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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. Amazing how keys still work. Tech for the sake of tech is stupid. As I've gotten older I despise most of it.
  2. I thought this was a name for a new reverb or delay.
  3. Meh........you might have to post direct links. The website is a hassle. No search engine.
  4. How a cheap barcode scanner helped fix CrowdStrike'd Windows PCs in a flash https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/25/crowdstrike_remediation_with_barcode_scanner/?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_content=top-article
  5. You'd be surprised how many VSTs do this without called electric keys.
  6. This is works for all products. Majestica Ultra for 60
  7. Get the Demon installation issue again. I'm getting good at the work around. System Restore is also your friend
  8. Rinse and repeat = SOS (same old ****)
  9. I think they create more sub genres than music these days. It doesn't really sound unique after listening, Sounds like other genres. This midis and presets are easily worth the price.
  10. That's basically it except you manipulate them in Kontakt. The previous ones were Kontakt in wav that you could use outside of it. Now they are compressed.
  11. I practically majored theory in college. I have these type of apps and I don't use them that much or my education. I tend to buy loops with midi and use those to make adjustments. BTW don't most DAWs have these built in? It wouldn't hurt to have it.
  12. Nope. I was just amusing myself. I have a couple of libraries I haven't cracked open yet.
  13. It's not that. I checked my licenses and I have 1/26 of that library so it shows a different price. BTW they don't use paypal either. Sad I go this far to amuse myself.
  14. This voucher has a minimum purchase amount of 399€
  15. still doesn't work these codes only work for you when they don't for others Why am I doing this for something I won't buy?
  16. MTV,VH1, CMTV are anything but. Videos use to be creative where there was minimal showing of the artist. It's all trash now. Loved Liquid Television, Headbanger's Ball, Behind the Music. It would be nice of there was a MTV vintage channel.
  17. https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/19/crowdstrike_falcon_sensor_bsod_incident/?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_content=top-article Love the comments. Let's test patches before we roll them out....nah, testing is for pussies.
  18. You'll also have to spend to upgrade diskspace. That's almost 2TB.
  19. Part of that is the 2 machine limit which I'm avoiding those licenses a lot more. I have 3 machines so I would need 2 EZD licenses.
  20. Same here. Easy pass since I don't like their eco system. I prefer to give my money to Arturia only to add to stuff I don't use.
  21. I'm thinking once you get past the shiny and new I probably have plenty of equivalents.
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