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  1. I decided to add some new lead guitar work to a track. I set an audio track to record and added Guitar Rig 7. (Newly updated) I needed to tune up a few spots so put Melodyne 5 advanced on the guitar I just recorded. When I did it, Guitar Rig stopped sounding. I could get it to play again. After some time, the easiest fix I have found was to simply save my GR7 preset, delete the plug, then add it again. After doing so, everything was back to normal. Then went back in and edited something else with the Melodyne that was already instantiated and Guitar Rig went dead again. This happened 5 or 6 times. Finally decided to try turning off plugin before edits. That seemed to prevent GR from going dead on me. Is there something I'm missing? I always uncheck "Zero controllers when play stops" Yes, I know GR7 is not a VI, but an effects plugin. Known issue? Could be a bug in GR7, Sonar, or both. I have not tried it in CbB yet. UPDATE: Just tried it in CWbB and GR7 goes dead the exact same way
  2. Recently, I got Cakewalk, and Melodyne 5 was packaged with it too, and it's the 30-day trial one, I haven't made a Melodyne account, and I want to cancel because I'm not going to sing, and also, I am younger, and I don't want to pay after, so I just want to cancel it. Is there even a way to cancel Melodyne 5 trial without having an account, or do you HAVE to make an account in order to cancel Melodyne 5 Trial verison. Hope it makes sense for people, I am just wondering.
  3. I wanted to test out changing the hertz for a solo black metal album I want to make, but I can't get the bass midi to change to 420 without having to screw with Melodyne and duct tape fix it to my cakewalk track. I have to go in Melodyne and individually pitch shift every single note, and that is incredibly tedious. Is there an easier way?
  4. This question has come up a few times so I I am sharing some info I got from Celemony. This primarily applies to SONAR users who are now using Cakewalk by BandLab. As part of SONAR Platinum users got a license of Melodyne 4 Essential. (If you are a new Cakewalk by BandLab user you are offered the trial version of Melodyne) Melodyne 5 has many advantages over Melodyne 4, including ARA 2 integration and workflow improvements. As far as Melodyne 5 Essential goes the biggest advantage is that unlike version 4, it supports polyphonic pitch to MIDI out of the box. In version 4 you had to purchase Melodyne Editor to get this. To get your free Melodyne essential update to Melodyne version 5. a. Login to your Celemony user account and find Melodyne 4 Essential b. Click License Options c. Click the Download button for your free update. d. Install Melodyne That should be it. If you have any issues transferring your license contact Celemony support.
  5. Like you can with Process > Apply Effect > Reverse in CbB?
  6. Installed CbB on a new Windows 11 laptop which also installed Melodyne 5. I installed Melodyne 4 editor which said I need to uninstall Melodyne 5 first. Uninstalled Melodyne 5 and installed Melodyne 4 editor. Melodyne 4 editor standalone will not open at all. CbB does not see or list it after a plugin scan. Not listed in Region FX. Location path is listed in PIM Options. C:\Program Files\Celemony\Melodyne 4\Melodyne.dll 1.4 MB C:\Program Files\Celemony\Melodyne 4\MelodyneReWireDevice.dll 1.7 MB C:\Program Files\Common Files\Celemony\Bundles\MelodyneCore- 57 MB C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Celemony\Melodyne\Melodyne.vst3 1.35 MB
  7. New in Version 5.3.1 The update to Version 5.3.1 contains improvements and bug fixes, which is why we recommend it to all users. Pro Tools with ARA: When repeated use was made of the Undo function in Melodyne, under very special circumstances Pro Tools could crash. ARA and plug-in: Under certain circumstances, not every note was included in local playback. ARA: When creating a new project, the DAW under certain circumstances displayed an error message even though the new project was error-free. ARA: When you switched back to Edit Mode from Note Assignment Mode, it could happen that the display scrolled all the way to the top instead of returning to the previous vertical position. Studio One: When Studio One was