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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. A week or two ago on Win 10 Pro I got a notice that something is using AI Assistance. Not sure if it was a MS component or from somewhere else. In either case, AI has already taken over the world of technology--even if it's just the humans slaves serving the AI masters.
  2. I am not familiar with Yamahas. By any chance is your reference to the Roland their "Intelligent Arranger" line of products (keyboards and modules)? I ask because I have used some of those and was reminded of some old song-creation methods. I created instrument definitions for my Intelligent Arrangers and would also use a dedicated MIDI track (done in Staff View) to control the chords (aka chord control track). It was lots of fun and I can envision in my mind's eye an integrated tool that has these and additional song creation features.
  3. Thanks for the explanation. Your workflow makes sense. I am resisting the great temptation to suggest taking the time to learn staff notation. If your workflow works for you, maybe you'd prefer to make music than to learn notation. I have seen many synth plugins that have a piano-style keyboard in the UI. I haven't looked to see if they also display the notes when a track is played back. If they did and you had them set to a non-sounding patch/preset, that might work. On my older Audio PC I have a virtual controller that uses a piano-style keyboard. I am not sure, but that might also work. MeldaProduction's MTuner (part of their MFreeFXBundle) might interest you for a couple of features it has. I haven't tried this yet but possibly the audio from your library might be routed to MTuner so you can see the names of the notes from the audio played (ear training). Just a thought.
  4. I agree 100%.** My kids used Discord, so I gave it a try. I made the mistake of installing the app on my Audio PC. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!! I started having major start-up issues. Removing/Uninstalling the program did not some the problem. I had to use several tools to figure out what was going on. Several things were inserted onto my computer; some were more hidden than others. I forget what all of them were, but a real stickler was the PC Boot Dial Home to see if there have been any changes at all and to update the Discord program before the computer would boot WITH ABSOLUTELY NO USER NOTIFICATION and no opportunity to say no or bypass. My audio PC would not boot unless Discord was completely free to change my computer. For me this was unacceptable. For users that don't mind that Discord cripples your computer unless you give it complete control like this, Discord can be a blessing. Your choice. But the fact that there were no warnings, that Discord took control, and that I had to dig deep with some semi-advanced tools in order to find out on my own that the Discord program dialed home, checked for updates, and tried to make changes to my computer before it would allow my computer to boot properly was enough to uninstall it. Anyone who doesn't mind installing and using the Discord program, that's 100% OK with me. All I am doing is explaining my experiences in case others can use it to make their own decisions. IMPORTANT: The above is an accurate description of my experiences; it is an accurate reporting of what's behind my personal decision at the time and what continues to inform my decision. **UPDATE: Make that 98%. Using Discord in a web browser helps me feel young less old. So, that's a benefit, even if it is "designed for a younger crowd . . . ." ? Also, it's great when I ask my kids (now adults) to explain how to do things. In fact just the other day, I heard all sorts of sounds and then one son was talking to me from his office! So we figured out I had somehow invoke a "phone call" in Discord. It's great to learn new things, esp. from my kids. ?
  5. Are you talking about a hardware keyboard connected either via a 5-pin connection or a usb connection? I use a usb keyboard and when I minimize CbB [Cakewalk by Bandlab] the software synth I have set up to play continues to be connected. Under [ P ] references look at Audio > Playback and Recording > [ ] Suspend Audio Engine When Cakewalk Is Not In Focus. ** If it is checked, try unchecking it (followed by either Apply or OK]. -------------------------------------- ** [ P } is the default keyboard short-cut to call up Cakewalk's Preferences settings. You could also use Menu Bar > Edit > Preferences.
  6. I agree--a concert grand piano from a ship that sunk in icy waters and was sun dried in a desert.
  7. **either that or a virtual keyboard that looks like a piano-style keyboard.
