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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Here we go again - yet another new thread rehashing the same old same old. Yup! Time to sit back and watch the reruns of the opinions, speculation, etc. Either that or time to move on and just wait until it's released. Maybe explore something new? Bring up a new issue that hasn't been beaten to death? ? BTW, if there is a loyalty discount, I hope it's based on seniority, with those of us who started with Cakewalk for MS-DOS getting a more sizeable discount than those who want special consideration for jumping on the bandwagon at the very end of the SONAR run. Maybe someone can compile links to all the existing threads where people speculate, opine, rant, suggest, plead, etc. about Cakewalk Sonar?
  2. Somewhere along the line (probably either in September or when they came out with Hybrid Free) I also picked up and installed the REMatrix SOLO IR library Overloud kindy made available.
  3. The bottom line, "It will be replaced by a new version of SONAR and will no longer be freeware" is partially true. Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB) (which is rooted in SONAR) is in the process of being discontinued. It still works. We can still use it. Bandlab has announced two new products will be coming out Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar. There is plenty of information (and discussion) of this. Some things are known to the public, but since Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar have not yet been released as purchasable products, we will have to wait until information / details are released (such as about when and how much). I agree that we don't need yet another thread. @SloHand Solo You can read the discussions and points raised in other threads. As a long-time user of Cakewalk/SONAR software I am confident that when there's news about pricing and availability, it will be announced.
  4. To me this is a different issue. To me it is related to track management for which I use the Track View, not the Synth Rack View. Are you saying that you want track management abilities added to the Synth Rack View? UPDATE: See replies below.
  5. This is what I initially thought you were referring to (you can have many tracks selected for various purposes; one track can be in focus for some very specific purposes), but I think you might be interested in something else. The only thing I can see is: the track with the name highlighted is shown in the Inspector (if you have the Inspector open). When you select the track number, the contents of the track get selected and the Inspector shows information for that track. To me, selecting a track by clicking on the name (and therefore having the Inspector show details for that track) amounts to giving that track the focus. However, by selecting multiple track by number such as by holding the ctrl key down (default key binding), allows some editing functions (for example) the delete key to delete the contents of all the tracks that have their numbers selected. So, hitting ctrl+a will select all tracks and then selecting the name of a single track (what I think of giving it focus) puts the single track selected into the Inspector. IMPORTANT: This is just what I think, based on how I intuitively use Cakewalk. (1) I am not sure I am using the terms as they are used in the manual. (2) I am not sure if other differences are going on, too, and if you are looking for other differences between the two methods. I welcome clarifications (corrections, qualifications, etc.) from others.
  6. Selected v. in focus. On second thought, I think you are referring to something else. Sorry.
  7. The Windows Installer program downloads and installs the Windows version (VST and VST3).
  8. TY!!! Yeah--I downloaded it, looked in all the menus, search where I thought it might be in the documentation (missed it if its there), etc. But I didn't think to click the X. It was staring me in the face the whole time!!!!! LOL ?
  9. Cool! I am close to the end of my One Year All Access Pass and have been trying to decide if I can afford the $150 renewal price. Groovy ?
  10. For those unfamiliar with Arturia's Analog Lab Sound Expansion Packs and where to find them Go to https://www.arturia.com/sounds Click the Instruments Tab (filters) Select the Analog Lab Play filter Not sure if the Analog Lab Play freebie installs the Modern Lab sound pack.
  11. One article said they had plans to include a Play Mode for existing owners. If anyone finds out when they implement that, please share, and if you know, how to invoke Play Mode. I like using individual instruments to design sounds and Analog Lab V to use them (less CPU / Graphics resources), but from what I read about Play Mode, that would work very well, too. BTW, I don't know how long its been out or if others in the forum mentioned it already, but yesterday I saw there was a free 32 preset sound pack that was "new to me" (Modern Lab) . Apologies to those who already know about this; please don't take me to task. UPDATE: Modern Lab might be new. It is listed as being for Analog Lab Play.
  12. Why do you keep posting a price you got over a year ago?
  13. I try to be helpful, but I don't want to present myself as staff or even a qualified expert. I have even rejected being called a power user. I try the best I can to share what I know from past experience and from looking things up in various sources. I use Cakewalk and 905133 seemed like a perfectly good random number. I hope that answers the question you asked. As for my reply to your reaction to Mr. Figg's "Five effects . . . for €59." at first I thought you were joking. But then I realized that you might not know what the exchange rate was between € and $ since there was no LOL or emoji to indicate you were making a joke. So I looked up the exchange rate for you. I hope this helps explain why I gave you the exchange rate. Were you trying to be funny or did you really think the prices were different?
