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Just Get Along


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Hey John,
The message/story line here is great; the lack of rhymes in most of the verses; its really about the message.
Love the drum track, excellent bass line; however (boy I hope I don't have this wrong) it would really "shine"
if it was played and not a midi track. I "play" in bass lines on the keyboard a lot, but sometimes I gotta pull the
bass down off the wall and play the bass line.
Overall, "thumbs up" man, I like it!


Edited by DeeringAmps
left out a word
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Hey JohnB . . . yes, I remember that Rodney King LA  moment, seems so long ago now, and I really appreciate that your lyrics are so positive. Musically , it swings a lot more as it goes along,  nice touch with all the horn parts, a very well detailed arrangement.

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Too bad we all need to be reminded to get along with our fellow humans, but that's the way it is I guess.
Nice to hear some positive words now and then.
The jazzy accompaniment fits the lyrics very well. The "disagree/World War 3" pairing is wonderful.  (Well, just one of those lyric things I appreciate.)

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8 hours ago, Douglas Kirby said:

It's a well written song and I like the message in the lyrics. Again, you vocal makes me think of Dan Fogelberg - nothing wrong with that.

You know, the brass sounded pretty good -  what did you use there? Made me think a bit of Chicago.

@Douglas KirbyGarritan Jazz & Big Band.  Thanks!


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You did indeed create a song well done.  The lyrics are the meat but the music is the desert (my attempt at an analogy that complements).  Thanks for  the video!  It is sometimes amazing how simple statements can hold so much truth.  Well crafted and performed John!!!!

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On 1/31/2020 at 3:01 PM, freddy j said:

You did indeed create a song well done.  The lyrics are the meat but the music is the desert (my attempt at an analogy that complements).  Thanks for  the video!  It is sometimes amazing how simple statements can hold so much truth.  Well crafted and performed John!!!!

@freddy jThanks so much, Freddy!


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JB, I love the vocals on this.  The lyrics are great, but the vocals are very good.  You are stepping out with your very own style.  Keep on singing man, it just gets better every time you let you shine through.

I don't like to compare, and this is probably a bad comparison, but it reminded me of Randy Newman. 

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Yes I'd agree it's some of your best singing that I've heard so far. Cool job on the bgv's and I liked that heavy reverb thing on the vocals, just a taste of that in a song is cool for variety. The horns in spots maybe could come down just a hair in volume, I dunno, it's pretty good. Any time the horns cover a vocal you might dip them a tad?

Oh yes good sentiment and much needed.



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37 minutes ago, Johnbee58 said:

The Randy Newman compare is kinda accurate,  I do sound a bit like him, don't I?  I always liked his song "Short People".

Yes, and that is a good thing, but you are still you, there is room for similarities across this broad spectrum

JB, that's your voice, now REPRESENT!

With deliberate cautious steps keep moving towards that end.

You have the chops, the creativity, and desire, now loosen it up a bit, more that is.

Peace and goodwil

Edited by Jesse Screed
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