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This is in reference to the StewMac guitar I built. The build came with a 16" radius neck. This is the first 16" I ever played (that I knownof). After much debate I decided to replace the neck.

I ordered a neck from Guitar Anatomy in The UK off of Etsy. Neck has a serious flaw. The middle.of all frets (except 3) aren't seated in the middle. They are properly seated at the ends, but the middle sticks up about 120 - 150 mm. 


The seller accepts returns. And is willing to offer to pay up to $30 for the return shipping. And he will pay to ship me a new neck. 

So I decided on a return /swap solution. I went to+ ship the package back to him and UPS wants to charge me over $350!! Said I had tompay duties and fees. 


Anyone know how I can ship it cheaply back to the UK?


Oh, BTW, I can push those frets down till the seat properly.  But they won't stay down. To me that means the slot that was cut for the frets are too.wide in the middle. So the barbs have nothing to grab onto. Anyone else have another explanation... I'm all ears!!

Edited by Grem
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This would/should fall into the category "return merchandise" and no duties should apply.
However, convincing the UPS counter clerk of that might be difficult to impossible.

You could try super gluing the frets down, but obviously the neck is not "right"; and you don't want it.

20 minutes ago, Grem said:

he will pay to ship me a new neck

You sure that's what you want given what you received?
Can you spell Warmouth? That's the direction I would go...

Good luck, "I feel your pain",


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1 hour ago, DeeringAmps said:

Can you spell Warmouth

Yes, :)

I have a guitar with a Performance neck with a hockey stick headstock. And yes I should have went that way staying close to home.

But this is a Roasted Maple neck with Roasted Maple fretboard. And to be honest the damn thing feels great!! Fret ends are polished perfectly rounded, best I have ever seen. Really. So this is quality work here.

But them frets... 

Not sure if superglue would hold them down. If I have to Inwill give that a try as a first solution. 

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The luthier option might be best if you like the neck otherwise. Frets really need to be cauled and then tapped so the barbs are under fresh wood, but a luthier should have all the stuff needed to pull and reseat them properly for you.

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After what you went through on the first one, I would have kept that as a badge of courage (and resolve). Another reason I was thinking the luthier as well is I am curious what is the cause of such a repeatable inconsistency. Gut assumption is they used a caul that was a smaller radius than the board (so it would contact the edges first), but then made me wonder if the ends are glued since you said the middle will seat but not stay put. The guy who PLEK'd my main pulled and reseated half the frets before PLEKing (first fret job I did in a dorm room without proper tools) for $50 and they are still fully seated 12 years later. Yours would be a bit more complicated because the tangs are not exposed so a simple fret saw won't work if the slot is filled... but then again, that issue may also be from the machine they used to cut the slots with. Just sucks they sent you something with an issue like that and didn't QC it better.

But that did just make me think of another idea.... get a quote from a luthier, and ask Guitar Anatomy if they will pay for the repair since it isn't your fault, and you shouldn't be shelling out return fees in the first place. Putting you out of pocket for $350 is a bit uncalled for.

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14 hours ago, Grem said:

the middle sticks up about 120 - 150 mm. 

That's nearly as long as my........








I think I'd be telling them that their courier can collect it when they deliver the new one. Either that or a refund and then their courier can collect it whenever they like.


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