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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. Welcome to the forum. Reading the title of your thread I can't help but think of the Coneheads. Sorry.
  2. It has no birth certificate, so it could be >21. It certainly has been acting drunk lately.
  3. What happens if you insert the effect in the FX bin instead of the track? What happens if you Bounce to Tracks rather than to Clips? What happens if you 'Process>Apply Effect"? These are separate operations.
  4. Give us an example of a song that uses the bass you like.
  5. Just don't use it. Nothing catastrophic will happen. No one is going to take your money. When the "Melodyne update is available" message appears, just close it. That's my strategy, although my voice could probably benefit from some correction. And it will work on sounds other than voice. Welcome to the forum.
  6. My ~20-year-old 32-bit 3GB RAM Windows XP music computer that my brother the programmer gave me a few years ago died. Probably a good thing. All my songs are backed up, as of about 2 months ago. I haven't really worked on anything in a while. Not having the means to purchase some new hyper machine to record to, I bought a used/refurbished computer. The copy is misleading, the specs read one thing in one place and something else in another, the images they show all appear to be of the same machine, regardless of make and model, but it has 16 GB, 64-bit and is Win 10 Pro, if you want to believe the most favorable specs. Best of all, it's only $90! This will become my do-everything computer, if it even boots up, 🤞. Should arrive Mar. 16. Wish me luck!
  7. Yes, but you may get a notice that 'the file was created with a newer version. Do you want to continue' which I think is inconsequential.
  8. For controlling VST soft synths and effects, that's up to each plug-in how much can be done. Welcome to the forum.
  9. Did you first deselect the generic driver? If possible. Installing Cubase was the thing that affected this.
  10. Imagine the screams of protest from the 'you said it would always be free!' crowd.
  11. I was visiting with some family yesterday and my cousin reminded me of a quip from a family reunion over a decade ago. He's a dentist/oral surgeon and prefers to be called doctor rather than mister. My brother introduced him as "Mr. Parks". He got to the podium and said, "no one's called me mister in over 10 years". My brother replied, "I didn't know you had surgery".
  12. If you wanted to make what you recorded sound like a spaceship or any other sound which it doesn't make on its own. If the output of the MIDI rack you recorded is set to the piano, that's what you will hear. If you want to hear anything other than the piano, you would insert a soft synth and change the MIDI track's output to that synth. If you want to hear your actual piano through the DAW and not the through the piano's speakers, you will have to rig some way to connect the headphone output to an audio input of your computer or an external audio interface and record that audio. That looks like a pretty nice piano.
  13. I like the separate threads; easier to contradict yourself.
  14. Two separate operations. If you Bounce a track to a new track you will have, uh, a new track. Freezing renders the audio from a synth in that synth's already existing audio output track. I assume OP knows what is going on. I don't freeze anything so I don't know how TTS-1 reacts, but it could behave as OP wrote. I'm an 'always bouncer'.
  15. Can't close or delete it unless you can contact a mod. You can edit it by clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right. Change the title, maybe "see songs forum". Or just leave it with Solved in the title.
  16. Still in contact with them on FB, as well as RobertB, Crg and Shad. And Strummy.
  17. Try the Songs forum here. Made for uploading songs for critique.
  18. Welcome to the forum. This is among the most basic operations with MIDI. MIDI is just data. It needs a synthesizer to make sound, in this case the synth is in your keyboard. You should be able to connect headphones to it You can go to Insert at the top and you may be able to select a software synth. I am not exactly sure what ships with Cakewalk anymore. There have been a few changes . Once you have a soft synth, change the output of your piano MIDI track to that soft synth. The soft synth's output should be sent to your sound card. Then you should be able to hear it through the computer. Check out the Tutorials forum here for more basic lessons. Good luck!
  19. Back in the aughts, when I was recording pretty regularly and posting the results on soundclick, folks in the old Songs forum said some nice things about some of my songs. I would copy some of those comments and put them on my SC 'comments' page. I got a big head from them and thought I was the "Next Big Thing" when actually I was just a thing. 😁 At some point, I copied that section from SC and put it in a document in one of my now-dead computers. At some point, I backed-up that computer, so here it is, direct from the dusty archives, reviews of some of my songs. "Never Going Home": Nice little tune. Rolifer I love the guitar, the tune, the thoughtful lyrics. Mamabear very thought provoking. Truckermusic very nice guitar work. CreatingNoise Wow, Greg. Very nice. It put a lump in my throat. RobertB This song definitely packs a wollap, (sic) Taylor_514C a very lovely piece. mstodge Beautiful sound on that acoustic and your voice fits this well. I'm downloading this baby!! This is the sound that I want to achieve. lhansen Wow! Simple yet very powerful. amateur Good atmosphere, nice tune. ascottdesign excellent, The guitar stlye (sic) you picked supported the story line very well. Nutty Wow! Such a lonely sound to the guitar and lyrics. Danley Very nice work. love the guitar on this. sound fx on this are really good. very nice indeed! Beagle This song is very powerful. I haven't been quite the same since I heard it. Its very sad, and evokes such contemplation as to be more akin to a classic of our time. BOBK Great stuff Greg - very powerful and very moving. SteveStrummerUK "The Girl Of My Dreams": Got a little beach boys vibe there. robby Wow! I really like this. Mamabear fun song. musiccontinuum Well written song with some sweet changes to make it sound like a fresh oldie. No How Wonderful harmonies on this doo-wop piece of music. Well done! lhansen Greg, you rock! Excellent song. tdye "Lost In You": This is a great song, Greg! Mamabear I like the tune. robby You have created a very stylized soundstage. No how Nice tune! nice easy sound. Beagle this is a great composition. Lyrics, melody, accompaniment, all done well. tdye Instruments, arrangement and soundstage sound pretty good. Paul Russell Some of the names might be familiar to old-timers. Hard to remember which song they're talking about if it's not mentioned.
  20. Looks more like a levitation machine to me.
  21. I don't know about the PRV, but in the Staff View, you just click the Pedal button and then click it in below the staff wherever you want it, depending on Snap values. You can also grab the Off message (asterisk) and drag it for either a longer or shorter sustain time.
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