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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. ATM but I'll be weaning away from it this year as I clear out all the older projects. Then I'll consider upgrading. Thanks. Misspoke, I have Editor, not Studio, which is $99.
  2. It will. Melodyne is not tandem version friendly. One replaces the other and I passed on the $25 upgrade cause v5 has no 32 bit. Mistake I'm sure. Curious if the requirement is listed somewhere as I haven't been able to find it.
  3. Yes. It works fine in CbB, just not at all in Sonar. I'm seeing no minidumps for Sonar either.
  4. Composite theme-shot: Right-click and open in new tab then magnify.
  5. Edit: Melodyne 4 does not work at all in Sonar. Audio to MIDI, audio to Time Line, Region FX, nothing. It is listed as a Region FX and when selecting it you see the Transport window displays the processing bar, but then nothing happens. Melodyne Studio Editor License current and working fine in CbB.
  6. All but the fab-four remain untouched. And has no one noticed Concrete Limiter is now a free module? Or noticed the Bus Compressor no longer has the "secret" blue face or the "screw" that reveals it? But you can still make the needle flinch by clicking on it. BTW, You can "update" the CL UI yourself in the Resources folder.
  7. Found the BREVERB solution. Had an older version installed.
  8. Now having a similar issue with BREVERB2. After awhile BREVERB starts beeping nonstop: breverb beep.mp3
  9. Hopefully this one: Just closing the Start Screen can pop Sonar under any other open windows (defocusing it).
  10. OOOps! It wasn't clear in the OP what version he is on and I dinint read thru every post. Unless you're on one of the 2 latest updates, CbB won't activate any longer. Not for me anyway. I guess the final comment in my last comment still applies tho.
  11. This update was partly in response to users not liking the 20 sec. nag screen that started occurring last month each time CbB is opened. This update removed it.
  12. Activation in itself is confusing because simply signing in to BandLab will not activate Sonar. I went thru the same routine several times before realizing this. It is my understanding that Unpaid, it is just like the Demos of old. Evaluation only. Saving disabled. You must sign up for a paid BandLab membership or temporary Back Stage pass in order to save your work. If you have done that and still have issues, contact support.
  13. Looks like there's no Help yet. Help > Documentation points to the legacy documentation web site whether Always Use Local Help is checked or not.
  14. Thus the final comment of my final comment. ?Or is this my final comment?
  15. Yesterday and today I've had Sonar wind up in background processes by simply opening and closing it without loading a thing, as well as when various projects are loaded. Closing a project before closing Sonar sometime helps.
  16. You can also right-click the ProChannel EQ module screen to select it.
  17. Money is made from each sale and some of those will also end up buying new Sonar, so could be a win-win for them. If it's even possible to do.
  18. @John Vere I just learned you have to right click the ProChannel EQ screen to select it. Nice option. Sorry @Noel Borthwick , not knowing this may have led to my comment. I'll keep an eye on it.
  19. ... offer CbB as an As-Is, one-time paid option with no support for those who don't want or like the new Sonar?
  20. Spectrum was added to the small EQ screens on CV strips and the PC module. Before it was exclusive to the flyout. It is a little glitchy ATM. MSR buttons are all in the same location. Just use muscle memory and you'll be fine. The one that got me was the headphone icon for Input Echo. Color strips are OFF by default. Same place as before but you have to check the box to see 'em. Preferences > Customization > Colors > Track Strips.
  21. https://www.cakewalk.com/ > scroll to bottom of page > Cakewalk Sonar > Download. This is a pre-beta demo far from finished. No saving allowed. Once installed, ignore the reoccurring red Activate nag toast and Start Screens unless you want to open a BandLab account, which will allow you to give them money and save projects, among other things. If the nag screens appear while you have a menu open and everything freezes. Hit ESCAPE to continue.
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