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Colin Nicholls

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Colin Nicholls last won the day on October 23

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  1. Sorry to break it to you but that is just not how things work. Swtich to the free Cakewalk By Bandlab and use that for a while. It's light-years ahead of SONAR Platinum. And it's Free.
  2. I've done this for certain selected CDs, and even written about the process. I've had mixed results to be honest.
  3. If you've performed your own comparisons between Sonar and CbB, on two different machines (with the same hardware config settings for each app of course), then you have the best data you could possibly get for your situation. My experience differs: Sonar is equally as performant as CbB, if not "better". I use quotes because it is a subjective take. It requires a lot of effort to obtain hard data for definitive comparisons and honestly, I've never felt the need to put that effort in. I'm not even sure I'd be able to. I'm not doubting your experience, but be prepared to have answers to questions like "how are you measuring CPU use" etc.
  4. Time to bump this. Obviously I'm not a fan of the default colors in the palette, and the ability to customize it would be awesome. I don't need multiple presets; I would just like to be able to modify the existing one.
  5. Off-topic, @Astraios, but damn your color choices make Sonar look pretty good. Also, is that the Classic Royale Windows theme?
  6. I have one of those - i9-12900K - and it is plenty enough machine for anything I can throw at it. I don't think you''ll be disappointed.
  7. Windows User Interface Guidelines has entered the chat
  8. It's not a mystery. I've written about this. Reading this thread makes me wonder if an update for that article is in order. I realize it kind of proves your point, in that the goal of the article is to say, "Yes, Drum Maps are a little tricky, and here's why", and it is not intended to be "here's how to use a Drum Map effectively with the smallest headache possible". So perhaps it is a separate article. Things get even worse when you've customized AD2's keyboard mapping to your own personal key/drum controller preferences, and you need to build your own drum map and not just pull one off the Internet...
  9. The only tempo possible is synchronized to your heart beat, I would have thought. Ok, sorry! I'll stop
  10. We totally need an ignition key graphic on that feature. Never realized I needed it, but now... I want it.
  11. Try the "Feedback Loop" forum; might get more traction there
  12. Put me down on the side of liking the new UI.
  13. So you're only experiencing this problem with one specific project?
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