  8. I believe the question is something like this: "If I press the sequence of A-S-F-G-H-J-K on a virtual keyboard to record notes into Cakewalk, is there a virtual keyboard tool I can use to see the sequence of A-S-F-G-H-J-K light up when Cakewalk plays the sequence back?"
  9. Looks like a guessing game (aka mass marketer's idea of foreplay).
  10. Thanks for undertaking this project, for all the amazing work you did, for incorporating all the contributions of others along the way, and for maintaining it so faithfully and diligently over the years. It was a privilege to be able to add a few small things along the way.
  11. Why is this question important? In several places it is described (I will grant you that) as a Rhythm Guitar Synth. If you read the manual, it is very similar to what used to be called a ROMpler in the days when ROMplers were synths (short for synthesizers) that used samples (stored in ROM) which functioned as sound sources for synth engines. It seems to me "RG" is short for Rhythm Guitar Synthesizer. Yes, RG is just RG. You are right. But why are you making an issue of whether or not the word "Synthesizer" is in the name?
  12. I am not familiar with your keyboard. I took a quick look at the manual. To me some things are not clear. It seems like you are trying to get the midi data from the korg into Cakewalk. If I understand what you are doing, you seem to be saying you want to use Cakewalk to export music to mp3. If that's the case, how are you getting the audio into Cakewalk?
  13. Quick test: In the upper right corner, try changing the Basic Workspace to either "none" or "Advanced." I have been a big fan of using Workspaces. They are quite powerful. I am not sure that's the reason why you can't insert anything, it you can quickly rule it out if that's not the cause. I never use the Basic Workspace, but I would be surprised if that doesn't allow you to insert things. But worth a quick diagnostic test.
  14. In the past it was possible for someone to tweak a factory Workspace and save it with the same name, thereby leading to being overwritten. Not sure if that was with full installations and updates. Not sure either of the circumstances that lead to the new update server leading to a full or partial installation. The standard advice has been, if you tweak a factory Workspace, rename it with your own unique name so it wouldn't be overridden. Also a few years ago CbB did make some changes/corrections to factory Workspaces. "Advanced" is the name of a factory Workspace; it is not a mode (as in Basic or Advanced). I assume you know that the place to change Workspaces is in the upper right corner of the CbB desktop, but maybe not. The default colors might be difficult for some to see: but users can change that: .
  15. Interesting comments (synthanatomy article) representing different sides of the complex set of issues. JMO: Only time will tell.
  16. UPDATE: I am seeing the same problem (CbB missing a MIDI Output) with 2021.12 build 102, 2022.11 build 13, 2022.11 build 22. So, not new with 2023.09. Not sure if I can narrow down the cause of the issue further. NOTE: It is entirely possible that there is something on my current audio computer that is causing attempts at installing older versions of Cakewalk to also be missing an output port that other music software sees.
  17. I looked everywhere, but since I already have a license for Analog Lab V (upgraded a year or two ago from Intro), to get a second license of Analog Lab V would be $199. I really don't need another license, but for someone else who has the upgrade offer link from the Intro version to the full Analog Lab V version for 39 currency units seems to me to be a good deal based on the quality, the number of emulations, and the number of presets--unless someone is waiting for a BF deal to get the V Collection and wants to save the money for that. Note: I am not very familiar with Arturia's upgrade strategies, esp. the question of whether or not 39 currency units now will mean a better discount on the full shebang later on. I defer to others who know more about that (missing abacab's presence and valued input on this, but maybe others have the scoop, too).
