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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. It's kind of moot if someone quotes you first. Tho that's never stopped me.
  2. Mostly from poorly written code or code that's incompatible with other code inside or outside it's immediate realm, as has recently been reported. But anyway, this is a request/report forum. Users can request/report whatever they want. A better requesting approach would be to use a Yay or Ney Poll which few if any have tried yet. This would avoid needless backfeed and show the devs how popular the idea is. Why THIS forum lacks a Star Rate Number Voting system when it should have one... and the Q&A forum has one but isn't used or needed... is a mystery.
  3. My drivers group mixer inputs in pairs. This allows one to record separate mono tracks or one stereo track: Onyx In 1/2 L = Left or channel 1 of the mixer. This records MONO from mixer channel 1 only - regardless of what's plugged into channel 2. Mixer Pan is ignored. Onyx In 1/2 R = Right or channel 2 of the mixer. This records MONO from mixer channel 2 only. Mixer Pan is ignored. Onyx In 1/2 S = Stereo or both channels. This records both channels into one track. Set mixer Pan for channel 1 hard left and channel 2 hard right for stereo recording. Set both mixer Pans to center for both mics recording a MONO track. Set both mixer Pans hard left or right if you want both mics recording to the same side of the track. If each mixer channel was set to one driver input you would not be able to record a stereo signal into one track unless you used the mixer's Main stereo output to the track input, which would record everything you hear coming out of the mixer.
  4. I use "Friendly Names" and renamed mine Onyx In 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, etc. In track input dropdown they look like: Onyx In 1/2 L (left) Onyx In 1/2 R (right) Onyx In 1/2 S (stereo) The shorter the name, the more legible they are in Console View
  5. Not long ago CB SOLO was also not included for Busses until someone requested it. Why MUTE wasn't included then IDK.
  6. Currently in the Inspector default double-wide view, a Simple Instrument track can toggle between Synth and MIDI strip by the lower Audio/MIDI buttons. But when you shrink Inspector to single-wide view to increase screen space, the Audio/MIDI buttons disappear with no apparent way to toggle the strips. Request to add buttons or menu selection feature in the Display drop-down to do it.
  7. If I could add to #1: "Cakewalk" synths automatically insert an icon in the Synth Rack but not on the synth/instrument Track/Strip - would be nice if it did. The MIDI track I often use a different icon.
  8. I have all the Sonars installed and have had stuff go sideways when uninstalling older ones after installing the latest so concern is valid. There are common files all Cakewalk installs handle so if one is uninstalled it may remove some of those files. However, CbB installs with very limited plugin set - so probably not an issue if uninstalled. If still concerned I would simply delete the files, not uninstall them. I've learned to never install older Sonars after newer ones - even with minimum install to just get plugins can disrupt the newer versions, which then have to be reinstalled to fix issues. Regardless if you uninstall CbB or not, Sonitus presets will get overwritten so save any custom presets thru the Export function before installing new app. No. Projects will carry over without need to do anything. They can be opened in any Cakewalk version but older versions will warn you it was saved in a newer version and may not have some of the features it was last saved with. No. Unless you changed some hardware then it will give you options. No. Plugins are in a common folder. However, you can temporarily rename all the common "Shared" folders so uninstall ignores them.
  9. Agreed. That was just my thinking on the matter since most of us can't and probably never will be able to "simply write a CAL script". There is documentation out there on how to do it from probably 20 years ago? I can't even figure out Articulations so it gets filed under: Outcome Not Justify Time Spent Learning. Searching for CAL info I came across an old thread about AZSlow's AZ Lua that does CAL type routines.
  10. Yes but most users won't do that. Instead they'll just pass if they can't interpret the lingo or even figure out what it's for. They're basically macros that, at least for some, should've been integrated into the DAW itself. I think as MIDI editing becomes a thing of the past for main stream users, CAL may be completely abandoned down the road.
  11. Obviously I would have no clue what the initial values are (unless they're all the same) so I would want them all to adjust randomly between the low and high value I set for them. VARYVEL does work when they're all set to 100 but it's another step to remember before using it. I'm sure most of the old CAL's could be revamped to work smoother as some others don't work so well if at all like UNDUPE which others have updated or replaced (CleanTrack.cal by "sping" undupes and unoverlaps). Biggest issue I have with CAL is the unintuitive descriptions on some, like: "Window for time identity: [0 ]", or "Padding in Ticks: [2 ]". I have no clue what that means or what value to enter.
  12. I would try: 1. Bouncing the clip 1st then adjust gain 2. Copy clip to a new track by Ctrl+drag to lower empty space (not using the Duplicate Track function) then adjust gain 3. Adjusting gain on another part of the clip to reproduce issue If none of these work, the clip could be compromised. I've had to do this many times - thus the reason for multiple saved project versions.
  13. To me no one set "does it" so I usually mix and match. SI Drum Kit, Session Drummer 2 & 3, Addictive Drums2 all came with various versions of Cakewalk. I've also collected various samples off the web. Dimension has drum samples & kits too, if you have it.
  14. Thanks guys. I was dealing with a series of notes that already had various velocities and I think that was confusing the CAL giving me an erroneous low value. As David found, it seems to work better when the entire selection is set to 100 first. I have 2 ea. from 1991 and 2011. They look identical in Notepad. VARYVEL 1991.CAL downloaded from Mudgel's collection VARYVEL 2011.CAL from SPlat & CbB Today at least the 2011 version seems more consistent not requiring values to be reset to 100 before a 2nd or 3rd change while the 1991 version does??
  15. Funny they have 2 for the price of 1. Ctrl-Shift-B is now Bounce to Clip(s)...
  16. Trying to set a series of velocities with VARYVEL but it defaults the lower value to 50 no mater what number I enter. It worked for a time with 89 but now it also reverts it to 50. Is there another CAL that does the same? [SOLVED] Set all notes to 100 before running CAL.
  17. Like this thread.... is now discontinued.
  18. Aim Assist Line IS a dotted line. You can change the color in Preferences or Theme Editor.
  19. Does this replace the CbB guide or will it still be available?
  20. For some reason that wasn't working yesterday but the plugin name was shown for each list. Today it's working but there's no plugin name on the Sonitus lists like there is for every other plugin. Seems there's also a preset list for each version of Sonar, and the universal one you referenced.
  21. So I'm curious what happens when a preset is saved in the header panel as I don't see physical evidence anywhere and they aren't saved in the INI file. These seem to disappear during an update as I've lost all I saved that way.
  22. What Save-As to a new folder does. Having several project iterations in the same folder confuses which audio goes with which iteration. OTOH, saving each iteration to it's own folder recreates used audio files each time. 20 + iterations per project can really load up a HD that way.... I have over 60 for some .
  23. More obvious is Recycle Bin which affects all HDs on the system. Some say don't worry about deleting them as 10 GB is nothing on high volume drives. But when multiple folders behave this way they can add up. Besides, 10 GB is just enough to redline a drive close to capacity..
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