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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. Anything to do with the NI eco system. Plus disk space is becoming more limited and I rarely touch a lot of stuff.
  2. Imagine if there was one similar on softsynths. Many of us have way too many of those.
  3. Is this one even worth registering and downloading? I haven't gotten that far yet.
  4. They haven't gotten around to you yet. Be patient. It will happen, For me Windows System Restore - engaged!
  5. There's some producers who get that. Often it's the ones doing dance genres. The music is often played in mono in dance halls. Outside of seeing an orchestra in a hall, most rock concerts are not about the fidelity but the visual. That video is good for beginners who do it for fun and think spending $300 on an EQ is gonna make a difference.
  6. They also made there new synth available in Live 11. I have one system 12 wont run on because of the CPU. I guess what that teaches you that so many DAW upgrades are not earth shattering and it's not the end of the world no being current.
  7. Cakewalk and Finale use to do the same but call it a new version. Meanwhile Ableton is still updating Live 11.
  8. That reality exceeds the humor in it. This kind of stuff is in most DAWs these days.
  9. So you could hope and wait for that one synth to be less than $20 or free. It seems the "want" is not really want. You then can join the mass of plugin brokers trying to sell off the other stuff. The next time I'll try not to be stupid and register the serials on duplicates and give them away. I don't need to trade to compliment my hoarding. I got 2 synths I didn't have for $20. Plus loops with midis don't hurt either.
  10. I'm the opposite. Bitwig's GUI doesn't inspire me to use it despite all of the free 8 track versions I've installed. I rarely crack it open
  11. Just get the bundle for $20. It's not like some major roadblock.
  12. LOL! They probably have the NI guys working on it. Behavior on 3 machines is asking me to install/authorize and if you install it will install the update. After that the problem still exists in the app
  13. So far no. It keeps missing that RX11 is installed.
  14. .......when they finally fix this issue....... LOL just LOL! There's another F word that comes to mind that they do more than fix
  15. Nuendo is way too much DAW for my abilities.
  16. A lesson to learn for us hoarders. Play around with what you just bought even if it's something minimal. I tend to audition stuff later, It's as bad as getting those free games from Epic that your back log would take 2 centuries to complete.
  17. Do they remove your Cubase license if you upgrade?
  18. Odd to see a developer update a product instead of a product manager.
  19. LOL! Like swimming in shark infested water. Will Asshat break for that lucky user whoo registers this.
  20. LOL! Just LOL! https://community.native-instruments.com/categories/native-access
  21. This ventures between No and Hell No!
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