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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Most Toast notes have white text and are easy to read. But some (usually warnings) have black text and aren't easy to read at all. Is this by design?
  2. I've been getting the Sign in to BandLab toast for some time but have been ignoring it, without incident so far.
  3. For me the BitBridge error had nothing to do with 32 bit plugins as it occurred as soon as Sonar (X1 thru 3) was launched and before any project was open. Running as admin corrected this and my Plugin Manager issues. But they probably aren't related to this one.
  4. Not if you used the right-click menu. This gets me now and then when I accidently click Hide Track instead of Narrow Strip in Console View. Hit the H key or in the Track View menu, go to Tracks > Track Manager and check the unchecked tracks.
  5. You can also replace the last character in the file type, like "xxxx.dl_" or "xxxx.dl-". I had a similar issue with BitBridge after installing X1, 2, & 3 - for no logical reason. What worked for me was to right-click the Sonar.exe file, go to Properties > Compatibility and select Run as Administrator. There should be no reason to have to do this for any program, but my issue also involved the Plugin Manager not working right for those same programs, so something went sideways during the Sonar installation processes or a Windows update broke something... again.
  6. And the red Activation required Toast note has hard-to-read black text. Should be white!
  7. sjoens

    Sonar 8.5 studio

    Me thinks the OP already did... @Kim Cravens Cakewalk by BandLab is soon to be obsolete so you might look into the New Sonar demo downloadable at the bottom of this page.
  8. That... and I don't see any "arranger" sections in the Arranger track. Once you add one and select it, the affected track sections will get darker.
  9. Just thinking the "hidden" dll's in the Shared\Internal folder are for Style Dials, thus the St prefix: "StVX 6464.dll" which might explain why they are excluded and the reported issues when trying to use them directly. I only have one listing here in the Vstpugins folder dated 2012, and the Shared\Internal folder dated 2014. Both version 1.0.3. It is curious, tho, why SPlat, CbB, & Sonar each have their own Style Dial folder (again all the same) when they could easily be in a common folder... to save space if nothing else.
  10. You can actually have multiple Arranger tracks used for different things.
  11. 1. CCC doesn't have all my products for some reason. I normally download them thru my legacy account and store the installers locally. Updates are available thru the website Knowledge Bass. 2. Some plugins are part of the main installation. However, you can run a "custom" installation and choose only the plugins you want without installing the program itself.
  12. Troubling that there's a "this version outdated" toast along with a "this version expired" toast and a "new version" toast while the start screen says "up to date". Only when I downloaded the update (not installed) did the start screen change to "update available".
  13. Most older Cakewalk plugins have Resource folders like that. I count 36 folders here. This is true of many included plugins... because different Cakewalk versions put them all over the place, which makes for a lot of extra unnecessary files. One installation put the DX version of Dimension in C:\Shared DXi folder all by itself as well as in the normal Cakewalk\Shared DXi folder. Too bad the dynamic graphics and text aren't changeable with these older plugins as some text are getting too small too see on newer screens.
  14. "Advanced" option is at the bottom of the Preferences window and shows everything in "None" as well as "Advanced" Workspace. I count 30 items for each. It is off by default. Other Workspaces may not show everything when selected.
  15. Works for Psyn II but not RXP. This works for RXP Groove Browser & Pentagon I DX: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\rgc:audio Software\Dxi\Pentagon I In other news... Pentagon I VST = "Cakewalk Sonar has stopped working" (crash) If a plugin supports it, the setting will be listed under the new top bar icon. Turning it OFF in Preferences to display some plugins won't help those that need it.
  16. RXP (32 bit) opens in 64 bit new Sonar, CbB, and SPlat but the Groove Browser is empty. Groove Browser works in all 32 bit Sonars and 64 bit X1-X3.
  17. Select all and drag up & down, or CAL script Scale Velocity to lower or raise by a %, or Piano Roll View > Transform Tool - .
  18. Since when did that matter... here. I've recorded acoustic guitar with a piezo bridge p/u, a LANCE humbucker p/u, and a diaphragm mic at the same time all routed to separate tracks for a nice blended sound.
  19. Good catch. Probably my issue too but will check later. EDIT: My mouse was set to 3 which was causing the blurry cursors. At 1 the cursors are too small to see on a 17" 4K screen so larger mouse cursor sizes are sometimes needed.
  20. Thanks for clarifying Promidi. It makes more sense now. Tho articulations are still too complex for me to get into.
  21. Not sure but it sounds like I got 2 different answers??
  22. Try different scale settings. I find only a few display cursor icons clearly when using 4K (3840x2160) res's. 100% = clear 125% = clear 150% = blurry 175% = blurry [This scale gives the best overall view for me on a 17" screen] 200% = clear 225% = clear 250% (Recommended) = clear 300% = blurry 350% = blurry
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