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Jeremy Jensen

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  1. My feedback to this release is THANK YOU for nested folders. Such an important enhancement. As far as I'm concerned CbB is perfect now.
  2. That's what I'm asking for. That's also what I thought a wet-dry control was.
  3. Cakewalk was able to get me going and I was able to redownload and install my CA-2A and Dimension Pro. Thanks Cakewalk!
  4. Another vote for changing your snap settings to "snap by". I rarely use the normal "snap to."
  5. I know I've seen this covered on this forum before, but I honestly can't find it with a search. How do we get to our old Cakewalk plugins, like CA-2A and Dimension Pro? I know that, if I could get into my old Cakewalk account that I'd likely be able to download them, but I tried to log into my account and it didn't work. I tried to recover my password and never received an email to do so. I recall hearing about this problem a lot early on after CbB started, but again, I can't find a solution on this forum. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
  6. When a plugin is in the dock, and you can see it, you should be able to disable and enable that plugin from the dock tab. Sometimes it's a big pain, and a little frustrating, to see that plugin but then have to find the track it's on to either disable or enable it.
  7. I am love, love, loving the visual clip gain stuff. That, and the new Melodyne 5 update with leveling features has made leveling vocals so easy. What used to take me 20 minutes is now a five minute (tops) job. Thank you!!
  8. Since not every VST has a wet/dry control, Cakewalk should allow us to individually control the wet/dry of any plugin we add to a track, bus, or clip.
  9. Just came here to say that I'm absolutely loving the per-module presets in the ProChannel. Thank you so much for that one.
  10. Just thought I'd add that there's a song I'm working on where three separate time I've had to go through and turn down every track by a significant number of DBs, and it's not because I'm an idiot. I think this would be a useful feature.
  11. In the next few months, I'm going to be performing the grueling task of reinstalling all my music software on a new computer. It occurred to me that it would be really helpful at this time to be able to go into the plugin manager and export just a simple list (maybe as a PDF or CSV) of all my installed plugins, so that I'll know what I have to reinstall for next time. I searched for this feature request already and I don't think it's been made. Also, please, if you don't like this idea, don't tell me why it's stupid or not needed (unless of course this exact feature already exists somewhere). Just move on to the next thread. Thank you.
  12. Mark Morgon-Shaw, this is how to disagree with my feature without being a dick.
  13. It's entirely irrelevant because software should be designed to be used as software, and not limited artificially by how things were done before software. In today's world, sometimes people might find themselves in a situation where, either through their own stupidity or whatever else, they've turned everything up too loud. I was asking for a feature to make my life easier. If you wouldn't find it useful, all you have to do is say nothing. Again, what's wrong with you?
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