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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. RX 10 Standard is $99 at Izotope.
  2. Reminds me of the NI never used vouchers. Hmmmm now we know where that came from.
  3. I don't if anything has changed with nvme but you loose a SATA port for each one unless that has changed. I'm not a fan of putting all of my eggs in one basket with storage. I prefer more 2TB SSD drives than say a large 8TB. I still install SATAs because it's easier. But when you have 3 systems adding SSDs gets expensive, Since I got the Musio deal I bought a portable nvme just for it. There are docks that once you pay for them do you have any money left for drives? I speak from a budget perspective. I have all of my SATA ports used up. I still keep HDDs and a DVD drive. It's nice to put Komplete or IK Total Studio on a SSD drive but you have to assess what are you going to use from them? I start to think of drive management much differently these days. nvme are quite fast but my life isn't dependent on it and a SATA SSD works for me as internal drives. As for portable I'll go with nvme.
  4. I'll go with Jim's theory as a tax write off. As for Pro Tools if you wanna work with the big boys you better know how to use it, They are the industry standard and if they ever consider the make believe world of Linux they and Steinberg will set the stage. I can't overlook the "lets try to make a Linux version and let's see how far we can put people into a sub. Developing for 3 platforms will only create **** development and let's not forget the endless Linux distros. Read Jim's post over and over again.
  5. As Jim said maybe they need a tax write off. Let me know when Pro Tools goes this direction. The issue is hardware support. I best Presonus who no seems to come up with recent stupid ideas probably has one person working on it part time and probably a relative of someone higher up.
  6. This should be a sticky for Stop Whining About Importing to Linux. Like every larger DAW developer has said it's not worth the investment.
  7. I tried that Linux train enough to finally realize that Lucy is never going to hold that football for Charlie Brown. If one wants a Linux DAW buy the Ableton Push standalone for $3K. Linux does exist in the DAW world.
  8. I never get those notifications either from my email registered in 8dio. I do get them in my other 2 accounts. The file size for something called alien drum is a bit ridiculous. If you used it in a mix I guess you would have to mention, "check out the alien drum in this. Doesn't it sound great?"
  9. more like never I like what Jim says about Linux
  10. There's always something out there to replace them. It's always a risk. People can still run Gigastudio (GVI) to some extent and the Yellow Tools libraries are under Magix but users move on.
  11. Just think how many of them will be half-assed with no link or using acronyms.
  12. BTW most of you should already have this if you have the latest release of Komplete.
  13. Someone bought Music who have Kontakt because they didn't want the whole Cine Percussion on their drive. I guess the a la cart works.
  14. Do we really know for sure?
  15. That's the one they f'update the most.
  16. Give MS some time and it wont. Look how they screwed up start menus.
  17. The first one to do this was Garritan with GPO. Back in the Northern Sound Source days they banned EW since they gave him a hard time over it. They failed to realize this was a starter type library and was around 4GB. I still love GPO if you want to create something quick. Most 8dio libraries were developed for Kontakt 5. There's not much overhead. The problem with orchestra libraries is it's hard to reinvent the wheel. People are into shiny and new. It's hard to comp up with new ideas for Strats and Les Pauls. Wind instruments don't have new innovations. I find serious professionals don't go for shiny and new.
  18. Shouldn't have to do that. Most apps have that option not to start up.
  19. Such as? So far they delete those large libraries after installing which sucks since you have to archive after installed. The last think I want to do when replacing a drive is to download all of those large files and some ISPs warn you about downloading to much. I can reinstall all of my IK, VSL, non player Kontakt libraries without using the net.
  20. UA does the same thing and no option to keep it from startup.
  21. I've never had to do that with NI libraries. You can add folders in Kontakt. I've had them spread on 3 drives and no issues. This is where Kontakt rules.
  22. I avoid that rompler. It seems there is confusion when you have the Magix version and this one. I still haven't gotten over it when it was developed by Yellow Tools.
  23. LOL, my joke about Reaper is with all of the constant updates they never get it right. It's a joke, remember that.
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