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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Holiday in Berlin (Full Blown) Live
  2. I seem to recall that an explanation was either given or referenced within the past year. If so and I stumble onto it, I will post a link to the post I have in mind.
  3. THIS [in the FAQs] is a link to a pdf of drum / note assignments (General MIDI PERCUSSION Key Map) at musescore.org
  4. Since I had no prior experience with the free Monster Drum plug-in, first I downloaded the latest version, unzipped it, placed it in the VST3 folder, and rescanned my plug-ins since I have CbB set up to do manual [on demand] plug-in scans. Then I found one of their libraries [I chose one of the Monster Ethnica library files], unzipped that onto an SSD, and then pointed the Monster Drum VST3 plug-in to use that library. So far so good. It seems to work as intended. As the other CbB very experienced users have stated, to better help you above and beyond the general information they have already provided, more information would be useful. I haven't looked at the tutorial you recommend yet, but I would add one thing. With the library you have chosen, I am not sure tapping the pads on the UI allow you to record MIDI note data. In my experience, using a mouse to tap or press virtual triggers in a UI does not generate recordable note data. The library I chose to test has either a keyboard or various trigger pads depending on the preset. I was not able to change the plug-in itself to generate MIDI data from Cakewalk's Instrument plug-in window. So, to record notes onto a Cakewalk Instrument Track assigned to Monster Drum, I used my usb MIDI keyboard. Although I don't use CbB's Step Sequencer, I tested that and it works in the sense that I was able to (1) enter notes, (2) hear the notes, and (3) record the notes. I seem to recall @Starship Krupa's posting some details about using CbB's Step Sequencer. Perhaps those might be useful to you. He even listed Monster Drum as a favorite in the Freeware Instruments Thread. Thanks for mentioning this free plug-in. It looks like it has quite a number of libraries. I look forward to learning more about Monster Drum.
  5. If you have a pair (down / up), you might /probably want to delete both to avoid mysteries later on.
  6. Personal choice, but I like a file-finding tool called "Everything" from VoidTools. You might prefer others; this is just the one I use. My custom search presets include: *.cpw, *.dll, *.pdf, *.syx, *.voltagepreset, *.vst3 just to give you an idea of my priorities for quick searches. ADDENDUM: LOL (laughing at myself): I don't use Ableton, but I just did a Folder Search for "Ableton" and evidently at some point I had versions of either Ableton or Ableton Contents. Actually, it seems that NI has installed some of those Folders.
  7. I was curious about this so I took a very quick look. Would right-clicking and setting the value to 0 [zero] be helpful? This can be done in Staff View. Disclosure: My staff view usage is pretty minimal nowadays--just using it to create or to clean up short music snippets. So I am not sure if there are other options. I suspect the Staff View editing code is a bit entrenched, so I am not sure a Delete button can be added to the right click dialog that would delete the pedal/sustain control code. As always, I defer to others who use Staff View more than I currently do. BUT WAIT: I just did something that put a box around the Pedal Event (in Staff View) and then something else that turned it Blue. When it is Blue the delete key will delete the event. Hmmmmm. UPDATE: I think I have it. After right-clicking the Pedal Event which brings up the properties dialog, I closed the dialog box [pressing either OK or Cancel worked for me], the event stayed Blue and then pressing the delete key deleted it. I am curious to know if that will work for others.
  8. I remember some discussions that might be related. I don't have time to search the posts, but here's a link to a "SMPTE" search that might have some relevant posts.
  9. Unfortunately (but only mildly so since we're talking about X1), I have not found X1e for SONAR X1 Producer or SONAR X1 Expanded on the currently available set of websites, nor do I have a backup copy on any of current PCs or backup storage devices. That's odd because back in those days I meticulously followed all of the instructions for the patches/updates. If there was an X1e patch for any of my versions of SONAR X1, either I missed it or I have it on one of my currently out of commission XP SP3 PCs. Not urgent to set one up or to search ancient HDDs or storage media. I would have thought if there was one, I would have found it at the legacy site for product downloads. Of course, so far I hav en't been able to find any of the intermediary patches either. I can download SONAR X1 Producer (including some content files), ProducerX1cPatch, and SONAR_X1_Producer_Expanded. Currently the website doesn't show me an X1d or an X1e patch. I don't doubt that some people might have had an X1e Patch. I did find the early version of ProChannel. Some of the modules load and the ones that don't run identify the version of SONAR needed to run (eg SONAR 2, SONAR 4, etc.). I remember paying for the Expanded version of SONAR X1 Producer. My price was $19.99. It might be that different people paid different prices.
  10. MIDI is data, instructions that tell sound-making devices (for example hardware synths / samplers and software synths / samplers, etc.) what sounds to make and manipulate. Are you directing the MIDI data to any sound-making devices? What are you doing differently from what typically works just fine with Cakewalk?
  11. Thanks for mentioning this. I have X1d (build 535 installed). UPDATE: I just read this thread from the old forum. My X1 is Producer Expanded. Is that X1e even though the About dialog says X1d? (Or maybe I need to find and install X1e?)
