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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Does anyone know how I can get redemption codes (or whatever is needed to get licenses from CA)?
  2. I bought a set of these from PA a year ago, but I didn't realize I had to redeem/download/install otherwise I'd lose it. I have very little experience with PA. Evidently the stuff they stock is always there, but third-party deals like the ones from Cherry Audio have to be obtained immediately after purchase. I really don't know; I gave up on the deal. Maybe someone can explain how it works. I still have the July 2023 invoice in my account. Does anyone know how I can use the PA site to get the redemption codes (or whatever I need to get licenses)?
  3. Thanks for reporting your experiences. Before I even looked at the Readme file, I saw this from a post in Melda's KVR thread: "I copied it into C:\ProgramData\MeldaProduction\MTexturedStyles. " As you noted above, that's where it works. So, the installation was only easy for me thanks to that post. BTW, I did not set sT Oasis as the default in large part because some of the locked-in default colors are bad for a set of my personal presets.
  4. So far as I know, there is no rule saying we cannot seek information on different forums (or chat, for that matter). If anyone wants to leave a specific forum, that is his or her choice. For example, if several contributors to one forum want to create and host their own forum, they can do that, too. They can even define their own rules for their own forum. Caveat: I have no inside knowledge from anyone; I only know what had been posted.
  5. Picked up Oasis last week; super easy to install** and select; fun colors! ? **CLARIFICATION: See John Maar's post and the discussion of where to put Oasis.
  6. HUH? I was and am under the impression that they were text files. I haven't edited any in a while, but I found they were easily editable using Notepad. What is the benefit of taking a lengthy INS file and posting the file as text?
  7. Some of the others I looked at just just had "Fixed potential UI lockup."
  8. I stumbled onto the existence of Updates dated 2024-07-18 from Generate > Settings > General ("Newer Version . . . is available"). The Update Button took me to this webpage. I checked a few others and they all had updates, too. If interested you can see the Release Notes from the Downloads webpage.
  9. Just to be clear, none of my earlier posts were intended to be "hating on" IK. I intentionally tried to word my posts to reflect my desire to help others find things that I found, not to present any negativity. Apologies if my posts failed to do that.
  10. Thanks for the clarification regarding the restore button; thanks for confirming it probably wasn't relevant to getting the Metal Gem models to show up in the Tonex Browser List. Re: Version 1.7.3 v. Version 1.7.4, maybe there will be a 1.7.5 follow-up to fix what seems to be some issues.
  11. I don't know about deleting User downloads to free up User slots, but based on what I did yesterday, the Metal Gems Collection adds 100 Premium Models. Also, my TONEX CS did not include unlimited User downloads. My captured screenshots show the paid versions of TONEX did. Example: TONEX CS Included 20 Tone Models [Premium] 10 Amps / 5 Pedals 20 User Tone Model Downloads [Free] So, I started with the 20 included Premium Models (2022) and downloaded 7 free [user] Tone Models. Yesterday, to my holdings of 27, I added the 100 Premium Tone Models in the Metal Gems Collection Note: Even though they were free to me thanks to the APD Deal, they are still Premium Tone Models. By contrast, so far as I have seen, the paid editions of TONEX included "Unlimited User Tone Model Downloads."
  12. Thanks for the correction. That's where I saw it, not in the User Area on the IK Website. Earlier posted edited to reflect this.
  13. My memory is not what it was 2 years ago, but in the back of my mind, I recalled your being active/helpful with TONEX discussions in the forum early on. Glad you finally got the Metal Gems Collection. Not sure if this is relevant, but yesterday at some point, somewhere I clicked on "Restore All Purchases." I don't understand it fully, but several years ago I remember that as being a standard advice for IK products--advice for when IK products shown on the local computer didn't include everything it "should have" shown. Maybe it was in connection with possibly the Custom Shop.
  14. I have no memory of actually downloading the collection. I do have memories of trying to find where they were hidden. I only have 127 total, but here's how I get to see Metal Gems Signature Collection (using TONEX CS Version 1.7.4): TONEX - Home Tab Left-hand column: Tone Model button selected TONE MODEL BROWSER All Tone Models selected OWNED COLLECTIONS Signature heading expanded Metal Gems showing (it's my only collection) NOTE: Selecting Metal Gems here: unselects All Tone Models removes the collection from the TONE MODEL LIST (Main Column) sets results to 0 USER FOLDERS [I have not set up any User Folder] Filters button selected INSTRUMENT Owned Only slide switch = on NOTE: I only downloaded about 7 Free Models a few years ago, so I don't need to use the filters. TIER - Select the Premium to get rid of the Free ones from the TONE MODEL LIST in the main Column (under the Amp Header) Main Column TONE MODEL LIST List View Selected List Column Date Added = Most Recent on Top I now have 127 total: 100 new Premium Models added today, 20 CS Premium Models, 7 Free Models. If there is a way to have the list show Premium Models for specific owned collections, I haven't found it. I defer to others who use TONEX more than I do. It looks like my 7 downloads are from September/October 2022.
  15. The APD site says Download Instantly, but I found there are a lot of things to jump over, around, and through. I guess If someone uses TONEX frequently, it's a snap, but I played with TONEX CS a while ago, the UI has changed quite a bit, etc. Eventually I got access to the Collection and found the switch that let me list just the models/presets I own. I don't remember all the steps, but they include: Open the e-mail and buffer copy the purchase code from APD Open the IK Product Manager Use the Register Button in the IK Product Manager Paste the code into the right spot Boot TONEX Make sure you are logged into the TONEX Server (or whatever they call it) Go to the User Area on the IK Website Make sure Tonex is listed [in the IK Product Manager] Make sure the Collection is listed [in the IK Product Manager] It should be if Registration was successful In the TONEX UI, find the switch that will let you list models you own or possibly search for Metal Gems Somewhere along the way I was able to listen to audio through the Metal Gem models (played real time through a CbB track) without the unwanted periodic noise we get with unowned models. Also, along the way I had several periods of just waiting--maybe while stuff was being downloaded, while my account was being verified, etc.
  16. After reverting MODO BASS 2 (to Version 2.0.2 from Version 2.0.3), back (to Version 2.0.3), and then checking some things, I found: Version 2.0.3 uses a different folder/file arrangement CbB did not automatically detect the change Might be a problem for some people, not others depending on personal VSTScan choices/options I do manual scans as needed Doing a Rescan with "Rescan Failed Plugins" selected allowed CbB to (appropriately enough) rescan and find Version 2.0.3.
  17. You probably know this, but for the benefit of others who don't and want a GS-2 tutorial:
  18. I forgot to add: The PSN live event featuring today's special guests from Cherry Audio is scheduled for this afternoon/evening. Great opportunity to get inside details, ask Qs of the Cherry Audio team, etc.
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