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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Hey thanks Promidi, will check it out.
  2. Is there one to alternate every other note by the same value? i.e. 100 - 120 - 100 - 120 - 100 - 120...
  3. Thanks for the "Like" Patrick but after carefully reading thru every post I'm removing my links in case these weren't intended for public consumption. I found them searching the web.
  4. 2 ways with Instrument tracks. 1.Using Inspector > MIDI button as Outrage said, or 2. Right-click Instrument track and select Split Instrument Track. #2 is reversible by selecting both tracks and right-clicking Make Instrument Track. Otherwise, when inserting a new soft synth: 1. Click Insert > Soft Synth... 2. Deselect Simple Instrument Track 3. Select MIDI Source
  5. No cc's or pedal. This was during live playing, I think Ample Sound guitar. When my hardware synth gets stuck I usually have to cycle it's power.
  6. Sometimes. I had one that kept getting stuck as I was playing it so I kept hitting reset and then resetting the volume levels.
  7. Never mind. I had Disable Input Monitoring During Playback checked in Preferences.
  8. I can use Input Echo to hear guitar thru a plugin when Transport is stopped or recording, but not during playback. As soon as I hit Play, the FX goes away. Is there any way to hear the FX when Transport is playing?
  9. I started using an older vsti from the 1990s that had quite the delay from key strike to sound until I set it to 500.
  10. Just wondering how you did this as the Gain knob & TV Vel+ slider can't be selected for Write-to automation.
  11. According to the reference manual pg 321, the MIDI channel strip top "Gain" knob (same as the TV Vel+ slider) controls velocity offset for that track - but AFAIK can't be automated. @User 905133 can you describe steps for doing it? Adjusting the note velocity (Vel+) Each MIDI note event has a velocity, which represents how fast the key was struck when the track was recorded. On playback, the velocity offset parameter adjusts the velocity data for all notes in the track by the designated amount. The value can range from -127 to 127. The effect of changing velocities depends on the synthesizer. Some synthesizers do not respond to velocity information. For others, the effect varies depending on the sound or patch you have chosen. Normally, higher velocities result in louder and/or brighter-sounding notes. This parameter does not affect the velocity that is stored for each note event. When the clip is displayed in other views, like the Piano Roll View, Staff view, or Event List view, you will see the original velocities as they are stored in the file. You can edit the velocity values in those views, or use the Process > Scale Velocity or Process > Find/Change command. Velocity is different from volume in that it is an attribute of each event, rather than a controller that affects an entire MIDI channel. Here’s an example of where this distinction might be important. Suppose you have several tracks containing different drum parts. All of these parts would probably be assigned to MIDI channel 10 (that’s the default channel for percussion in General MIDI). If you change the volume setting for any track that uses channel 10, all the different drum parts—regardless of what track they’re in—would be affected. If you change the note velocity for one drum track, it will be the only one whose volume is affected. To set the velocity offset for a track 1. Open the Track Inspector or Console view. 2. Select the track you want to edit. 3. Adjust the Vel+ knob at the top of the channel strip. However, Gain can be automated per clip by right-clicking the Clips button. Even so, the knobs & sliders don't move so there's no visual que it's happening. Wonder if that's a bug or an oversight?
  12. I've always wondered why converting stereo to mono increases volume. Seems to me the process should maintain total output level. As is, another editing step is required to bring it down if it's too much.
  13. Thanks guys. I struggled with this yesterday for awhile. I can't preproduce it without a stuck note so won't know if it was a glitch until I get another one. Do you mean check to see, or √? It was checked so I unchecked it to see if makes a difference, although I hope not as I need it checked for PRV controllers. Edit: No hardware controllers here. I guess the MIDI fader is Volume, not velocity, but I've always viewed it as a master velocity fader as "volume" is controlled by the softsynth or outboard synth volume fader. Note that MIDI track Gain knobs do go from -127 to +127 and reset to -0-.
  14. I've noticed when a stuck note requires a reset via the Control Bar Reset button, ALL MIDI track velocity faders default to 101 regardless of fader position, requiring them to be manually reset as well.
  15. You may also be able to "replace" the plugin by right-clicking the synth's icon. Even replacing it with the same one may help.
  16. Home 23H2 build 22631.2861, but it's been a nightmare since new.
  17. Thanks for the tips guys. I just migrated my DAW back to the Windows 10 laptop. I will never again use Win11 for it.
  18. That's for MIDI notes. Clips must be selected & bounced.
  19. Interesting. Tho it can be used with ProChannel, I almost never do.
  20. @msmcleod I've read Midiface doesn't handle older synths so well or at all in some cases. And doesn't appear to be sold in the USA. Otherwise I might be interested, especially if it includes the added software listed on their site.
  21. Sometimes, but sometimes nothing will release it but signing off Windows or rebooting. I've had issues with my USB MIDI interface as well. It's bus powered but removing it sometimes invokes the blue screen crashing the whole system, so system USB itself could be another factor.
  22. Some savvy forum users suggested using Airplane Mode. When watching Task Manager I see CbB starts out in Background processes before going to Apps. When closing, it goes back there before disappearing... until it doesn't disappear and just stays there. So something is not releasing it from that area. Wifi may be one culprit.
  23. Long loading times may be due to the new Ransomware protection blocking access to certain folders. I've added Cakewalk to it's OK list, so we'll see. Edit: No change
  24. So I've been having long load times for Kontakt (30 sec - 1 min) and Window Defender tells me Cakewalk access is being blocked by a Protected folder (new Ransomware protection) . So I've added Cakewalk to the OK list.
  25. Yeah, that's pretty much how I run all my laptops. I have almost everything turned off in Lenovo Vantage except wifi security and battery Conservation Mode which only charges to 80% to prolong life.
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