launched, a crash sometimes occurred while the Melodyne plug-in was being scanned. Digital Performer: Under rare circumstances, moving blobs could lead to a crash. Samplitude: In Melodyne 5.3, it sometimes happened that the ARA files of older projects were muted during playback. Stand-alone implementation: In Note Assignment Mode, execution of the “Convert Selection to Connected Sequence” function sometimes led to a crash. Stand-alone and ARA: On very high-resolution screens under macOS Monterey, crashes could occur in Full Screen Mode. Keyboard shortcuts: The assignments for Track Mode and Clip Mode were erroneously listed under “Editing Tools” instead of “View Configuration”, as they are now. Keyboard shortcuts: The Fade Tool and Sibilant Balance Tool now appear directly beneath the Amplitude Tool, which corresponds to the layout in the toolbox. Note Assignment Mode: Under certain circumstances when you were editing in Note Assignment Mode, individual notes were not played back. Time Handles: When undoing an edit made with the Time Handle Tool, it sometimes happened that the sound of the note in question remained unchanged. ARA: When the Universal algorithm was used, a display error (gaps between the blobs) sometimes occurred when blobs were being edited. To download the update, run the Update Check in the Melodyne Preferences, or log into your Celemony user account and download the installer from there.
  8. I am experiencing lag and latency when using Melodyne 5 with the TRACK HOST TIME option turned on. Any correction/improvement suggestions?
  9. Hi I don't use Melodyne Plugin and I don't intend to use it. Cakewalk keeps asking me to Update/Download this plugin everytime I open it. It's annoying. Please give a way to cancel that or dismiss it.
  10. Narrowing down my previous post, I am getting continuous crashes when applying Melodyne to audio tracks. It seems that it only happens when applying the plugin to at least 3 contiguous audio tracks. The crash occured in the process of "Initializing Regions", according to the state bar. There is no minidump created, even when ExceptionHandlingSeverity is set to 7. I'm able to reproduce it by following this steps: Insert 3 adjacent audio tracks Record some material Select the 3 tracks at once Apply Melodyne from the Right Click context menu Crash Anyone having the same problem? PD: I'm updating Melodyne team with this new information, that they are already addressing.
  11. Hi, I'm getting continuous crashes when opening projects. Recently I installed MODO drum, and a Melodyne update. The project opens fine, but upon finishing the loading of the track view, it crashes with no warnings, and the program closes. I did delete MODO DRum plugin to see if it made a difference, but still CW is crashing. Then I uninstalled MODO Drum completely, to no avail. Still crashing. Then I increased the ExceptionHandlingSeverity to 7, and now I'm getting the crash window. I can see that the faulty module appears to be Melodyne... I will reinstall Melodyne and see what happens. The corresponding minidump files are enclosed. I'll appreciate support help. Thanks! --- MiniDumps.zip
  12. I completely deleted cakewalk last month, but this problem appeared when I re-downloaded it. I don't know why but Melodyne is the only one I couldn't re-install, I am sure that it had been completely removed. Can someone teach me how to solve it? please.
  13. I've been suffering from excessive slowness in Melodyne startup since I upgraded to v4 (from v3) several years ago: the first instantiation per run of Cakewalk/SONAR before it, or even a VST scan, would take almost exactly 15 seconds (on old quad core Q6600 as well as more recent Ruzen 2600). Subsequent opens in the same Cakewalk/SONAR session were fast. Celemony support were unable to help. Thanks to a post on an unrelated topic in this forum: I can confirm that the lack of iLok/PACE driver/service on the system is what causes the slowdown: I installed the License Manager (no licences associated with it) and Melodyne starts quickly (essentially instantly). So if you have no iLok-protected software on your machine but want to use Melodyne with machine authentication, you will experience slow startup unless you install the iLok/PACE license manager software.
