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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. I don't know, even @msmcleod was in support of this in 2019 ..maybe he can update us ?
  2. ADSR just released a new update, I might try it after they roll out the next CBB version
  3. Oh I see - I came in halfway through ...did not realise what you are trying to achieve
  4. Have you tried putting them into a Folder and exporting that - we can export Folders now
  5. I don't know if anyone else has the same experience but this release seems more prone to falling over when duplicating a VSTi track ( inc note data ) Sometimes it works , other times the whole thing freezes and stops then closes without warning - I suppose it could be a plugin on my end, more testing required
  6. As many have said above, mic technique / placement is probably a better solution than trying to fix it afterwards ☺️ However I can recommend Gullfoss which is an auto EQ plugin that continuously adjust itself , I think it's 1,000 times per second to keep the spectral balance flat I think you can still get a trial version
  7. Thanks, as long as it's not just me then. I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to run a full mix at 64 sample buffer... hopefully you boffins can come up with a solution
  8. Is it just me or does everyone else have glitches when auditioning a new arrangement ? When it jumps to a new section it's far from smooth..I usually end up committing it and then undoing it if I don't like, just so I can listen to it properly ( I have a beast of a PC btw.. 32gb ram, 12 core processor , NVME etc )
  9. Possible Bug : If you cancel the Export and choose not to keep the partially rendered file it still comes up with the Toast Notification that it's successfully completed and offers the link to the location of the non-existent file
  10. That is very sad to hear ? 10 years ago a good friend of mine and a wonderful bass player died from pancreatic cancer too. I still think of him often. I know you are grieving very hard now, but it will get easier. Be sure to look after yourself.
  11. Something that has always bugged me is if you float the multi dock to another screen and then need to minimize it for some reason, it obscures a small part of the track view that sometimes you need to see. ☺️ Multidock is open on 2nd screen Multidock is now minimized ( i.e. to use 2nd screen for plugin ) but obscures part of screen ?
  12. Have you tried the Bandlab App ? Maybe this would be more suited to your needs, and then you can open the same project in Calkwalk later for more detailed production work. ☺️
  13. It looks like you may have accidentally muted the clips ( highlight and press K to mute or unmute ) ☺️
  14. I think you can click anywhere except clip header ☺️ ( not sure how it works if not using headers - maybe that is what you mean ?? )
  15. You can easily apply clip gain to a single clip. Place the mouse pointer over the clip - Hold down the Ctrl Key and click and drag vertically with the left mouse button pressed. ☺️
  16. I meant to mention this before, very minor thing ☺️ If you upload your own text file into the toast notifications ( i.e Oblique Strategies ) then some of them get truncated as they contain too many characters
  17. Good Tip thanks Craig ☺️ I tried it but unfortunately I got a Load Failure error! Not sure why that would be ? Not a major issue for me as I tend to use 3rd party plugins, I like Kazrog True Iron for this type of thing .
  18. @Noel Borthwick Hi Noel I have been testing and I think this may be a bug. The Tag Filename Builder doesn't seem to work if you use "Folder " as the Tag But if you use Track Name , it picks up the Folder name instead ( if all the Project Tracks are within Folders ) Hope that makes sense ☺️
  19. Will_Kaydo I do not understand how you end up with 8 AUX tracks ☺️ ..I have written EDM tracks that have been used professionally but I don't use AUX track at all -my learning years with the DAW precedes AUX tracks . What do you use them for and why up to 8 on a single source ?? Do you have an example to listen to ?
  20. It would be better if there was a global bypass button like in S1 ☺️ Then you can hear more easily what it's doing.
  21. Understood, thanks for the clarification. ☺️ One slight thing I am struggling with, I may be doing it wrong but I thought if I added the Tag of 'Folder' after the main filename it should work but I get the warning about it not producing unique filenames.
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