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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Any Strummaker users have the capo revert to a different setting each time a project is opened? Can't figure out why this is happening or if it can be fixed.
  2. Kinda like Mackie's Rude Solo light... it really is rude!
  3. Help in finding files on your system: Everything from voidtools has been a life saver here. It literally finds everything and does so in an instant.
  4. A "Zoom to selection" hotkey would be nice. I hover the mouse over the selection and use Ctrl+scroll to zoom there, but sometimes it's like chasing a wet mouse. There is this which works pretty well: https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Tools.17.html#:~:text=Cakewalk by BandLab is free,the award-winning DAW now.&text=You can use lasso to select a specific area to zoom into.&text=Hold down the Z key,level%2C press ALT%2BZ.
  5. Anyone use a joystick for DAW work? Yaw and pitch for scrolling seems more intuitive. Assign buttons for mouse clicking. Trigger for play/stop, etc. Or is that even possible?
  6. Does anyone use the Navigator window, and how? I suppose it was more useful when monitors were tiny and you couldn't see the whole project, but now with large screens I don't even think about it. Odd that it can open above Track View and in Miltidock at the same time.
  7. Thanks Christina, works here too. It's actually my #2 above. Now if only you can answer why Melodyne usually opens empty requiring me to go back to Track View and reclick on the clip for it to show up in the edit window - also something that doesn't happen in videos. I'm still on v4 so maybe v5 fixed this?
  8. See if anything here helps: https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base-Search?query=[Guitar-Tracks-Pro-3]
  9. Those rotten apples... and countless wrist injuries.
  10. Exactly. So far it's 2 for 2 then. Cakewalk either displays the word Enabled, one of the synths, or nothing at all. So either Cakewalk is confused what should be there or there's a communication disconnect at this level. I have Ultra Analog and 5 instances of Arturia CZ V in this project. TTS1 is not in this project yet pressing the Inst button brings it up. Where and how is it doing this?? Curious if there's a file somewhere I can edit to fix it.
  11. It's always worked great as a basic MIDI controller but as a DAW controller not so much. After my last reinstall of the entire system a lot of the issues disappeared. But today it's randomly failing to control any DAW functions without closing and reopening CbB. And the strange status field hieroglyphics are back except when it displayed Cakewalk TTS-1 that's not even in the project. X1-X3 leave the status field blank.
  12. Plugins are a bag of worms anymore. I had plugins show up in the PM that I had physically removed, yet I could insert and use them. Others weren't in the PM but were in the insert list. Still others in the PM reported bogus folder paths. Probably a sign the registry is wonky. Kontakt is the worst. I used to have 2 different versions installed that scanned and worked fine with all 6 plugins (3 each) until recently. Now I can only get one or two of the 3 to show up in PM.
  13. Use a shorter monitor... I see Sonar added Send module Pan to narrow strip. CbB only has level.
  14. Those sidewinder thingies are a step in the right direction (tho track ball swidewinders will wear out your thumb). Anything that extends the wrist for prolonged periods can damage it over time. A mouse/keyboard that allows the wrist to relax in the flat or flexion position - or one that requires occasional wrist movement, would be almost risk free, but I've never seen such a device. I've resorted to bracing my wrist on the edge of the desk/table with my elbow below it, which keeps the wrist in a flat position.
  15. Wide vs Narrow is a per-track/bus feature allowing any number of combinations. I like all CV audio & synth strips wide and all MIDI narrow since the fader is all I use. Busses are narrow when space is needed. Would be nice to have separate Widen All/Narrow All for Audio, MIDI, and Bus strips in the view menu.
  16. Laptop. Desktop. Ready made. Custom built. Single monitor. Dual monitors. I've had them all but this has always been there with the X series, tho lately very seldom. Traveling Stock Reserve? Total Shareholder Return? Trans-Siberian Railway? Technical Support Representative? don't think I've ever installed any, and the last one is never any help...
  17. Several times. But I think Mr No Name is on to something.
  18. I used 2 instances of AGM2L which has several different samples for each note so the duplicating effect is minimized. You can also use 2 different VSTs for each 6 string.
  19. Full octave tunings aren't possible with the VST but would have been nice. You could duplicate the MIDI track and move the lower 4 string notes in PRV up one octave on the 2nd track... can be tedious but sounds ok... AGM2L with a little Sonitus reverb: MTAF AGM2L.mp3 Yamaha XG Folk Guitar with some MIDI Chorus: MTAF XG Folk.mp3
  20. A 1 pixel area right below Control Bar has always had some sort of peep show going on since X1 and before themes. It should be a solid color. It comes and goes at will so there's no scenario to reproduce it. Curious if Sonar does this too.
  21. Before colors we had the track Number & Name at the bottom of each Inspector strip.
  22. Good to know tho if it happens again here probably won't remember to check. For me these are one-time-only glitches. There's another SOLO/MUTE glitch that happens all the time in CbB: In PRV clicking solo or mute on either of a paired synth/MIDI track results in the other one not responding "visually" to the changes until the mouse hovers over it. Clicking one should affect both. Not sure about new Sonar.
  23. I never got the "blurry on 4K monitors" thing with CbB. Maybe it's the monitor but I only have one on a 17" laptop and it's crisp at all settings. Only issue here is 17" @3840x2160 is too small so 250% zoom or 1920x1080 is used.
  24. Funny how some software makers use titles for their updated versions resembling virus or disease IDs. or is it?!
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