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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. You can use .BUN (Cakewalk bundle files) files but I would use WinRAR instead, its fail safe (in most cases). Your projects consist of 2 major parts, The CWP file and the audio that goes along for the ride.
  2. There is nothing better than a full sounding guitar lead (that is done using delay). I use Waves Manny Delay. I have presets for all sorts of havoc I reek.
  3. Nice video @Chandler I use a similar technique for ping pong delay. mostly used on repeat guitar/Vox. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
  4. Hey I have that battery pack for the X15. I think it is 6 D battery's. They didn't last long but it was nice listening to multi track recordings (through headphones) in the car back in the 80's.
  5. Hard to give any advice when you really haven't given any details about your set up (PC, Windows OS, Soundcard) I use Cakewalk 5 days a week, up to 10 hours a day for professional work and for me, it does a great job. but I have no idea what you are using it for. If you are throwing away a DAW because of one plug in, it seems you may have more issues else where.
  6. I love amp sims for stretching ideas down but when it comes to great recordings, nothing beats mic'ing a cab through a good pre amp. my recipe is easy, A Marshall JCM 900 using an SM57 into a Focusrite ISA ONE. I remember when amp sims first started making great strides, most of my home recording buddy's were selling their amps. I knew amp sims were great, I have flirted with them for years, still own my original Rockman X100, Line 6 POD 2.0, exc but they still can not replicate an environment. There is also a lot to be said for the transformers and circuit characteristics.
  7. You need to set the Reverb to 100% wet and control the wet/dry amount by throwing a send on each track you want to feed the reverb bus. If you set the send to full, you will hear more than enough reverb. Its the same as it was using an analog desk was back in the hey day. IE- Putting your rack effects on a bus and sending to it. There was no FX returns on those X15's. I know I had one and still do . I also have the Tascam studio 8
  8. I would ditch that and re install the old one. There has been aq known issue with the new Focusrite Scarlet drivers. Read more here-
  9. you are correct, sorry I misinterpreted that. Possibly its the Audio interface/Soundcards initializing process. Or a device (midi device) that cant synch with Sonar. What devices, soundcard are you using ?
  10. Have you tried opening Cakewalk in Safe mode ?
  11. No probs Ted. There will be some leg work involved at first but im sure it will be easy once you configured it and save it in a preset. Thank god for General mapping or we would all be screwed
  12. No probs @Jeremy Jensen I try to respect everyone's way of working. So I totally understand where your coming from man.
  13. try instead to left click that little tiny arrow in the corner of the tool. This lets you choose the tool while still keeping the HUD open.
  14. This is a great example of users working in different ways. Personally the tool HUD disappearing after each click is exactly how I want the feature to work. I can use the "T" shortcut (or middle mouse button) to bring it up at any time. For instances as you speak of, where you want to switch tools of the same icon, I use the tool module in the control bar. Too bad there wasn't a way we could both be happy, maybe have it as an option or some sort.
  15. Session drummer does use general midi mapping (GM level 1). Scroll down about half way down this page https://www.midi.org/specifications/item/gm-level-1-sound-set Wish I could help more but I've only ever used SD3 in Cakewalk/Sonar.
  16. If your using windows ease of access to zoom in for a better view on your OS, try resetting that to zero.
  17. It is possibly Vegas is either trying to scan this DLL or it is corrupt. OpenGL (Open Graphics Layer) is used in a lot of programs. But OPGL32 is an older version. We are up to OPGL2 now. Im not sure if its part of Sony vegas or part of Cakewalk that was somehow placed in the path of the initializing process in starting vegas. Personally I would find the DLL, take note of its placement folder, then I would temporarily move it and restart vegas. TBH, this may/or may not have anything to do with Cakewalk. it could be just a coincidence. Asking a question like this here is going to be tough as its not really a Cakewalk question, but a Vegas one.
  18. http://forum.cakewalk.com/SOLVED-Freeze-when-scanning-opengl32swdll-m3622849.aspx
  19. Cakewalk Sonar went bankrupt. The company was gone. We were gifted the company to life again by a very logical business man. I personally am grateful for that and not anticipating "What other little things will we find". Im a customer of Toshiba TV's for may years but I don't feel like they owe me anything. And if they threw a free TV in my lap, I surely wouldn't be looking for the spy camera
  20. Im running low on solutions but I might be able to suggest a few more.. - Any midi devices plugged in ? (these can send midi messages to turn off REC functions) - Are you in punch in mode ? (this might turn off REC mode) - Where you viewing the REC button from ? (Note: To see the Arm for Recording button in the Track Inspector and Console view, make sure the MSR module is visible.) - Possibly Auto arm is confusing something here
  21. Another thread he does mention he is using Windows 10 And using ASIO4ALL Probably have better luck with WASAPI
  22. I believe this... MIDIPLUS S-Engine
  23. They don't now either. Im not sure what you are doing to have this happen. Possibly a "Stop at project end" is causing it. I tried to reproduce this and I couldn't. I thought at first maybe it was because you were arming the take lane vs. the track itself. Wish I could be more help as to why this is happening. I just cant repro it here.
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