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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. If by "this" you mean the animated video scook posted a couple of years ago, I see it.
  2. Are you saying that you have had keyboards and mouses that never went bad? Two to three years seems typical to me, although it's really how you use them as well as how well they were made. As for the possible coincidence factor, I once had a pocket watch (1970s) that died after about 2 years. Unfortunately for me the warranty only last 2 years. But as long as I had gone back to the original store to see if it was covered, I got another one--same model because I liked it. Wouldn't you know it, a week or two after the two-year mark, that one also died!!! Some coincidence, eh? ?
  3. WOW! I pull out Surge XT once in a while, but haven't done a sufficient deep dive to be able to use is as efficiently as I'd like. JMO: based on all those improvements it looks like a real testimony to the value of a vibrant and highly competent community. I don't think I have ever looked at Surge's use of formulas as modulators, but it has now piqued my curiosity. Thanks for mentioning the update and for including the changelog.
  4. Thanks for posting product details.
  5. Assuming it is a single snippet from a single word, I am not sure how extensive the editing was. It could be truncated at the end with some processing to make a not-so-abrupt release and a short adjustment to the start of the sample; my ear didn't detect a looped section of the sample, but maybe she did that for a few cycles.
  6. Looks yummy: (I hope "yummy" isn't slang for a dirty word in British.) Enjoyed the ear worm; made me feel groovy. And congrats on your 4,000th post. Anyone who goes from Zappa's Flakes to a Groovy song by a group called Fluke (FLK = another connection!) deserves the honor of a milestone post.
  7. I watched about 20-30 seconds of the video I linked; not sure if used Omnisphere (or any other purchased samples). Seems to me (1) she is the singer, and (2) she chopped it herself. But I am just guessing based on limited info.
  8. PS: Maya Clars - Diagonal of Love (Official Audio) Why not contact the artist and ask her? Also, she has a video channel with some videos that seem to talk about her production techniques. Not sure if she has one that describes the song you are interested in or if she uses the technique in any of the production oriented videos she has posted. Who knows--maybe she would be inspired to do another video if you ask.
  9. To my ear it sounds like a snippet of the singer's vocal was isolated and played in some way, such as by using a keyboard.
  10. Bring back the simplicity of I-IV-V (and minor variations)
  11. Connections: (1) Soup mixes are often flavored with flakes (parsley flakes, etc.). (2) Flakes references Bob Dylan. (3) Flakes includes an impersonation of Dylan (by multi-instrumentalist / vocalist Robert Martin, IIRC)
  12. In an interview with Dan Dather from a few years ago, Lee references his hobbies. Also, his brand new 4-part documentary series touches on his hobbies as well as those of the four bass players he asks, "Are Bass Players Human, Too?"
  13. There have been several discussions about this in the forum. Due to issues with Windows 11, Cakewalk by Bandlab no longer lists it as a device. Sorry, I never used it, don't remember the name of it, and therefore can't do a search for the other discussions. UPDATE: Pure guesswork, but I found one of the threads: NOTE: The second post there references this post: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/65864-closed-cakewalk-202309-early-access-updated-to-build-62/page/4/#comment-469452
  14. Thanks for providing the steps. You saved me a lot of time searching for them.
  15. "I've spent more time hunting down plugins than I do making new songs..." Yes, and then I remember a strategy I learned in school related to poets choosing a specific form to use for different poems: Pick one and see what you can do with it.
  16. Yup! And some manufacturers have decided not to implement even CC controls. I was disappointed that a couple of PSP Stomp Boxes I pick up were ones from after they updated their products to exclude MIDI. I never became fluent with automation, but I suspect they do work with automation. I do understand how automation technology works and have used it, but turning a knob or moving a slider is easier for me and is more ingrained in my brain. Maybe Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar will make automation as easy as using knobs and sliders mapped to user CCs.
  17. FWIW, I just created a very simple Voltage Modular preset that takes CC 18 from my usb keyboard (coming from Cakewalk) converts it to a CV to change the A|A|S Player's patches when the player is hosted in VM within Cakewalk. Likewise, CC 18s recorded or placed on a Cakewalk track hosting VM can be used to switch patches.
  18. I remember a time when none of my VST3s responded to Program Change commands but their VST2 counterparts did. Then (using Voltage Modular's Plugin Host module and Mini Plugin Host module) I saw that some VST3s did expose the Program Change command. I haven't explored this in a while but the A|A|S Player (for example) does. Thus the knob and Control Voltages can be used to do Program Changes. Off hand I don't remember which VST3s I have do and don't support Program Changes, but I have found more plugins do than previously. IIRC this does not necessarily mean that Cakewalk will process the command. I'd have to check, but I recall having issues in Cakewalk. Not sure if that has changed. UPDATE: Unless I am missing a setting to enable it, the VST3 version of the AAS Player still does not respond to Program Changes in Cakewalk (the last version used) when inserted as an Instrument. However, when I inserted Voltage Modular with the VST3 version of the AAS Player as an Instrument, the Plug-in Host module's controls do change the preset but incoming midi commands don't. To me this might suggest that Cakewalk is syphoning off the incoming and recorded program change commands. (Just a guess because I have no idea what Cakewalk does with midi under the hood.)
  19. Looks snazzy! Is this a paint job like I did with the multi-colored transport module display or have you accessed hidden functionality? In either case, kudos for the creativity!!! Long live theme tweaking!!!!!
  20. Just addressing this ^^^^ point about the size of the download linked installer. I remember reading (probably an official post) that the download link lets the installer decide what updates to be installed depending on what the user has / doesn't have. I remember there was also an explanation of how to get the webpage to download the full installer. I do not remember what those steps involved, but as I recall they worked. Not sure if that's still the case today.
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