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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. This is the only forum where I've seen posting a Wusik deal.
  2. We have no evidence of one being honest when it comes to the net. His road down hill was breaking promises to loyal users. We live in a world where people like to conveniently blame a mental illness and hove no evidence since it is the net. This is not the only developer that has done it. I'm not a fan of using sympathy for marketing. Whether his situation is true or not I'm sad what has happened to Wusikstation. It's almost like Gibson took over. Ive had his products up to Wusik Station 10. (which I had to pay for despite being promised the free upgrade buying 9) Yet he somehow manages to bypass spam filters. There's plenty of facts on KVR. Just a reminder. I somehow manage to get emails.
  3. I'm reluctant to buy anymore. When Reaper rejects your vst3 that says alot. My other DAWs get stuck scanning UJA< stuff especially the Beat Maker line. Studio One pretty much rejects all UJAM vst3.
  4. Strongly recommend posting this developer in Deals. Someone always fails in this. He seems crafty at collecting emails. You never see this on KVR anymore. Sad to see what has happened to this guy. He was a popular developer in the early part of the century.
  5. Installed. It's really unique but reminds me more of a rompler than a synth.
  6. I was thinking the same thing but careful not to border on the forums rules.
  7. LOL I messed up my post. I could fix it or treat is as sarcasm. I bought it.
  8. It's one of those libraries I cant devote disk space too.
  9. Is it worth it? Lush 1 was not good with my eyesight. I never used it since there were no "wow" presets.
  10. I just think they had trouble trying to come up with a name. Maybe they used a dart board with all sorts of words on it. The worst one I heard is called Apeshyt. Then the emails are full of urban wannabee words.
  11. So they tinker with older software to set up a sub for it. That's why I think it's odd. It's doesn't look like many bought this bundle and most likely the confusion is over licensing. I haven't seen any inquiries on the Magix forums.
  12. They may just stick with flagship products. Rare when code is taken over does the new company become competent. The only way that happens if you bring the former developers. That is pretty hard to do these days unless those developers were dismissed. Sony selling of its software to Magix is a prime example. There were hopes when Garritan bought the Giga technology. Magix never could improve the former Sony products other than porting to 64 bit. Even their Soundpool loops couldn't compare to the ones by Sony. Magix use to sell their entry level products back when brick and mortar places had boxed software. Cakewalk use to do the same. I think that kinda hurts sales. The early version of Samplitude Studio when vst wasn't supreme was a killer DAW unlike the studio version today. Most likely there will be no versions of Acid anymore. It's sad when this happens in the DAW world. Other developers never rejoice thinking the market gives them an advantage. They think they could be next.
  13. Trying to find 100% verification on this. Kinda odd to see something that says 1 year license on older products.
  14. Thinking of only getting one. Choices are Africa or South America. Europe doesn't have any grooves nor rolls.
  15. It's speculation until we see Labs +. I get it if(not buy it) it unlocks features in their player.
  16. Always wait for this to go on sale when it's like $119
  17. Free stuff is the only way to get involved in **** NI eco system.
  18. I can produce that one a real clarinet without doing that. I have a clarinet BTW. Maybe I can create my own library called Anthology of Bad Clarinet. It's nice to hear this style of playing. Sometimes libraries can't substitute for the real thing no matter how hard you try.
  19. I don't know if it still rings true but try separate instances of Kontakt instead of using 8 outputs.
  20. Unfortunately I think the turn off for a Windows OS and plenty of software is changing the paint. Many of us use Classic Shell to this day. I guess it's dumbing down by hiding access for experienced users. Software development in many areas is more concerned with shiny and new than stability.
  21. I think they like to create strawman arguments like the privacy thing. These are probably the same people who use Tiktok but it's easier to blame MS. Most software "spies" on you. I don't even remember the last time I got malware. People who write malicious code only go for larger targets. That leaves out Apple and Linux. The least secure devices are our phones.
  22. you can only download SILVER via Native Access
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