  14. Hello everyone! If I accidentally put it in the wrong place, I'm sorry. For some reasones i had to reinstall cakewalk. So i uninstalled it trough Bandlab Assistant. I had some oter issues. (Windows was thinking that the Melodyne is a virus.) But finaly i got rid of Melodyne. Then i wanted to reinstall everything but i found this: https://imgur.com/a/zYt6K4n. I also added pictures from my control panel so as you can see i Don't have melodyne but assistant says something else. if someone has already posted it, please link.
  15. I'm still trying to track this one down, but I've been able to reproduce it twice. I'm going to start a new project and see if I can always repro it. But I wanted to bring it up. The details around this: Problem After extensive multi-track editing in Melodyne 5 Studio, during an Audible bounce of the project, it stops half-way through playback with no errors and no drop outs. It just stops playing. The bounce file is written to disk and contains audio up to the point of where Cakewalk stops (as you'd expect if Cakewalk dropped out during a bounce). Upon this point, nothing looks problematic. All tracks still have clips that show the waveforms and the clips all show melodyne is on them (RFX menu). however, The audio no longer plays on all the tracks that had melodyne running. Details Upon saving the project file, the project file size is MUCH smaller than before. IE: The project went from 9 MB with melodyne edits to now 1 MB. ^^^ These are the first time and second time reproductions of the issue. I had to re do about 4 hours of work, unfortunately. I'm fully aware of how to backup projects and as you can see, I have pretty good structure in my process. I have enabled additional auto save iterations every 15 minutes in case this happens again, but what is done is done. I'm still working to reproduce this in a new project, but I'm pretty sure I have a good idea what is happening, since I reproduced the issue in the same project. I believe that Cakewalk is doing some kind of plugin data size check and once it sees X amount of data for a plugin, it's assuming there was a problem and it's deleting all the data. This is purely a guess. But I think it's very coincidental that this point seems to be about 8 MB. How I got melodyne data so large: Melodyne studio 5 is an incredible piece of software. With the latest version, you have manual controls over de-essing, per note / syllable gain adjustments and so forth, in additional to pitch correction (so yeah, no shnarky comments about how you wouldn't need this with a good singer). In multitrack mode, you can also manually adjust stretching and timing of each word. It's a dream come true for adjusting vocals. And yes, there are things like vocal sync, but manually doing this in melodyne yields amazing results. And more importantly, this is what melo 5 studio was designed to do. So it's not like I'm demanding an odd use-case on this one. After talking to a bunch of people, they kept saying things like "you're supposed to bounce melodyne on each track or it does weird things". This is an unacceptable response. Again, the point of melodyne "studio" is multi-track editing in context. But I believe that maybe this is why they bounce each track. They may also be hitting this unknown limitation (assuming I'm correct about the cause. ) I'll be providing better repro steps for this. But I wanted to get this feedback started. If anyone else wants to do a repro, that'd be great too. I had about 7 tracks. On my last reproduction, I just started nudging and making random adjustments, saving and adding more until I saw the project size grow by about 8 MB. Then I did an audible bounce and hit this issue a second time. ❤️ bakers. Looking forward to resolving this. It was a rough weekend and I missed a deadline 😕 @msmcleod @Noel Borthwick
  16. Hi all! Is it just on my system that every time when opening Melodyne as a region FX, it always defaults to being docked at the bottom of the main screen? I undock the Melodyne window every time and and drag it to my second screen. But yet, the next time I create a region FX, it's back to being docked... it gets tedious fast. 😅
  17. I removed some measures between verses of a song, and when I played it back, there was a vocal that was like an echo that continued 6 measures after the end of the track. I tracked it down to Melodyne at the track level, which was playing the vocal in its original position. I know Melodyne is wonky and can be completely undone by any track edits like trimming or splitting clips after adjustments are made, so I usually render any tracks with Melodyne right away, but I just switched to Cakewalk and was distracted by the learning curve, so I have active Melodyne on 3 tracks. Is there a way to move the Melodyne adjustments to line up with where the vocal is now without redoing it all? And Is there a setting in Melodyne or Cakewalk that would make changes in track arrangements take the Melodyne adjustments along with the arranger sections when they’re moved. I know Melodyne can be applied on the clip rather than the track, and hopefully I’ll remember to do that in the future, but if there’s a setting that would help prevent this from happening again and a way to fix the current problem, that would be helpful.
