from the previous which used hardware synths in the main. This was also written during my studio reshuffle consequently it was written and mixed on my DT-990's. Toys used in dream drifting 2 Instruments Arturia Stage 73 CZ Cherry Audio Lowdown Korg Prophecy Roland Jupiter-4 GForce M-Tron Pro IV FX Moogerfooger NF-108S Clusterflux Polyverse/Infected Mushroom Wider Boz Digitals +10dB Compressor All other FX Stock Cakewalk FX from S-Plat and CbB
  2. But with the main window stretched across both screens I can see all tracks Busses and any mains I need. No scrolling.
  3. @Sal Sorice my first question is why? I use two 27" 4K UHD Monitors and one 32" 2K monitor. What you have to remember is the GUI is to some extent designed around a single screen, you could almost say for a laptop user. What advantages would there be in having two views of the Consol. I spread CbB across both my 27" monitors more than enough is visible at any one time. The only reason I have the 32" screen is because the GUI's of VST are bigger and easier to see on it.
  4. Don't know what iteration this is but it sound sOk here.
  5. Wookiee

    Fusible Link

    Funky little groove you got on here, sax's do sound nice and clean and place, the whole mix is nice everything has a space, with nice air.
  6. Not sure you archived the EQ you desired but I do like the mix as it is.
  7. Suitably dark, little more depth or weight on the kick would not hurt, but very much what I would expect from this bunch of miscreants
  8. Wookiee


    Could just me not being new to my new studio layout but I found the bass just a little to forward in the opening phase, other than that very nice mix.
  9. Don't know the song, remember there has been time when I have been off saving another galaxy, mix works OK here.
  10. Same problem here with the Spotify link that was also overly loud the little bit it did play making it sound all squashed. The soundcloud mix level sounds much better.
  11. Interesting Tim to hear it in the original language it was written. Nice job.
  12. Wookiee

    Eveything I Need

    Very easy on the ears Rex, a little different for you to what I last listen to, mix is OK here.
  13. As Jack c notes it needs developing, some lyrics or more ear candy.
  14. Sounds OK here Keith, still getting my ears in on my new studio setup, but the mix seems to work OK.
  15. Much what I have come to expect from your music Jack, this does not disappoint. Mix seems much as I would expect.
  16. Being more a Pagan Yule type of Wookiee until the Shaman gives the word celebrations don't begin. Back to this, I don't know if you fixed the piano yet but it still seem a bit over the top for me. Otherwise very much what I would expect mix wise for you Steve.
  17. Sounds very film like, yes I know it is a Cue. The piano sound, the defusion on the reverb, for my furry ears makes it get a little lost when the strings come in, is that intentional. What piano did you use?
  18. Not really my thing so how you take what I say is up to you. The mix is not bad, the HH is a bit irritatingly present and to my furry ears lacks any variation in hit, style or feel. Otherwise everything seem to have space in the mix even though of the panning does get a little confusing.
  19. Wookiee

    Broken Dreams

    Mix sounds good here plenty of definition and separation, my only crit is your site is not secure i.e. HTTP instead of HTTPS.
  20. You can float each tab of the multi dock already and the Multidock itself
  21. Have you installed the new version of the CCC, 1.8.1 I believe. Cakewalk Next is a new product not a replacement for anything. CbB is ending plain and simple, personally we have had a good 6 years of a free ride. Cakewalk Sonar is in effect the replacement but is functionly identical. Whatever you do if you reinstall S-Plat you must reinstall CbB as there are shared files that work with both but CbB comes with new updated version.
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