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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Suggested background reading: It is what it is.
  2. Before any well-intentioned DAW users try to help someone that on the surface seems to be asking for help, please read this thread after it was used to vent following two-years of being an inactive thread: Notice the negative mindset used to "bump" the ancient thread which up until that point consisted of respectful replies. Notice also how the off-topic rant wandered to other complaints. As the Topic clearly states, the thread was about the Control Bar. I have often been guilty of offering help others, but after a number of threads from hostile posters, I came to realize that trying to help those who are really just venting disrespects the decision of those who just want to stop using Cakewalk and just want to vent. Far be it from me to tell others to stop engaging what some might call trolls. But before you try to help any more "Enough-is-enough; I'm-done with-Cakewalk" soon-to-be-ex-users, I would just like to encourage you to help users who really want help. On the surface, the post here is phrased to be a request for help. If you scratch the surface, you might agree that it is little more than thinly veiled venting. @Bud Brown There are a number of users who have (and use) several different DAWs, sometimes using them to fulfill different functions in their workflow. However, it is abundantly clear that the reasons for your posts (the older thread and this one) is to proclaim to as many people who will listen you are done with Cakewalk. You don't really need to subject yourself and others to all the drama. BTW, I doubt most Cakewalk users will bear ill feelings towards you if you choose to use other music-making tools. I hope you find happiness with whatever music-making tools you choose to use if you continue to make music.
  3. User 905133

    Mr. Sandman

    Don't get me wrong, but it seems like you took the lyrics and set it to original music. If I am right, I think you did a disservice to your music by not taking credit for it. Yes, the rhythm of the lyrics in your song parallel the older version, but unless my tinnitus has made me tone deaf too (which I am not discounting as a possibility), your melody, chords, and overall arrangement are uniquely your own. (I could be wrong on this, though.)
  4. Nope. Not at all. I just saw a post and responded. In responding to my post you took a minor point and elevated it to a major issue and totally ignored the main point of my post. (1) If you had an issue with notifications, that is a completely separate issue. (2) If you have a beef with me from some other posts, that's also a separate issue.
  5. Several vendors were mentioned. Which one has the freebies? Never mind. The freebies are in a tab at RP's site.
  6. I just connected the iConnectMIDI+4 and a second E-Mu 2x2 MIDI Interface. The way that Windows handles MIDI devices seems to be different than I remember it working when I last had these devices connected. I will look for my other 2 E-Mu 2x2 midi interfaces to see if Windows can now handle 4 seeming identical MIDI devices.
  7. Yes, it is very complex. I only use about 10% of what it can do. To me it looks like MPD218 is the first MIDI Device Windows has detected and reports to software. Based on my experience with MIDI-OX: Keystation # 1: 2) Keystation 61 MK3 and 3) MIDIIN2 (Keystation 61 MK3) are the MIDI In ports on the second MIDI device detected / reported by Windows; 3) Keystation 61 MK3 and 4) MIDIOUT2 (Keystation 61 MK3) are the MIDI Out ports on the second MIDI device detected / reported by Windows. Keystation # 2: 4) Keystation 61 MK3 and 5) MIDIIN4 (Keystation 61 MK3) are the MIDI In ports on the third MIDI device detected and reported by Windows; 5) Keystation 61 MK3 and 6) MIDIOUT4 (Keystation 61 MK3) are the MIDI Out ports on the third MIDI device detected / reported by Windows. The questions remains, if Windows is detecting and reporting the two devices and the MIDI I/O ports on each port correctly, why is the OP getting the MIDI Device Failure error. To me that message typically means a device (or device + driver) is already in use by some software. IIRC with two identical Korg nanoKontrols, I had to install the driver twice. That was before some driver changes were made by Korg (and possibly some Windows changes with the way MIDI devices are handled. After my experience with Windows messing up 4 identical E-Mu 2x2 MIDI Interfaces, I picked up an iConnectMIDI+2 and then an iConnectMIDI+4. Since they are different devices, I can use both and Windows doesn't get confused. Windows was able to handle 2 identical E-Mu 2x2s. With three of them I occasionally had problems. With four, software was consistently confused. Others know more than me about how MIDI device drivers work (or don't work), so I will defer to others on this issue. But to me, it looks like for some reason there's some driver confusion. If I had two identical keyboards, I would see what device manager does when one is connected and then make sure all the software worked properly. If it did, I would see what device manager does when the second keyboard is connected. Again, I defer to others who have more knowledge. But now you have some background on why I wrote: Wish I could help more.
  8. User 905133