  18. Hey All I was watching a tutorial on using Melodyne on backing vocals, and saw there was a Project View in Melodyne where the person could show the melody blobs of two separate tracks in one Melodyne view in for comparison. The topic wasn't how to set that up, so I don't know how. I have Melodyne 4 editor edition, so maybe it's a different version thing, but can someone tell me how to reference more than one track at once in Melodyne? 😀
  19. For the past few years I have been buying sheet music, scanning it into the computer with SmartScoreX2 (now SmartScore64) correcting the scan and turning into a MIDI type 1 for cakewalk to use. If necessary, I have learned how to split the file into left and right versions using the Staff view. There are some songs that simply never made it to sheet music or a MIDI file. Surfing around recently, I saw someone convert an audio file to MIDI in Fruity Loops. I followed it and realized that Melodyne can convert audio to MIDI. I am currently in Melodyne Studio 5.02.2003, loaded the audio; pulled up melodyne region effects; set the pitch and quantize to 100%; and then bounced the track to MIDI in melodyne. The result was very close; The melody is there. The Bass line is a mess. I am musically rather ignorant and have developed various tricks to get by. I have a good ear and can hear when something is off. I took an online course this spring on Music Theory which filled in many of my gaps in knowledge. https://stackskills.com/p/music-theory-for-electronic-producers-the-complete-course My question is: Can anyone give me suggestions on correcting the produced MIDI which seems to have a lot of extra notes and is quite busy(?). It is in the key of D major and I assume that should help me determine which notes are correct. Any guidance would be appreciated. If I can figure out how to do this, I'll have quite a bit of work to do on Music that did not reach sheet or MIDI level!
  20. i have some problem so i'm uninstalled the cakewalk and all the served addons and then, i'm download it again when download the cakewalk in the BandLab Assistant i can choose 4 addons but cant download the melodyne ( already checked in install box) (maybe, because it was downloaded before) but i don't need 30 day trial version ( if that is unlimited free, i have to fix my problem) so point is, melodyne, serviced in cakewalk is a 30 day trial version or unlimited free version? sorry for my bad English thx to read
  21. Talking with a fellow cakewalk user I was reminded that melodyne came free with cakewalk but I couldn't locate it- -I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the program from control panel (In spite my windows account being an admin this kept happening)- -I couldn't Directly un/install it either since the check boxes were faded out For context, I originally avoided installing melodyne right away in fear for my PC's processing power but after being able to mix and master some tracks I want to look into it and try again. Unfortunately I was greeted with the following technical problems as I just mentioned.
  22. In this brief overview of Melodyne 5 Essential. I cover the most basic controls as well as give a couple practical examples.
  23. New session, new issue. I have a vocal track with Melodyne on it. I'm trying to raise the level. Fader moves are audible. Gain all the way up or down not audible. I make drastic changes in EQ, not audible. Prochannel is on. But when I disable Melodyne, then I can hear the changes. Why is Melodyne affecting my track like this?
  24. Hello. I've got a strange problem and I'm not sure if it's me doing something improperly, or software. I'm using Cakewalk for like a month and now I started to learn the Melodyne. According to every tutorial and documentation, after running it as a region FX, the blobs should instantly appear orange-red. In my case they are always gray. Also lasso-selection is disabled, I can only select notes through double-clicking and edit them only by putting numbers into the inputs (the left section). Is it the software version limitation? Is it me forgetting to check one obscure box?
  25. This email flew by yesterday and I found the video (3:24) interesting enough that it is worth posting here. I have never used Melodyne during comping and the video says that this works in ALL versions. The part at 1:45 is worth noting (editing takes in Melodyne to align timing issues), since I had no clue that editting masked takes was even possible.
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