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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. This is great thank you so much Noel ☺️....I can finally export a bunch of folders in a queue A few things I noticed... The order of the Track Folders in the Export Dialogue is different to the order in the Project ( not sure what logic it is using ) When selecting the What To Export Source, I ticked what I wanted but then realised I hadn't chosen my Export Preset. When I did so the export dialogue returned to the default " Entire Mix " and I lost my selection. When I changed the Range from Time Selection to Entire Mix and then back again , I did not get my original Time Selection back. It seems to stay on the Entire Mix range thereafter. PS - I can confirm I have tested the Folder Export and all seems great PPS - Just a thought, whilst using the Task Queue...would it make more sense for the Task Name to Default to the same as the Filename ?
  2. Just export as normal and because you used the arranger section to make the selection that's what will be exported ( the dark bit ) ☺️
  3. Yes , me - but if it stays until clicked or goes when clicked elsewhere that's fine ☺️
  4. How about it just goes if you click anywhere else but the notification ? ☺️
  5. This plugin is a lifesaver sometimes ! ☺️?
  6. There is a good review of the Rollermouse here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M68yTRNkgO0&t=134s For the record I hate trackballs ! Really really hate them ! Ever since Missile Command ( 1980 )
  7. That depends where you live ! ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech_laws_in_the_United_Kingdom
  8. Yes I have found the same as well ! ☺️ It won't play smoothly unless I use the commit command and alter the project
  9. Yes this is already the current procedure for many years - was hoping for an improvement with this update but it hasn't brought me any further forward - never mind ☺️
  10. +1 ☺️ I would like to see the Region FX state have different colours for example if bypassed but it would be so much quicker to be able to bypass it from the clip header as the bypass is a couple of menus deep. The more you can do without delving into menus and sub menus the better ?
  11. Such good info here thank you Treesha ...the plot thickens huh ? ?
  12. Hello chaps ☺️ I have found if I use the Arranger Track Region to make a selection, that any track with a Melodyne Region FX in it seems to be omitted from the selection. I can add it to the selection by Ctrl-Clicking etc but I expected it would have been selected with everything else ? Or is it designed that wat on purpose for some reason ? PS - I am using the 2021.09 ( build 099 )
  13. We can do it with the new update ! ☺️ Did you check out the latest Early Access 2021.09 - It allows for Export by Arranger section as requested by the OP Also you can just drag audio clip to the desktop
  14. You know it was actually from an Orchestral arrangement of a Rolling Stone songs right ?
  15. Yes I was about to say the same thing ☺️....try unplugging the KB
  16. No I want it there, what if I go to make a coffee whilst it's exporting the queue and miss it
  17. We've finally caught up, the Cubase one has been similar for a long time
  18. No problems here ☺️...it must be a local issue
  19. I would like it more if it matched my Theme ☺️
  20. There isn't anything going into the red on the rest of the project but some of the drum tracks are routed to buses with a -8db gain so I don't know if that's the cause ? I decided to stay up late and try this now on a previous project ☺️...a few thoughts if I may ? Thought one - I am very impressed overall by the new Export Options it seems incredibly well thought out, congrats to the team Thought two - Default Export Screen was too small for my monitor, It would be nice to be able to maximise with one click - It's good that its remember the previous size you stretched it to however if you open it - resize - then close it before running the export I think it will revert to it's previous state. Thought three - I had to deselect an awful lots of other tracks to leave my Aux track selected - is it possible to have a ' select all / none ' option ? I did discovered the shift-click trick but it was still a lot of tracks to scroll down to get to the end of the list. Thought 4 - I love the " open Export Location Toast " ..Bravo ! ☺️ Thought 5 - After comparing the two Drum Stems using both methods I somehow ended up with a quite different sounding mix using the Aux track method. I have screenshotted from a stereo editor side by side so you can see, the upper Wav is using the Aux track and the lower one is the old fashioned method of soloing the Folder. I am not sure quite why the difference occurred, I have an inkling it may be to do with my ( admittedly complex ) bus routing and the Aux track is not following the same routing at some point. I don't believe it's the program - it's probably me ! Suffice to say I think doing it the Aux Track way adds too much complexity to what is a very elegant way to export a stem and I feel the existing method is a much quicker and simpler workflow ( simply solo the folder and export the mix ) and I have more confidence that the resulting file will be what I expect. Whilst it would be a " nice to have " to be able to select Folders in the new Export Screen if it's not possible I will stick to the tried and trusted thanks
  21. I just watched the Aux Tracks Tutorial on Cake TV - I am unsure if I have routed something wrong but when I created an Aux Track for everything within the Drums Folder, upon playback they clipped the Aux Track. But nothing is clipping within the normal mix ?
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