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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. No brainer - for me it's another way of saying my head up my *****.
  2. The drawback to this is you put the distribution in the hands of Native Asshat. The more chances you take using it the more it will break. Everything I've bought from 8Dio was downloaded directly without using an app. Once downloaded from Asshat, the files get deleted. Imagine having to download everything again in Asshat. Maybe 8Dio will do like Project Sam where you can only get the files directly.
  3. I could assume she is the one to buy it and use it.
  4. Best to buy a piece at a time from 8Dio and avoid NI.
  5. After being in music education for 30 years I would say it is. Some think kids are turning to DAWs for beats but that is even time consuming to learn. We are not a patient people anymore.
  6. I liked the one in the Chicago Suburbs which was great for wind players. I'd check out the used brass instruments on the wall. You could also test mouth pieces. Unfortunately some brick and mortar places have suffered from Covid and couldn't regain the losses. People now like to shop online even with grocery stores. I still like to go into buildings. Most of my tech purchases are at Best Buy and not Amazon or Newegg. I order online and go pickup. This also has to hurt many instrument manufacturers. I often wonder if people are more into listening to music instead of the processes in performing or creating music.
  7. Were you under a rock when they announced this? They do. In fact those licenses under elicenser would still work even if you have the iLok versions. You would have to use their older romplers for the old ones to work.
  8. Someone figured that out. Slap a well know name only to DAW users and charge more money. You see that often with guitar gear.
  9. Then benefit of upgrading Cubase is 3 machine limit.
  10. Dependent upon the developer.
  11. They still can't get Metal kits right. Not a tempting sale either.
  12. If you want to avoid Asshat that says could not download (probaby because it's background stuff is not fully running) go to your account and download the .iso and open with a zip extractor.
  13. Not sure why you would want to do that. It's filled with stuff you already have. The worst part of it is their loops. It aint Sony. It's probably the last version of Acid.
  14. All of my VSL licenses were transferred to iLok. No charge. I think I still have GS4 and GVI on there which I threw away the install discs. I guess there is no other use for the dongle now, just landfill.
  15. I think I have at least two. Is Steinberg really stopping it? I just think it's their online activation just rebranded.
  16. I don't think that is what got him banned. There were plenty of broken promises also in group buys. It takes lot to get banned at KVR and I'm surprised they haven't deleted all searches and posts.
  17. It's mostly those i vst3. 8 of my DAWs reject them.
  18. This is the only forum where I've seen posting a Wusik deal.
  19. We have no evidence of one being honest when it comes to the net. His road down hill was breaking promises to loyal users. We live in a world where people like to conveniently blame a mental illness and hove no evidence since it is the net. This is not the only developer that has done it. I'm not a fan of using sympathy for marketing. Whether his situation is true or not I'm sad what has happened to Wusikstation. It's almost like Gibson took over. Ive had his products up to Wusik Station 10. (which I had to pay for despite being promised the free upgrade buying 9) Yet he somehow manages to bypass spam filters. There's plenty of facts on KVR. Just a reminder. I somehow manage to get emails.
  20. I'm reluctant to buy anymore. When Reaper rejects your vst3 that says alot. My other DAWs get stuck scanning UJA< stuff especially the Beat Maker line. Studio One pretty much rejects all UJAM vst3.
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