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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. We can copy clips but not entire tracks as-is between projects. This means carrying over Input & Output data along with whatever synths, plugins, and automation reside there... which could make one more way for Cake to crash if things weren't quite right.
  2. Many ways to skin cat... poor cat.
  3. Or maybe click-n-drag the entire track from the track header to another open project like clips can do already.
  4. Things like this mostly protect/control/hinder your access to stuff... not the stuff itself or professional hackers who want it. My phone has finger print access but too often tells me I've exceeded the allowed number of attempts when I never even touched it.
  5. "Looks like" a video driver conflict or a corrupt project. If you're on default Workspace try opening in Safe Mode removing all plugins to eliminate them as the cause. If it goes away, bring them back one-by-one until it happens again. If it still happens with no plugins then it's something else. If you need to rebuild the project you can drag all the clips to a new project.
  6. Probably the closest thing to a snap but you have to watch the left hand gage closely to maintain the same value. Would be a smashing good bit of werk flow if we could hold Shift or some such while using the draw tool to maintain the same value across the sweep. Still, you can select all the notes and simply enter the value in Event Module, tho you may have to zero them all first.
  7. For those watching at home, this is important as simply extending the "clip" end to the zero point won't work. Empty space before the 1st event will be deleted. BTW, it can be any kind of event so long as something is there to retain the clip length.
  8. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Automation.12.html or Cakewalk Reference Guide pg1231
  9. sjoens

    "Hear the Call"

    ... assumin' they still has any.
  10. For some, the accent is easier than the language. For most tho, it's just the opposite.
  11. No snap there. You can request it in the Feedback Forum. Otherwise you can use the Event Module or run CAL scripts to set a range of velocities on selected notes.
  12. I don't think Staff View was ever meant for real editing but there are a few things it can do.... like print basic sheet music. 😊
  13. Sounds like maybe a locked Screenset or Workspace setting?
  14. Of course, I should have said to check your Audio settings for ASIO but everything I read on it said the um2 didn't have those drivers. Glad you got it working tho.
  15. Undoubtedly. I'm leaning that way since CbB is the most crash prone version I've used lately. Just opened a project and did nothing but try to change a MIDI clip's right hand icon from PRV to Staff View, but as soon as I clicked on the icon, CbB quit working and crashed. 3 times in a row! Hasn't always been the case but on my current installs 32 bit SPlat seems to work better and crash far less.... and it's theme-able. 😊
  16. It can be done but using the Edit From & Thru method seems clunky if not convoluted and didn't always work as expected for me. Selecting notes is best done using the Select Module, dragging thru the Time Ruler, or clicking on an Arranger section. The Move and Edit Tools don't work in Staff View. Staff tools are available by right-clicking anywhere in the Staff window or the Process menu. In Staff View with Smart Tool selected: 1. Drag the mouse thru the Staff View Time Ruler or right-click and drag over notes to select them 2. Right-click the Staff window and select Slide 3. Make sure you select "Events in Tracks" or nothing will move 4. Enter your choices and click OK Clear selections by clicking on the clef symbol. If you choose minute values you won't see any notes move in Staff View but you will in PRV.
  17. Touché (#7) . But since there's no real forum for legacy products you can see why users who infrequent the forums might get confused.
  18. See if these links help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g98J36XmDhQ https://www.reddit.com/r/Behringer/comments/rfv38r/solved_behringer_uphoria_um2_windows_finds_no/ I've been using 32 bit SPlat with Melodyne lately and find it a lot more stable and event free than CbB ATM. Unlike CbB, Melodyne opens in SPlat full page without having to do anything special and just works. In CbB, after Melodyne opens, I have to reclick on the clip for it to show any content. Then I have to double click the Multidock tab for it to open full screen, which it already is but hides behind Track View. With a lot of audio edits, CbB is always crashing. So far in 32 bit SPlat, notAone.
  19. I love it when voting throws all the posts out of order....
  20. Easiest way is in Track View. 1. Isolate the clip section you want moved. 2. Select it and go to Process>Slide... and chose how & where to move it: Click OK:
  21. Why not ask google? It knows everything. https://www.google.com/search?q=does+normalizing+audio+raise+head+room&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS1094US1094&oq=does+normalizing+audio+raise+head+room&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRigAdIBCjE1NTEyajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 For "smoothing levels" it might be more useful for the OP to use a limiter instead. But I really don't know.
  22. What I meant was, doing it on several tracks connected to the same synth - like gustabo said - should work without incident. Doing it on several different synths together at the same time may not always work. For me it seldom works. I end up doing them one at a time.
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