  14. 1 Euro equals 1.06 United States Dollar €59 = $62 How much is $100 euros in American dollars? Euros to US Dollars conversion rates 100 EUR 105.59 USD
  15. If you can do this, please keep track of the steps you used to get that price or what web page sequence you used. As for my $129 price, I went to Arturia, logged in, clicked buy, and added to the cart. It showed $499 - $370 coupon discount. I changed the cart from 1 to 0 to remove it from the cart. If it said had said $49, I would have looked at my bank account and my next months bills and probably would have gone for it.
  16. I am not an expert on Arturia's loyalty workings For me Pigments and V Collection gets me $129 for the FX Collection, not $99.
  17. https://www.applied-acoustics.com/swatches/
  18. Proof that humor does indeed belong in music. Universal appeal!! Who hasn't gotten those kinds of calls? Thanks for sharing.
  19. I think you might be underestimating the potential. At least I hope you are. I am not going to give up on Cakewalk so easily and say that it can't be done because of Steinberg's approach. I understand that some soft synth instrument makers choose to implement program changes and/or bank switching and some don't. By the same token some music software allows for standard midi program changes to do what the specs call for it to do with regard to soft synths that implement program changes in VST3s. I simply made an optimistic feature request based on some things I found happening today (literally today!!). Many times over the years when someone said "Program changes don't work," my stock reply was, if the plug-in has a dll/VST version, have you tried that? So I fully understand where you are coming from. However, based on what I saw today, I stand by my expression of optimism: As for your requests for a patch/bank mapping tool with a feature that converts program changes to use CCs , I would encourage you to make such a feature request. I don't think your requested feature would preclude the feature I requested.
  20. That's what I thought for years. But today I am not sure the VST3 standard prevents the use of midi program changes. I have had VST3 instruments respond today in both a VST host and also a DAW.
  21. I just gave the Cherry Audio Space Delay a quick (15 min.) test since I haven't used it in a while. Due to tinnitus, I don't hear much external hiss. (I hear hiss all the time.) So I used SPAN, and didn't see excessive emulated tape hiss visually. Some of the presets allow the build up of wide width-noise; so, playing around with the various modes and built-in FX, and then going really crazy with the levels and settings, I was able to build up layers not unlike I used to do with reel-to-reels, but with much more intentional control. I heard this above the level of my tinnitus and SPAN showed me what I was hearing visually. When I backed down on the massive amounts of tape and other built-in FX, the sound was much less noisy to my ears and as displayed using SPAN. Not doubting there is noise in the tape hiss range or that the emulation might have a wider appeal if it had a noise off (or maybe a dbx/noise reduction) mode. I've seen other 201-inspired emulations, though I don't have any. Maybe one of those might work better for you. On the other end there are some other echo plug-ins that justifiably are called lo-fi (or something similar). Some developers put their money into making animations that simulate a tape loop going around the heads at the expense of audio efficiency. I haven't listened to McDSP's EC-300 in a while, but I seem to remember that had a lot of options (3 different kinds of device emulations) including some that had nice clean echoes. https://mcdsp.com/plugin-index/ec300-echo-collection/ . Ever since the days of reel-to-reel tape echo and long hallways, stairwells, etc. I have been a fan of echoes. Sometimes I want tape noise build up; sometimes I want sound bouncing off surfaces in all sorts of directions. And sometimes I want pristine, unadulterated echoes that just seem to bounce with immaculate precision. Sometimes the Tape Echo in IK's Mix Box (as basic as it is) fits perfectly for what I want. Of course, then there are MeldaProduction's Echo/Delay Plugins--one day I will understand them so well, I will be able to built my own "perfect" delay/echo device. ?
  22. Not 100% sure, but I seem to recall the tape hiss in this or other tape emulations was part of the design precisely because it was an emulation. I haven't explored this one in a long while, but it is capable of some really wild effects. From the discussion I believe the issue of whether or not the hiss was "unwanted" depended on how much realism someone wanted. I don't recall Cherry Audio added dxb or other noise reduction features to it.
  23. So far as I can see standard MIDI Program Changes [aka patch/preset changes] don't work for VST3 Instruments within CbB. I am hoping the feature can be added to Cakewalk Sonar. Thanks.
  24. UPDATE (11 + hours later): evidently task manager was showing me the activity for the circling UI dots. ? As soon as I minimized the IK Product Manager UI, Task Manager reported 0% activity. So, 10 products under the Sound tab still show Update instead of Installed . I will contact IK Support to see (1) if I really need to update those sounds, and (2) if so, what they recommend.
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