  18. Correct. Also, in addition to Home Studio (from 2017) on my current Audio PC, all 4 output ports are listed and available to CbB (as well as MIDI-OX and Voltage Modular) on my previous Audio PC with 2021.06 build 057. Again, I can't pinpoint if this issue is new to 2023.09 (current build) or when it might have been introduced. Thanks. FWIW, here is what the TTSSEQ.INI file looks like with 2021.06: [MIDI Input Devices] 0=E-MU Xmidi 2x2 1=MIDIIN2 (E-MU Xmidi 2x2) 2=E-MU XMidi2X2 3=MIDIIN2 (E-MU XMidi2X2) MaxInPort=3 [MIDI Output Devices] 0=E-MU Xmidi 2x2 1=MIDIOUT2 (E-MU Xmidi 2x2) 2=E-MU XMidi2X2 3=MIDIOUT2 (E-MU XMidi2X2) MaxOutPort=3 [MIDI Echo Devices] MaxEchoPort=-1 This using the same 2x2 interfaces which used to be able to access all 4 outputs on my current Audio PC. All are available in preferences, all are checked, Hope this helps.
  19. Excellent point. I was about to add an update to my post. The missing port cannot be selected in preferences. ? I have found some some TTSSEQ.INI files (for a possible comparison) on my older Audio PC where I used up to 4 identical devices. As I noted, two identical devices worked. With three there were occasional issues, but with four there frequent issues. Unfortunately, for the last TTSSEQ.INI (Feb 2020), it looks like I might not have enabled multiple MIDI Outs on the 2x2 interfaces. So a comparison would not be helpful. I might still have some pngs of the MIDI devices section from the Preferences from before I started exploring the possibility of "going soft" (i.e., using plug-ins instead of hardware). Still, it is odd that other software (MIDI-OX, Voltage Modular, Kushview Elements) all show the port CbB is missing and allow it to be used (verified multiple times).
  20. Yup. BTW, I seem to recall a great sale on Analog Lab V for owners of Analog Lab V Intro a couple of days ago-if the post was accurate. $49 IIRC, which was better than the $69 I paid a year or two ago (on top of the $29 for Intro). UPDATE:
  21. Some technical details that might help: TTSSEQ.INI from today (23 September 2023): Note an output port seems to be missing. I expected to see: 0=E-MU XMidi2X2 (for the first midi out on the first device) 1=E-MU XMidi2X2 (for the first midi out on the second device) 2=MIDIOUT2 (E-MU XMidi2X2) (for the second midi out on the first device) 3=MIDIOUT4 (E-MU XMidi2X2) (for the second midi out on the second device) I am using MME not UWP as I have traditionally done.
  22. Between yesterday and today, I stumbled onto a potential bug with MIDI devices that was not present in earlier versions of CbB as of 2-3 years ago. It is not present in Home Studio (2017). Unfortunately, I have updated even my older PC and laptop to the current release. If I can I will try to revert to some pre-2023.09 versions to test. For more details see this post: Even if this is not a new issue with CbB, I hope that the new products (Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar) do not have the issue, assuming one or both of those products will work with legacy MIDI interfaces).
  23. Thanks for the clarification/update. As far as being able to use both Keystations as controllers, that's good. But I do see the same problem that I discovered yesterday when I connected my second identical E-Mu 2x2 interface yesterday. The first output of the second device is missing. On yours, there should be a Keystation 61 MK3 in the Outputs Second for the first output of the second Keystation. On mine I am missing the first output of the second E-Mu 2x2 interface. That might be a problem for you if they serve only as controllers, but for me instead of having midi outs for 4 synth modules, I only have midi outs for 3. [potential CbB 2023.09 bug alert!] MIDI-OX, Voltage Modular, and Kushview's Elements all see two midi outs on each of the two identical 2x2 interfaces. Unfortunately, I updated my older PC and my ancient laptop to 2023.09 so I can't see if this is a new issue (unless I can re-install older versions). I can say for certain that as of a couple of years ago, I did not have this issue with CbB. NOTES: Home Studio (23.09 built 32 from 1997) does not have this issue; there are 4 midi outputs between the two 2x2 interfaces. If I can reinstall older versions of CbB, I will try to see if this issue predates the newest version of CbB that was just released.
  24. What kwɪər words you choose to use.
  25. It was a very simple point, simply stated: For forum members who were interested in the background, I just posted a link to the start of a "debate" that sheds light on the vitriol.
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