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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. From the MeldaProduction e-mail: I forget what it said when I first went to that page, but I pressed something (possibly "redeem") and a code showed up. At that point, I went to UnitedPlugins, created an account, and then registered the code. I don't know if everyone who owns any plugins from MeldaProduction got the present or it is based on ownership of specific bundles. Did you get the e-mail? (The email might have gone to a spam folder. )
  2. Thanks. I may have skipped that thread because I didn't need MUnison (a Melda plugin) and / or didn't have a UnitedPlugins Account. I'll leave this here even though it overlaps the other thread because there might have been others who also skipped reading the multi-page thead.
  3. Not sure who else might have gotten this, but I found an e-mail (might have been in my spam box) that told me to log into my MeldaProduction Account for a free code for UnitedPlugins' FireMaster plugin. Review at MusicTech Webpage at UnitedPlugins
  4. This ^^^. From manual I found on line directly from Korg: It is unclear if by "record digitally" the OP meant "record MIDI" (as opposed to audio).
  5. I agree. The tempo snap setting is not related to to clip stretch percentages.
  6. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/retail-investors-can-now-bet-on-music-royalties-we-want-people-to-have-access-150221575.html What will "they" think of next?
  7. For what it's worth, SONAR X3 works under Win10 Pro. I would hate to have to give up using Workspaces (and bunches of new features and improvements) but if the new Cakewalk products (Cakewalk Next, Cakewalk Sonar) are beyond my budget (which it looks like it might be based on the prices so many of you have been asking for / predicting / speculating about), it is good to know that SONAR X3 still works.
  8. Not relevant to clip stretching.
  9. Would checking Snap Tempo to Whole Numbers help? Not relevant to clip stretching.
  10. What you choose to do is your own business. Since by your own admission you didn't purchase a license before it was rescued from the grave by Bandlab, you might be out of luck trying to purchase a legitimate copy now.
  11. It almost looks as though @msmcleod is saying that the sliders are supposed to result in MIDI messages being sent out continually except when set to zero. I don't think this ^^^ is what he is saying, but in re-reading this thread and a newer thread that references this one, I see why there might be some confusion.
  12. Really? Sorry if I misunderstood the thread. I don't think I did, but I'll apologize just in case. Its a MIDI Maker Sparrow 400 Sparrow 400
  13. I think I figured it out: You refer to "these great controllers," "they're 5x the cost of this unit," and "Has anyone used this?" Your use of language confused me because it is impossible to tell what "these," "they," "this," and "this" refer to. HUH? Not sure what you mean by my question and why you suggested I contact the vendor/maker. It makes no sense to me why you asked "if anyone had used them." My original guess was that you wanted to know about them. But if all you wanted to ask "if anyone had used them," then my post answered your question by pointing to someone in the forum who used one. Maybe it's not clear. Let me try one last time. You asked a question. I tried to help you. I was not seeking any information about the Sparrow 4 x 100 mm midi controller from you or the person (OP = Original Poster] in the thread I gave you to try to help you.
  14. HUH? Did I misunderstand something? It seemed to me you were asking "Has anyone used this?" with a specific reference to the Sparrow 4 x 100mm midi controller based on the link you posted: I thought you were looking for people who used the Sparrow 4 x 100mm midi controller so you could get some feedback about it. But, maybe you just wanted to know if anyone used it? If so apologies for reading something into your intent. In response, I posted a link to an issue someone was having with the Sparrow 4 x 100mm midi controller and suggested you contact the OP (the person who had experiences with the Sparrow 4 x 100mm midi controller, who sought help trying to solve a problem, and who received replies / suggestions). So, your reply confuses me.
  15. Nice video. Concepts are well explained.
  16. In that ^^^ thread you might want to ask the OP whether or not the unit itself still has issues.
  17. I had a custom Workspace after the update. I assume it was the same one I had before.
  18. If you reboot your computer between steps 2 and 3, does the same thing happen (with the first version of the test project)?
  19. I have very fond memories of the years I lived in Seattle. Enjoy!!!!
  20. Benefit of the doubt: You might not know that we can search the forum for specific sequences of words by putting them in quotation marks when doing forum searches. So, searching for "Microsoft GS Wavetable" with the scope set to "Everywhere" will bring up other recent discussions of this issue. Here ya go: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/search/&q="Microsoft GS Wavetable"&quick=1
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