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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. Maybe he will post the “real reason” or “the terrifying discovery” with a new YouTube face of astonishment. Hell, I’ll click on that! But I still won’t subscribe.
  2. I was wondering when he was going to “break his silence.”
  3. Bandlab saw an opportunity to add a DAW (that was otherwise dead) to their offering. They bought the rights to Cakewalk (and probably got it for a song and dance) and then got some of the previous developers to come onboard and update it. It's that simple. It's now at a point where they believe it's fair to ask people to pay for it. We got paid via having CbB free for several years. That's coming to an end. But they owe us nothing - neither pricing or explanation wise. If Sonar fails, it could wind up being Gibson all over again, but that's something that remains to be seen. It's possible that Sonar won't generate the incremental revenue necessary to pay for the developers but considering the size of Bandlab I'm betting they are willing to make it a line item cost on the books vs. an income. That's for their CFO to decide. Or they said "time to pay for yourselves.)
  4. California is popular for a reason. It's worth it. But if you aren't from here it can be a problem. The lower humidity helps too but it still gets quite toasty.
  5. Here in California we do 110 before breakfast. Where I live we hit 116 in the day and 60 at night. For me anything over 105 is too high to be in for very long. I can but it’s no fun. But 100+ is just a normal summer day.
  6. Gentle Giant as the back-up band to Alvin Lee and Company in Fresno, CA - Warners Theater. Can't remember the exact year in the 70's. The crowd was mostly Alvin Lee fans. The concerted started with the crowd shouting for Alvin Lee during Gentle Giant's set. Gentle Giant's set ended with EVERYONE dancing in the isles and seats. A weird sight to behold. Gentle Giant owned the night. The Alvin Lee set started with everyone shouting for Gentle Giant to come back. We stayed for a bit but left mid-way through Alvin Lee's set as did many others. A lot of new fans that night. As a side note I did get to enjoy the crowd screaming to turn down the volume at a 1995 King Crimson concert in SF. We were about to leave in the middle when someone behind us saw that we had our fingers in our ears and handed us some ear plugs. That made it marginally bearable. In between songs, everyone was screaming to turn it down. They never did. I skipped any future King Crimson shows. Even Deep Purple was "quiet" compared to this. Totally unnecessary and irresponsible.
  7. The developers know what they are doing and do it well. They also have many years experience doing it.
  8. They’ve gave the clear answer of no. Will they change their mind? Maybe. But continuing to ask an answered question in the hope the world will change is futile. They don’t want to sell it. There isn’t enough of us to change their minds. They can live without us. Rent it or move on. Yes, I will continue to check to see if the decision does change but the more I’m away from it the less likely I’ll return. Well unless I shave some decades off my age, get into loop/sample/AI generated music and somehow Sonar is the bee’s-knees, the top dog, the most rad, an awesome, the most excellent tool … for that. And then Bandlab can get my music out there so I become famous.
  9. Yeah, there are several things you can do while it’s playing but you don’t do while it’s playing.
  10. I suspect it's related to the reorganization Jessie's been doing to add in Sonar.
  11. Yeah, it's handy to have an editor a click away. I have CoolEdit2000 added in.
  12. The prior Cakewalk users are not the primary market. They are appealing to the new loop/sample/beat generators, not musicians. Of course until new AI laws start to impact them.
  13. Sure, and everyone laughed when I suggested pitch-forks and torches. But noooooooooo ... Or was that too much. The website still says "Coming Soon" so anything can change including pricing. I mean, I can imagine reasons they wouldn't want to "sell it" yet when it's not "officially" (wink-wink) released. That could create unnecessary churn for the developers. But they also don’t want us to leave so CbB still works for now.
  14. True but Reaper doesn’t also offer you fame like Bandlab. And if dad hasn’t come in here with a belt yet, he’s going too.
  15. Subscription is continuous revenue. Think “Instant Ink.” It’s not bad idea if you can pull it off and it’s more acceptable to the newer generation. They also offer you fame (which Instant Ink doesn’t.)
  16. The developers aren't responsible for telling us anything and I wouldn't ask them to say anything unless they specifically tell me BANDLAB told them to tell us something or eat hot lead. Then I can understand them not speaking up. But would you (generically) want to be in the middle of this mess? Not me Jack.
  17. It's going to take a specific series of specific questions to clarify BL's long term intent with CbB. Bits and pieces aren't really clearing it up. But not through the developers - only via Bandlab directly (as the developers have told us time and time again.) Based on what we know so far, CbB will call home and at some unspecified date it will stop working. For now, it won't nag as much but it will check more often.
  18. I'm sure we will get plenty of warning when they finally do announce they are killing CbB. I never thought they would do it abruptly and without warning.
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