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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. There really isn't a fixed thread per se. It's pretty much scattered here. I guess someone could start one.
  2. Do you have some inside information we don’t?
  3. It has become a paid product. That’s already happened. I feel Sonar’s biggest contribution is the new UI that supports high resolution displays. While I prefer the CbB look, I’m sure I’d appreciate the new UI when I move above a pair of 2k monitors. Yes there are bug fixes and some new features but the UI is the big change for me.
  4. Noel never confirmed or suggested there will be a way to "buy" Cakewalk outside of a subscription. Only 'they are thinking of things.' We can speculate all day what that might be but we know nothing at this point. Maybe BL will - maybe BL won't. Hope is great but so far we have nothing to base it on. My "fading base" comment was in reference to the newer and far more used methods of creating music. It's different that even 20 years ago. These are the people that will bring revenue to BL in the long run. Those of use that grew up with tape machines and non-automated boards are slowly disappearing. The user base will continue to shift from us long-timer musicians to the newer "loop and sample with AI and prerecorded snips" people. It's just life. No doubt us long time users will continue to create music and be some level of revenue to BL but what we may want isn't on the BL radar unless it aligns with the younger user base. No we ain't dead but the world is changing and hoping BL will give us something special is unlikely. Maybe a good price and subscription for hanging in there. I personally just want to know what that is but the waiting causing my attention to drift. But again, I won't be a loss to BL.
  5. Yeah, many tracks. I’m looking to see if anyone else has experienced this so we can compare notes. I’m not looking to rehash the causes since pretty much every suggestion has been tried. Certainly if anyone knows of a changes applied during mixdown I would be interested (like dithering.) I record at 44.1/24 and mix down to 44.1/16 so dithering is applied. And as suggested, maybe it’s my imagination.
  6. What us long term users need to accept (and by long term, those that have been using some form of Cakewalk for decades) is that we aren’t the market. The market is the younger generations and their methods for creating music/content. They have a different view of subscriptions and the add-ons appeal to them. So I won’t be shocked if I never get my perpetual license. I’m not who BL is marketing to. I am part of the user base that’s fading away.
  7. I agree. It could be anything and unless I can figure it out, it hampers its usefulness. No doubt TONS of great clean tracks are made on Cakewalk. Overall, I like Cakewalk over the others. I’ve been up and down the preferences, VSTs, FX, levels, interfaces, etc. trying stuff but I have to export each time to test it. There are times when turning off dithering appeared to clear it up. But with the new Sonar pricing limits I have been testing other DAWs and haven’t run into but it could certainly rear its head. Again, since it’s difficult to nail I was wondering if anyone else notices it (and it sounds like the OP did if we are talking the same thing. ) Then we can compare notes. Maybe I am suffering from Harrison Mixbus syndrome. LOL. People say it has a better sound but my listening and null tests don’t show it. I think some of the OPs other comments aren’t justified.
  8. When I get a chance I’ll fire up Cakewalk and look for one of the project versions that did it. I should have noted that it appears in the mixdown of highly layered tracks. But I’m looking for anyone else that might have sensed this same artifact. It could be totally psycho-acoustic too for all I know.
  9. I know this an older thread (where's Byron when you need him) but the OP's "scratchy-ness" observation might be valid. I've been experiencing a scratchy-ness (sp) occasionally. It's hard to describe but seems to be related to the types of sounds/tracks being mixed. It sort of sounds like someone is very, very lightly crinkling cellophane. You spend time trying to figure out what it is to the point of frustration. I've been through oversampling, dithering, mixing with more headroom than should be needed, swapping FX, listening closely to the tracks totally dry to see if it's there. On and on. I can't reproduce it in my two other DAWs but also I can't create an identical mix either to compare either. But it's not there. It's super subtle but it's there and you can't un-hear it. It is definitely some sort of artifact. And sometimes the content just doesn't manifest it. I'm wondering if anyone sometimes gets this.
  10. No, this was in the 90s after he left SoCal.
  11. I hung out with him at his California house several times (he lived close) trying the help get some electronics working. I didn’t know what to expect but it turned out he was just a dad/husband in a T-shirt and shorts trying to get his son to do his god-damn homework before heading out. LOL! No rockstar pomp. Really nice guy and his wife too. I tried to not be a crazy fan and he was appreciative of that. We talked Mellotron (50% plate reverb, double tracked and keep the fingers and faders moving), MB mixing wishes (louder drums) among other things. What little he said about the other band members was all positive although he alluded to the Graeme Edge conflict. I missed Hayward and Lodge visiting him by a day. Oh, I should have called you! But a great guy to hang with and talk music and science/space. He and Ian McDonald will be remembered for what they brought to music. RIP Mike.
  12. I want the flame thrower and thermal mug.
  13. There are the same. I wonder if there is an INI file for it. Let me dig more and I’ll get back. And for those that are confused - I beat you to it.
  14. Naw, just Hail Mary it and take your chances. Come on! Live on the edge!
  15. As a follow up: Turns out the issue is LP64 Multiband. I renamed it to DLLOLD and reinstalled it from Sonar 8 and it’s fine. Weird. I have two versions now that act differently. I also tested them in another DAW and it happens there too.
  16. I had to do nothing other than tweaking unrelated settings in Windows to my preferences.
  17. Built in L'Isle-d'Abeau. Maybe so. EMEA contracts varied. ? And I swear, now back to Cakewalk! lol
  18. Interesting. I don’t recall us ever installing OS/2 as the shipped OS due to the MS contracts. You might have been able to order it separately but not pre installed.
  19. Yeah, Xpand has lots of great stuff besides the horn sections.
  20. There is a free program that disables the two security requirements in the WIndows 11 iso and allows it to install. Mine’s been working great for a couple of months. Do a search.
  21. Since project files are so small I save constantly and increment the filename with a note in the name of what I was doing (new drums, new lead vocals, etc.) I also run a batch file to copy all new files to a separate drive. I don't depend on autosave. At some point I have the option of deleting early projects if I am sure I won't need them but I usually keep all of them until I am done with the song. This has saved my butt from jerky and fumble-finger moves many times.
  22. Once I figured out how to find the offending module in the dump files and when I determine it isn't Cakewalk, I don't send in issues or files. And we have to pay to do any real testing. To do any real testing you have to use it for a long period of time. I'm not going to spend any time digging into it if I can't save my work. Why bother.
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