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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. I had that same reaction. When I go to the Cakewalk Site, follow the links to Cakewalk Next, and click on the "Check Out The Public Beta" button, I get an invitation to the Cakewalk Next Discord Server. So when the OP posted the notification (with the serial number), I just assumed the OP had followed these steps. Maybe people are passing the software around or it has been released elsewhere? I think it now makes sense why the OP was confused when initially referred to the Discord Server. But I don't understand why it took so long to figure out the source of the confusion. Well, maybe now it's clear how to get access to the Cakewalk Next Discord Server.
  2. Multiphonics CV-2 is $65 (56% off) Multiphonics CV-2 Upgrade from CV-1 is $79
  3. Is there a list somewhere of what has come out since TS 4 MAX came out and is not included?
  4. https://www.youtube.com/@LiquidLightLab
  5. User 905133


    Glad you appreciate my sense of humor. Shhhhhh. Don't tell anyone. "Great Deal - Perpetual License for all BogusCorp Plugins . . . ." Do you think BogusCorp was too subtle a clue?
  6. User 905133


    Another option is edit the post, change the font, and offer an explanation.
  7. Not sure about this, but is your Bandlab Studio app open when you get the busy signal? Maybe CbB needs it to be closed? Long shot, but might be worth a try.
  8. From what I see on the internet, Bandlab Music Making Studio is an app for the iPhone and iPad. I assume that works much the same way the Bandlab browser-based app works. A few years ago I played a bit with CbB's ability to exchange files with Bandlab (the web app), so I do have some test files in my Bandlab account. I use a Windows-based desktop computer. A few minutes ago, I booted CbB and went to File > Browse Bandlab Projects and was able to load a newer project (from 2023) as well as some files I have there from 2020 and 2021. It sounds like you used the same steps in CbB. Loading the 2023 project took longer than I would have expected and there were some flashing "importing" or "sample rate conversion" dialogs along the way, but all the projects seem to have loaded OK. Don't know if this is significant, but are you loading the projects before starting a new CbB project, are you importing a project from your Bandlab library into a CbB project, something else? I wanted to try tackling your issue because as a Cakewalk user I am interested in learning more about exchanging projects and files. Not sure that anything I tried will help you, but at least in my case, I have been able to access Bandlab from CbB. Maybe others who use Bandlab (the web app) more than I do can help.
  9. While I am philosophically opposed to hyper-partisan "cancel culture" debates in the political arena, I applaud personal boycotts!!!!
  10. I do not use articulations and I have only used multitimbral synth modules with Cakewalk (i.e., hardware). Some of what I see in the initial post sounds like things I might find useful if I ever found a multi-timbral software synth that was as easy to use as hardware. I am chiming in with questions and comments about this discussion and what I know in hopes that it will help me do some new things down the road. Is this part of Cakewalk's non-destructive recording of MIDI data? Several years ago (on a previous computer), I created an orchestration template where I set up tracks for midi channels for a whole bunch of hardware synth modules (at least 4, maybe more) each capable of receiving midi data on up to 32 channels. So, I know it can be done; just not sure about using articulations. Is there a tutorial or set of instructions somewhere that shows how to channelize MIDI notes using articulations?
  11. Thanks for clarifying what your goal is and why you were asking about a scoring facility in Cakewalk Next.
  12. Thanks. I missed that the OP no longer had access to a PC.
  13. Well, if you used the Staff View in your old version of Cakewalk/SONAR and that worked, why not go back to that instead of trying to use the beta version of software that has yet to be released (Cakewalk Next)?
  14. @flange_59163 As Byron Dickens says, some people post their phone numbers and email addresses. What is important not to share with the world differs from person to person. For example, some people will publicly post personalized codes for discounts on software. Others will post discount codes that can be used by anyone. Some people will announce that they have individual codes (or redemption keys) for sale, to give away, or to barter and ask for interested people to contact them privately. I was just surprised because I generally don't see people posting things like serial numbers for licensed software.
  15. Yeah. Since @flange_59163 also shows a an expiration date for the evaluation copy, I guess it doesn't matter. I was just shocked to see the serial number posted.
  16. Are you supposed to be posting the serial number of an evaluation copy for the whole world to see?
  17. If you haven't contacted Overloud yet as the pop-up says, I think you should do that. Please let others here know what they say in case it happens to someone else.
  18. If my memory isn't totally gone, I seem to recall a comment here in the forum that there might be a core program that would be free. I don't think that was user speculation / wishful thinking, but maybe it was. Maybe it was part of comments related to what options were under consideration. Unfortunately there have been far too many posts for me to search and double check what I am remembering. Personally, I remain optimistic and will wait for the products to be released before deciding what software to use after CbB has been retired.
  19. After watching The Turtles, Happy Together (documentary link by @pwal. I listened to some songs on Ray Manzarek's The Whole Thing Started With Rock and Roll (Now It's Out of Control ) that have Flo and Eddie as backing singers (e.g., "Love It or Leave It" in bicentennial Blues). I've had the vinyl since the '70s). A Wikipedia article on Flo and Eddie as backup singers led me to The Golden Scarab, which I had never heard before. So, Listening to this now . . . . . On a sad note, along the way I saw an article from June 2023 discussing Volman's Lewy Body Dementia. True to form Volman plans to make, “the most out of every day.”
  20. We still don't know what will happen when the the new products (Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar) are released. It is premature (among other things) to call this statement a lie. "Gotta be free, gotta be free"
  21. I always thought that intuition was a function of experience. When new features are introduced and I have no experience with them, I find they are very unintuitive. So when the Skylight UI was introduced, it was totally unintuitive. I haven't even tried to master some recently added features such as articulations and exporting. On the other hand when I saw Workspaces, I decided that might be very useful for my needs and I spent the time to tackle the learning curve. I don't know everything about Workspaces, but for my needs it has become very intuitive. Hope this helps.
  22. Thanks. I looked at the plug-in yesterday and as a fan of delays, I almost picked it up. But the album was so full of crackling, I decided against it. The crackling might have been intended by the artist and/or it might be part of a lo-fi appeal of the plugin (a feature, not a flaw), but the crackling was too much for me and I didn't want to get on the artists' e-mail list.
  23. Don't tell anyone, but I never clicked randomly on that image before. So thanks for pointing that out.
  24. This is true and I can't agree with you more, it's amazing how I think this is the least of priorities. I ended up buying studio one artist (it's not even extremely affordable where I'm from, about R1 200.00 black friday) cause I tried but gave up tolerating the UI. I'll surely keep an eye on cakewalk cause the fundamentals and feature sets are okay. Emphasis added above. Now re-read the first post in this this thread: UPDATE: Commentary on the above deleted. I believe the OP's words speak for themselves. Note: I am not saying or implying anything negative about AKAI's software and I understand the reasoning for the modernization of Cakewalk's UI in both Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar. I only cited the OP's comments about AKAI and the UI to call attention to the OP's long-standing bias.
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