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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. "I finally got hit with the Native Access hellish nightmare that others have had." Just one of the quote off their forum regarding Asshat I was lucky this time that even the previous version worked on a system that always has issues with Asshat. I still think this is gonna cost NI in the long run. Oh sure we'll buy Komplete more so because of the Kontakt upgrade and the numerous other stuff we forget exists. I just find it odd they have issues with their distribution app. If Waves got theirs right why can't NI? The trend is developers are spending more time on their apps than their products. How many of us spend time just updating them? The trend in software development is getting worse and bloated. Part of the problem is the eye candy movement. To me the highest mark of idiocy is Windows 11. If you want to lose users always start with messing with the GUI and never test it with real people.
  2. You can find the ones you haven't downloaded highlighted. Always nice to to check out the ones with midi
  3. If you have AT5 Max it's already in there.
  4. Who has the Jazz Archtop and does it get much use. Also which acoustic? Thinkin Archtop and Boutique Acoustic
  5. but that WUP..................is so uninviting.
  6. There's plenty of them. Their website might be the best bet.
  7. v15 broken in new Reaper Some DAWs you have to reset the plugin scan to get them to work.
  8. Well I accidentally WF'upd that. That was for RennBass. I'm getting too stupid to deal with Waves. I shall see how Koby deals with this. I don't deal with him much since I dropped Waves.
  9. So far my WUP'd Waves isn't showing up in my account or on their app. I guess I shouldn't trust Lucy holding that football again.
  10. I got RennMaxx updated for a little over $8 at EP.
  11. Just beware if you value OS space the installer creates a new folder FL 2024. Uses up 2gigs of space.
  12. Yes you are. It's not a DAW for everyone. After having a license since version 7 and started with Sonar I still haven't adapted to the pattern style DAW.
  13. These always scare me. There is no bias in developers on that.
  14. Same here, one of the best defenses against plugin hoarding. I'm tired of these apps.
  15. That doesn't presuade the anti iLok users.
  16. The pro market is getting smaller. There are far less pro studios than a decade ago. They close up. Waves reputation is based on quality. Rarely do they have a dud plugin. Their beginner packages are great. Their business model sucks for the multi machine user. You either do the "improvadongle" or buy extra licenses. I don't know if they have done something like the iLok cloud. I don't buy their stuff anymore to know. I unsubscribed to their emails. Sure I get their race down to zero stuff but I don't install it.
  17. They can't because they have for more overhead.
  18. Actually those demos don't do much for me. I want to hear how they sit with other instruments. AAS is also behind some of the basic synths in Live.
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