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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Using LUNA in Windows Includes PDF manual link Known issues at the bottom
  2. What do you mean by this? Later in the same session? After closing and reopening CbB? After renaming the Bus? I haven't seen this behavior (yet) but I have see where Automation Lane names don't update when Bus names are changed, tho all other areas do update. When this happens you can reassign it to another automation, then re-reassign it back to the original and the name will update.
  3. Some observes: Shape instrument is like a stripped down Dimension with 4 Parts (Elements) but creates a lot of rice krispies when using more than one Part. Audio settings are 48kh @2048 samples (max available). Crackles get worse the lower I set it. Never an issue with CbB. Can't find a way to set the sample rate before creating a project. Had to close LUNA and reset the Mackie driver by opening CbB in 48/24 first. Can't even change it in Mackie Control Panel. ? "Mike" is right. Melodyne is impossible to use within LUNA. Need ARA or ability to resize it's window. Not sure why they'd do that but I found LUNA also prevents the Windows 10 Taskbar from opening when it's full screen - even with the Win key. Guess I should be telling UA about these.
  4. fixed So far even some VSTi3s like the Cakewalk AAS group crash LUNA as soon as you insert them. ?
  5. Apparently doesn't support VST2??
  6. Installed and runs fine here on Windows 10, but... rejected 50 plugins so I only have access to 1/2. The ones I use most were among the rejected. That, and the project creation/saving is quite convoluted (non-standard) and MIDI isn't up to par. Looks like it's Java based with a weird file structure. Is this a new beta or has it been such since 2020?
  7. Looks like Pro Tools with a Cubase/Reaper theme. No PRV. Track/Clip "Notes" view expands to show PRV. Not sure if multiple PRV views are possible. MANUAL or PDF
  8. Well... they I screwed up the install right off the bat by locking in my ilok email instead of my user name and I can't manually change it here. Now I have to spend an hour&1/2 dealing with support to fix it before LUNA even installs. Not worth the hassle. Update1: Hassel averted. Figured out how to change account info by going to my account but it's now in que... ⏳ Update2: Finally able to dnld & install. Looks good and totally theme-able. No "Save As" under file menu. Saving multiple versions will take getting used to. ? Auto save interval is changeable in Settings.
  9. sjoens

    Activation required???

    Don't know why but for me not a single DAW out there will install or run right on my system without some hangup except Cakewalk. It owns me.
  10. Now I understand why so many softwares are subscription only. User can't resell.
  11. Thanks for the reminder. It can be "activated" if they have both numbers. Edit: The seller is in Alberta, CA, not the EU.
  12. CbB has no need for an LE version since it's free. Your screenshot shows a pre-X series LE version probably from a Samson microphone. If it's an "Instant download" as the ad implies, he could be selling multiple copies of a "free" item for a profit. The only "legal" way LE can be sold is with the hardware it came with. Still won't be able to register it tho. Among other DAWs, the seller also has Sonar 8.5 LE for $220 CA & FREE Audacity for $50 CA.
  13. $153.33 US. LE was free with a hardware purchase. Wonder how long before the buyers realize they just paid for a DEMO because they can't register it?!
  14. You mean Zoom In. Screen grabbed from my usual zoomed out level of "Fit Project to Window" which varies from project. Also this only happens when 2 or more Markers are very close. Arranger sections that close simply omit text altogether which could be another option for this.
  15. If yer vewy vewy quiet, you might hear it sing. Much debate on if it makes any sound but some swear it does.
  16. We already have 18 hrs of daylight just below the Arctic Circle so not going to see much here. Even the local GI Aurora cam has been turned off for the season.
  17. ... with a bright green neon square marking it's location. FWIW.1, I often can't find things when they're right in front of me. FWIW.2, You can also click the Track's lower left Automation button which instantly creates one.
  18. Would it help if the Take Lane MUTE button also muted the clips?
  19. 1. Check Event List for all tracks in the folder. or 2. Delete all Take Lanes in each track. or 3. Create an Arranger section covering the entire area, activate all 4 Selection Module buttons, highlight the Arranger section, then delete it. or 4. Select all tracks and delete them. Folder will remain.
  20. You might be able to manually right-click the icon properties and redirect them to the proper programs. Or uninstall everything, delete what's left, wipe the registry clean and start fresh. Even that don't always work, tho. I did this and still have to open the Sonar X series as admin for the plugin manager to work right.
  21. Other options: 1. Split the clip into 2 tracks so one track is FXed and one is dry. Bounce all the clips together that are on one track. 2. Put the FX on a BUS and automate the track SEND volume. 3. Use track automation. FR: Would be nice if we could automate the FX Rack ON/OFF button.
  22. Request to truncate Marker names when they overlap each other. They currently run thru each other making them unreadable in some cases. One readable Marker is better than two unreadables, no?
  23. If available, try setting Windows sounds to the onboard audio to separate Windows from the DAW's interface. This works for me on Widows 10. Windows 11 has a mind of it's own and keeps resetting things to it's liking when updated.
  24. MIDI track Inspector has chorus & reverb on the top of right strip which can affect the synth/softsynth if it has the capability, like most Yamaha synths do.
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