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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Unable to scroll all the way up when channel strips exceed window height. Top 4 pixels get cut off obscuring visual elements on some custom themes.
  2. Most All Time Popular Cakewalk Topic. In Focus = Clicking on a Track Name or blank area making the Name background light blue/orange/whatever. - only one track can be in focus. Selecting = Clicking on a Track Number making it's background blue/orange/whatever. Doing this also brings track in focus until another track is focused. - many tracks can be Selected. From brundlefly 9/16/2016: Don't select tracks except to copy/edit/bounce etc. their content. Change focus by clicking in an empty area of a track header or by using the cursor keys. With no track selected, keyboard shortcuts will always apply to the focused track. I Ctrl+Shift-A or click in an empty area of the track view very frequently throughout a session to ensure nothing is selected when I don't intend to edit it. Track View and Console View scroll wheel action behave differently which adds to confusion. TV controls have to be clicked on 1st to adjust. CV controls will respond simply by hovering the mouse over them no matter the focus or selection.
  3. sjoens


    MSCVP140.dll & VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. Recently hit with constant errors when opening programs. This just happened with CbB and Photoshop While They Were Both Open! and a restart was pending due to a Windows 11 update. After the update the errors continued with other 64 bit programs as well. Seems 32 bit apps aren't affected. This is not happening on my Windows 10 system which also gets regular Windows updates, but I don't use it very often.
  4. Thanks. I was using the wrong notes to reference.
  5. I thought this was weird. How does setting a group of same values like velocity to 100% change them to random values?
  6. Possible this sort of glitch happens when something goes awry between CbB, your audio interface, and the computer. I've logged dozens of similar "one-time" issues.
  7. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Arranging.69.html
  8. If you want to apply the same velocity to all notes: Select all notes. Change velocity in Event Inspector. If you want to apply random velocities to a group of notes: Use a draw tool and simply drag it across the top of the velocity tails in the cc pane. Or run VARYVEL CAL script. If you want a repeating velocity pattern: Create a group of notes with the pattern. Right-click clip and select Groove-Clip Looping. Extend the end of the clip as far as you want. edited
  9. You can also manually add/move them in PRV or find them in Event List and edit their location before deleting them.
  10. .bun & .cwb files can contain audio. But .wrk files do not contain audio, only MIDI and project info. Need Sonar or Cakewalk to open them. Once open you can export or save them as .mid MIDI files.
  11. As we found out a while ago, the Inspector's Track & Bus Name is actually a menu button to select another track or bus to display in the Inspector. It's actually in the online documentation here near the end. However, if you select a Hardware Output, the name box no longer acts as a menu button and you have to click on a TV or CV track. Only when you do, the Inspector often fails to release the Hardware strip. Can these 2 issues be fixed in New Sonar?
  12. Default for "C" is Show/Hide the Main Control Bar. Was the Control Bar there but blank or gone completely?
  13. Thanks for helping, Pro. This would be another workaround by avoiding zero events at note transitions. Bass, piano, organ, guitar, harp, and most synths aren't affected, but almost every string plugin I've tried is. Because - as you mentioned - the "trill" is made by the note release (circled in pic) going beyond note & pitch end, which is why it needs adjusted or the zero event put beyond note end as well. So I was wrong about the bend ending before the zero event. Interesting that you "created" the trill artifacts I was trying to avoid. Removing them gives the desired affect, tho.
  14. Would you be willing to fix the above project and reupload it?
  15. In my case the zero event is being invoked before it's reached which doesn't make sense. That's why it works if I put it beyond the note's end. I thought there was a MIDI look ahead feature but can't find it if it's still there. Maybe it's to blame?
  16. I've found letting CbB scan for plugs when opening doesn't always refresh them properly. Only after manually running a scan do some behave right or even show up.
  17. Looks like v11 deprecated support for DX but can still be used if saved in a previous version. https://support.image-line.com/action/knowledgebase?ans=251
  18. I'm referring to when a zero event exists at the end of a note. SI Strings seems more affected than some but it's a long standing issue here. Here's a simple cwp using SI Strings. There's a marker at each zero event. The 1st 2 are at the end of a note and create a "trill" where there should be a smooth transition to the next note. The 3rd one behaves normally because it's before the end of the note. SIString pitch bend2.mp3 SIString pitch bend2.cwp
  19. C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins edit: oops
  20. Workspaces seem to be even more broken for me. I made one with all CV Audio/Synth tracks & Busses wide and all MIDI & HW strips narrow, and Fit Project to Window in TV on every project. With Apply Workspace on Project Load checked & saved, closing the project & opening another one rendered ALL the CV strips narrow, and ALL the TV tracks squished to half screen. Resaved the WS and tested on several projects with same results. They're supposed to be "global": "Window Layout. Load the saved window layout, including size and position. This option functions as a global screenset".
  21. Forever issue with Sonar/CbB Console View is saving a project with Hardware output strips narrowed only to find them wide when reopened. Sonar/CbB is supposed to remember the last saved skylight layout regardless of locked or unlocked screensets. I don't use Workspaces. AFAICT tracks and busses hold true. Was this fixed in 2023.09?
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