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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. OS/2 ran Windows in a window and Windows was based on OS/2 and would run OS/2 command line programs until Windows 7. I’ll bet its core is still OS/2. And now back to our regularly scheduled program.
  2. And now for something rather off-topic: Remember OS/2 and Windows 1.0? That was a soft rollout! Microsoft kept us hanging for a loooooonnnnngggg time while poo-pooing OS/2. Not that any DAW represents OS/2 mind you.
  3. If you do nothing, expect nothing. I too hope these comments and concerns make it up to the Bandlab marketing and finance folks. But it’s clear that Bandlab has a vision that isn’t shared by everybody here. We will see.
  4. I used the crap out of the arranger. I’ll check this and get back. I don’t think it ever stopped if there wasn’t another section set to play.
  5. I am a huge Cakewalk fan but the competition is just that - competitive. I’ve spent the last month learning a different DAW and it can do everything Cakewalk can and then some. It just looks different. If BL comes out with a standalone price for a perpetual license (and not a standalone subscription) I can easily switch back and carry on. Cakewalk does have a nice UI. I think the top of the heap is shared with the competition.
  6. While I personally think we are being “strung along” at this point, I don’t think it’s the developers doing it and I get the impression they would give us everything we want - if they could. We can bitch at them until the cows come home and all they can do is pass it on. Why bother them with that. Talk to Bandlab directly. I was a developer and development manager for many years and we had little direct say in the pricing and rollout other than giving an opinion. It was marketing, sales and finance that drove the pricing and rollout.
  7. I believe that's get in to get out. But that's just me...
  8. I had no problem opening new Sonar files in CbB or old Sonar 8.02 and vice versa. However, old Sonar didn't like my VST3 plugins. That said, I decided to close out anything of importance for when that day arrives. But you can always get a one month subscription to the new Sonar to finish anything up and export it to the new DAW. That's my plan for any "ah crap" moments.
  9. Melodyne 5 is VST3. I should have been clearer on that.
  10. I’m finishing up all of my CbB projects in preparation to move on. I certainly don’t want to get caught without a way to finish them and Old Sonar won’t support various VSTs or Melodyne 5. Edit: Added the 5 to Melodyne for clarity.
  11. Put your hand on the midi controller and say … !
  12. I interpret it as: 1. You are activated. 2. But not for long. This is how long you have. They could certainly be put in one pop up.
  13. I haven’t noticed anything significant either way. Others can chime in. i have a couple of VST loaded projects that won’t play cleanly unless I freeze some tracks and there was no improvement with Sonar. I’m fine with that because I know these are excessively loaded with VSTs. The biggest culprits are the sample based VSTs.
  14. I seriously doubt Bandlab will come on this forum to argue. Go to them directly. The developers aren't responsible for representing the marketing plans of Bandlab. Posting about it here is pointless. The developers have plenty to do. Let them do it.
  15. Yeah just get used to clicking the clip. Not always but usually.
  16. I must say, CbB/Sonar has one of the best first-look UIs around. I still compare others to it.
  17. Hey, I still use Cool Edit 2000. Works like a champ and I have it integrated into CbB via AZSlow’s tools. That’s right, I live in the past!
  18. Join the Reaper and Studio One forums. There are lots of people that came over from Sonar/CbB and have great tutorials for making the switch. I would say more but this isn’t the place to deep dive the competition.
  19. Maybe Bandlab is going to come up with a one-time pay price that undercuts everyone else and they corner the market!
  20. The "Bakers" don't have any control over the rollout plan. They said it before and can say it again. They aren't setting the prices and terms - Bandlab is. We should be sending emails and comments to Bandlab and let the developers work on the program in peace. The problem with these types of "get your music heard" subscriptions is they don't work. Of the people I have spoken too about Bandlab, Landr, Soundcloud, etc. people rarely go there to find new music. They hear it elsewhere and go to these place to find what they heard. Now many of these places do distribute your music to various sites (Youtube, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora, Jango, etc.) for a cost (to you) but in the end, playing live is how you get exposed. Tossing a bunch of tracks on Soundcloud and then having them distributed will pretty much get you nothing - most of the time. There are some success stories but they are rare. I really don't want to have to buy/pay/rent/subscribe to sites like this. I want a DAW. It's simple. A DAW. Bandlab is not a carrot.
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