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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. This one is underutilized if you only do presets. This is probably the one to learn.
  2. Anyone tired of always having to log in to PoorT'all every time you open it?
  3. Trying to figure out why would I buy this other than it's price.
  4. They did another blunder somewhere around the turn of the century where there was 38 pages on the old Northern Sound Source forum will people committed not to buy anymore. The race down to zero became a result of that as well. RenMaxx are probably still the best to have.
  5. Interesting. If you are a linear tracking DAW user FL will drive you crazy unless you are doing dance genres. One of the best piano rolls out there. While it may come across as a simple to use DAW it's very complex when you go deeper. Live - seems like it was designed for a laptop. You resize windows a lot. Session view is underrated. I'm a fanboy of both but if I want to do some orchestra that is more advanced (rare for me) a staff view is needed.
  6. They need to do something about licensing. I have 3 machines and for me to use XLN I have to have a duplicate license but use a separate email to buy the 2nd one. It is a better value than Toontrack since each kit comes with the player.
  7. Great plugins - lousy licensing. I think they are the only effect plugins I have that basically need to be tied to one machine unless you want to go the "improvadongle" route. They lead the league in the race down to zero.
  8. Easy for me to pass since I'm pretty stupid on how to use it. I'd probably need 40 hours of tutorial. I still have the Sony one installed.
  9. If those were one shots I would get them. I never liked their VSTs.
  10. I've had WD HDDs last the long and a Seagate 500GB as well. Those old WD 320GB Blue drives were great. I don't think modern drives are built like they use to. External 3.5 drives rarely have more than a 2 year warranty and that should tell you something. A massive drive like that I'd be afraid to run it 24/7. I never do that with any 3.5 external. When they go bad you do get warnings like noise. Not knowing when a SSD fails is scary. I guess a big drive like this is worthy of ripping your DVD collection. I probably wouldn't stream off it either. One thing I notice with drive utilities they are not as efficient as when you discover a disk is dead.
  11. Their regular upgrade price is not in the same league as the more popular DAWs. My Live 12 Suite didn't even cost $199, Right now I can upgrade to Samplitude Pro Suite for the same price and get Soundforge, Spectral Layer Pro, with it for the same price. You gotta hope fanboys are willing to pay that price.
  12. I use it for convert audio to midi
  13. I always wanted an RME for bragging rights. The reality for what I do (very little) I only deserve an iTrack Solo. I still have some M-Audio PCI cards that still work.
  14. If you buy from Melda you get full credit where from PB only half. You can also do their rent to own and I have no idea how long that takes. It took me a long time to get everything. I started out by going with their MB plugins.
  15. I don't get the compare software to food. I have K Cups, ground, whole bean. I don't do the coffee places, fast food, ect. I guess if I wanted to use these comparisons, I could look at Safeway's $5 dollar weekend say for the price for a half bag of 21-25 count shrimp, 2 bags of Doritos, ect. I use food far more than plugins. They had 3 doz. eggs for $5. Gosh I even hoard food and coffee. It's kinda curbed because freezer space is like drive space. Can I buy it? No room. I believe collecting things seem to be hereditary.
  16. ????? That's not the way to go about it unless Melda has changed. Always wait for their sales and buy direct. The discounts get bigger than going 3rd party. To get everything was a long time in the making. As for these referral codes we all have them and we think there's a slim chance someone on this forum doesn't have a Melda plugin. This is the first I've seen with the plugin broker approach.
  17. That my rant - an unnecessary additional click. Then I have to log in to Jrr Shop for Unify serial humber in case I need it.
  18. NI seems to have customer loyalty on their software. I bought Kontakt 2 when it came out in a box at a local GC. It came with orchestra sounds that were great for one starting out. I don't think Gigastudio 3 was released yet and after having different versions of Gigastudio where the limits were by tracks and PC hardware could be quirky despite having GSIF drivers, having money to buy something nice like GOS was out of reach. It was time to try Kontakt. That was when DX was still a think and don't remember if Kontakt had DX support. Some DAWs needed a VST wrapper. They always offered crossgrades and I never paid over $300 for Komplete. We like shiny and new but the older stuff are the real gems. Few people take time to learn Reaktor, Battery, or even FM7. People use Kontakt as a rompler. I'm the chief of sinners in that regard.
  19. I have a rant about Unify. If you bought Unify via 3rd party you have to always go to that site to download updates. Every plugin I've bought that way your serial# is registered at the developer's site. This is not the case with Unify unless that is not the developer's site. I emailed their support about this. While some may not be bothered by this but it is an inconvenience and would not have bought this when I have to go through some hoops for an update. With software distribution becoming more faulty it's becoming by top priority in purchases. Very. very, 3rd rate.
  20. Not a fan of trying to compare software to food. I'm a diabetic so I basically make my own meals. You need food but sometimes when it comes to software......shiny and new is hard to avoid meanwhile a new version of a fast food offering is quite easy to avoid.
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