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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. Don’t let me run into you on the street. I’ll beat you about the head and shoulders with a rolled up newspaper.
  2. I was talking about me because I was starting to rehash the argument.
  3. With the flood of new Sonar users, Bandlab has little to worry about.
  4. No doubt Melodyne is not for everybody but in the end it works. Just don’t overdo it.
  5. Munt MT-32. Free and stable and sounds like a clean MT-32, not the 14/15 bit shenanigans they originally did with the hardware version.
  6. My father-in-law had jet black natural hair at 70. You could just see some gray flecks showing up. His mom (who lived until 92) was the same way. Mostly black into her 80's. On my side my grandfather went white at 16 but had a full head of hair at 94. My dad was solid gray at 40. and white at 50. I'm still gray with no significant white. When it happens I'm going platinum blonde.
  7. I caught Melodyne during a sale and did the purchase and three upgrades to Studio in one day. I effectively got it for less than half. You just have to watch for sales. I was surprised Celemony let me do it but they did.
  8. Saw the Beato podcast. It was great! I never imagine Parsons being 6’6” though.
  9. V-Vocal stability is now hit and miss. The general rule is to use it early and before you start to add many more VSTs. At some point, it will start to crash. Too bad, I liked it but finally accepted my future and got Melodyne. Based on my EXTENSIVE research there is no hardware upgrade, software change or usage that will make it stable. Yes, a few people get away with it. V-Vocal’s issues go back many years.
  10. You might want to test cooling fan speed and noise when the CPU is loaded up. In a laptop, it could be quite loud.
  11. I’ve used plugins whose CPU usage escapes the System/App performance meter. And not just on Cakewalk. Usage is really low and its crackling like crazy. I’ve tweaked ‘till the cows came home to no avail. But these plugins problem's are known to many users. Freeze and move on.
  12. I listen to my stuff regularly. I have no illusions about its quality but I enjoy writing stuff like this or that style. I also end up in mix down/fix hell and can’t leave them alone. But I consider my stuff demo quality and not production polished. Nothing ever turns out the way I planned but I enjoy the results. And I kept my day job.
  13. Not native but TX16Wx is a good sampler and sample player. It works well in Sonar and CbB and isn't a CPU hog.
  14. Rental is the only way to get it. Sonar is directed at the younger looper/sampler people, not the older musicians that dominate this forum. Frankly there aren't enough of us to matter and Bandlab has rightfully moved on to their new market.
  15. It would be nice but I thought there was some architectural reason they couldn’t. Obviously anything is possible but something was posted about it by a developer. I’ll look for it. Might even have been on the old Cakewalk forum. And I’m sure I will get corrected.
  16. Dropping from six months to one month cuts the amount of time CbB will work from the time the server stops activating it. They won’t have a bunch of people out there still using it for 6 months. 30 days later, all dead.
  17. Uh, now that I’ve responded a couple of times, what are we talking about? Around here, knowing the topic isn’t a requirement.
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