  12. My money is on "actual symbol" = guitar fingering picture.
  13. Good news--that you have an ins file that does work within Cakewalk. Later I will give this one a try.** I have been thinking of setting up my home studio my old hardware modules, so working on the JUNO-DS issue should help me out. At a minimum, it reminds of what I used to do. **UPDATE: Yup. That one works as expected within Cakewalk/Sonar. The time spent on this has been worthwhile for me. I hand-compiled my P2500 definitions, but didn't dare try setting them up for the Sampler because of the massive undertaking it would be. Spending the time today with the Import Wizard has given me some ideas that should help.
  14. Thanks. Along the way, I was wondering if the ins file was correct. I have to do some other things today, but don't mind sticking with this if its not solved before I have a chance to get back to it. I have done stuff with earlier Rolands (MT-32, CA-30, CM-64, RA-30, U-220, M-GS64, maybe some others I forgot about. If you can post a link to the ROLAND JUNO-DS manual(s) I can take a look. Are there other ins files for it on line?
  15. PART I: IMPORT Open the Preferences > MIDI > Instruments configuration wizard. Click Define Button. Click Import Button. Navigate to Roland-Juno-DS-200.ins file, select it, click Open in the file selection dialog. Add both Roland Juno-DS-Drums and Roland JUNO-DS-Patch. Press Close. PART II: Assign From Preferences > MIDI > Instruments configuration wizard, choose desired MIDI Device & Channels I usually do all 16 channels for the Desired Device/Port since most of my gear is multitimbral. So, I chose Device Port 1, all 16 channels. Assign all those Output/Channels to Use Roland JUNO-DS-Patch Save Changes for Next Session is enabled [checked] Press Define. When Define Instruments and Names Wizard shows up press Close as many times as need to exit the Assignment Wizard. PART III: That's basically it except to double check the track control widgets and set to desired bank. [ O ] = the correct MIDI Device / Port [ C ] = 1: Roland JUNO-DS-Patch [ B ] = 0: Gener > None UH OH - not what I expected NOTE: I tried a number of things and the Bank numbers I was expecting do not show up in the [ B ] widget drop down. If someone else can explain this and how to get the Wizard to work if you solve it, great. If not, I will try editing the definition you posted manually.
  16. Not sure how that could have happened. A few minutes ago I used my P2500 custom instrument definition to double check my memory on how the bank switching is done with the Track Control Widgets. Assuming you have a P2500 connected, do the correct patches show up on a P2500 track? I used Notepad to edit definitions and then cut and pasted those into a master MySONAR.ins file. Not sure how you got E-Mu data showing up for the JUNO. I never used the Import feature, but I will try to import your JUNO-DS file to see if it scrambles anything on my PC.
  17. I have no experience with the JUNO-DS, but I did notice that the Bank you have selected (2176) isn't listed in the definition. It's been a while since I used bank switching, but it seems to me that (1) if the JUNO-DS instrument definition is available to Cakewalk (Individually or as apart of a Master file) and (2) has been assigned to the desired MIDI Channels, you would need to have (3) a listed Bank selected that points to the name of the list of presets for the bank you are using. If the correct bank numbers are not listed in the [ B ] ank Track Control Widget, to me that says Cakewalk is not seeing the JUNO-DS Instrument Definition. If the Bank numbers are listed, are the correct presets listed when you select a proper bank (e.g., the ones in the Patch[nnnnn] list? NOTE: I defer to other users (1) who use the JUNO-DS and/or (2) who have worked with bank switching and instrument definitions more recently than I have.
  18. JMO: Given the public posts here over the past several weeks (prior to the "disappearance"), this should not come to a surprise to anyone who reads forum posts on a regular basis. The initial seeds for this were discussed out in the open. JMO: Using this forum to publicly try to track down specific people like you have done should be against the rules if its not already.
  19. Can't say for sure, but maybe I thought "If two new forum members [1 post each] can't find it, rather than suggesting to look on line and posting the link, I'll post the single ins file as a quote." Or maybe for some reason I didn't want to give the full explanation of how to search online for ins file, make them, etc. Maybe I had concerns about their abilities to download files. However, it's not an ins file I had and therefore I couldn't upload it, though I suppose I could have posted a link to the site where I found it. That might be the site I used; in fact it probably is since it looks very familiar. Maybe because it's not https, I was concerned they'd get an UNSAFE SITE warning and decided rather that risk sending someone to a possibly unsafe http site, I'd just post it as text. That sounds like something I would have done. Also, I have been out of on-site storage space for years and to post new images/files I'd have to spend time looking for files to delete, possibly editing to post to say the image/file was deleted and why it was, etc. So maybe on December 25th, 2022, I had no space to upload a file. I stand by my original post.
  20. Thanks; I think I understand your point. I tried pasting an entire *.ins file in a Quote Box, scrolling to look for specific synths, and also using search, but for me it was more cumbersome to use the browser than Notepad, so I didn't see any advantage to posting it as text. I guess it's a matter of personal workflow, not that one method is better than another--kind of like how some people prefer keyboard shortcuts, some people like navigating with a mouse, etc.
  21. Thanks for the reply. For years I have been checking my spam box before deleting the contents, but I suppose there is a chance I could have gotten an e-mail from PA that went to Spam and I didn't catch it. I do have the invoice I downloaded the same day as the order. I remember looking at the website for instructions but I don't remember if that was the same day or sometime after. I just have to assume I also looked through my e-mails. So, I can't say for sure they never sent out an e-mail. Good news. Earlier today, I used the PA Customer Support Wizard to open a ticket. It looks like they replied with an activation code about 18 minutes ago. ?
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