    Mr. Sandman

    This doesn't sound like the version I am familiar with.
  9. I do not see any audio on any meters in the tracks section. Since your needle is being pinned on the master bus (and two other buses), maybe you have an audio feedback loop?
  10. UPDATE: I have used my own tweaks of Xcitenator for guitar-like sounds. I am taking that apart now.
  11. Thanks for your thoughts on the possible benefits / uses for the guitar plug-ins. MSF > Edit Mode > Generator Tab > Insert Sampler > Sampler Presets Selection Box > Instruments I am seeing 31 total Instrument Presets. For guitars, I have Bass fretless Bass guitar Guitar nylon Guitar steel I haven't done much with the MSF Sampler myself. I have tended to use other things to test FX such as MGuitarArchitect, AAS Strum, etc.
  12. When I first got MP2, I wanted dry audio so I could add my own FX. It seemed that every factory preset had an omnipresent reverb. In my experience, the ConvoRoom was sider was up by default for R1 [Return 1]. I had to slide the MIX window all the way to the right to find where the returns were.
  13. Respecting your opinion based on your experience (i.e., not attacking you at all), how does RP's RG (admittedly based on the demos) compare with AAS's Strum, IK's Guitar Libraries/Samples, and MeldaProduction's guitar samples (if you have any experience with any or all of those. Thanks.
  14. I used to think this and even said as much. However there has been some more recent discussion based on quotes that seem to be saying that at some point all versions of CbB will not be usable, including the last version (yet to be released). That being said, the final details have yet to be revealed. So I see no harm in waiting until then. Who knows, maybe the details will include something for everyone at a price everyone can afford! ? ----------- Reposting this because the discussion took a minor point in the original post and elevated it into a major issue.
  15. I used to think this and even said as much. However there has been some more recent discussion based on quotes that seem to be saying that at some point all version of CbB will not be usable, including the last version (yet to be released). That being said, the final details have yet to be revealed. So I see no harm in waiting until then. Who knows, maybe the details will include something for everyone at a price everyone can afford! ? I just hope the people that rant about what the previous owners did will move on. As I have said, Bandlab has more than made up for the $500 (or less, if there were loyalty discounts; not sure) by giving everyone five years of a quality DAW.
  16. We don't get hosed after all! ? For those of you with a Groove 3 subscription / pass and who resonate with the tutorial-style of Eli Krantzberg, he has some Orchestration tutorials. Also, you might want to seek out the posts of Jerry Gerber.
  17. You can help people to help you by posting a link to the manual for this instrument. Also, if it is a software synth (or virtual instrument), you might want to look at MFX - MIDI FX plug-ins which can be used to generate MIDI data. EDIT: Are you talking about this?
  18. Just some FYIs: Before there were computer-based software synths, virtual instruments, etc. there were hardware synths. Toward the end of the twentieth century a number of things happened, including the development and widespread use of MIDI--a protocol for hardware (such as computers and music gear) to communicate. MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface. It was based on sixteen logical channels of data (MIDI channels). Part of the history of synths includes patches, sometimes called presets--storable and recallable preconfigured settings so that patch cords (actual shielded wires with connectors at each end)** didn't have to be plugged in to a hardware synth each time a performer wanted to create a sound. (**Note: there were also other ways of routing the components of synths.) You might be surprised to learn that software that is now called a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) has roots in MIDI sequencers. Software on a computer equipped with hardware called a MIDI Interface could be used to control musical gear (i.e., hardware) that "understood MIDI." That is to say, they communicated with each other via a serial form of "information (data) sharing" using the 8-bit computer-based protocols of MIDI. (That's why they had 16 channels--a single eight-bit "word" could represent 16 different values (0000 0000 to 1111 1111 in binary. I see that your MIDI device is being seen by Windows as "Game Controller 1." Perhaps the specs for that device has more information about its MIDI implementation. If there is an online manual for this device, could you post a link to it? Over the decades I have mapped game controllers to MIDI and I'd be curious to see how what's going on with yours (which I assume is newer than anything I used). Hope this helps in addition to what others have already said (and others might add) about using instrument definitions.
  19. No pop-up here. Maybe because I already have MP2 (though not the CS version). I stopped after TS 3.5 MAX. Maybe by TS 9.0 MAX there will be something they will offer me free if I don't buy anything more from them. Not a big deal for me; I am getting really old and have been slowing down quite a bit. I am up to one calendar/chronological year = 4.32867 life-span years. ?
  20. Thanks for the reply. I fully understand the circumstances.
  21. Long shot: I have seen products with drivers that don't support more than a certain number of instances of the same product. One used to require a second driver installation for a second instance of the same hardware. Another product would allow Windows to see and keep straight two instances of the same product. Any more than two and windows got confused (and so did software that relies of how Windows enumerates, registers, and reports devices). I don't know about the M-Audio Keystation61 MK3, but if I were trying to use two and got the message you got, that's what I would look into. One thing I would do is use an old tool called MIDI-OX as a simple way to see if Windows is seeing the two identical devices. If not, I would look at the manufacturer's forum, ask tech support, and Google the driver issue. I'd probably watch to see what Device Manager does when each identical device is plugged in.
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