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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Please understand, people who read the forum on a regular (and even an occasional basis) have seen numerous "discussions" of the previously announced plans for Cakewalk Next (now available as a public beta so people can try it out and give helpful feedback to the Cakewalk Next Team) and Cakewalk Sonar. Unfortunately, while some of those threads had useful discussion early on, some (many? most?) devolved into all sorts of speculation, rants about what the the pricing "should" be, etc. I am guessing you have not read previous threads. You are not to blame since several are multi-page threads. So, if you see laugh emojis, IMO it's not personal. It's more like, "Oh no; here we go again!!! LOLOL" and jokes / allusions along those lines.
  2. I agree; I often use the other view toggle shortcuts. Very handy. BTW, one of the features of the short floating control bar I stumbled onto when I first set it up is efficient use of the mouse wheel to scroll through the collapsed modules (the ones with vertical names to save space) which open when the mouse cursor reaches it. Also, when the CB is in the upper half of the monitor (either 1 or 2), the collapsed modules self-expand downward. When the CB is in the lower half, they self-expand upward. C still works as a toggle if I need to see what's underneath, and I can always widen the CB whenever I want by grabbing either the left or right edge and sliding it. Not saying this would fit everyone's workflow. Just mentioning it as part of the flexible options we have with CbB's CB.
  3. I am not sure this is clear. Are you asking for multiple sets of 10 screensets in each project?
  4. To clarify, I float an expanded control bar that has some maximized modules and some collapsed modules. What you show is a floating collapsed control bar.
  5. Several years ago I had some issues with individual module settings I had and a collapsed toolbar. Ultimately, I decided to use a small, floating toolbar. Not sure if that will meet your needs, but I did want to acknowledge that there can be some anomalies and at the same time suggest a different space saving option. JMO: We can drive ourselves crazy trying all the combinations/permutations to get it "perfect." BTW, I just played around with a couple of the settings in F11/Full Screen Mode (which I never use), especially center and justify, and was able to configure my collapsed toolbar to have some of the modules auto-expand off centered and/or partially off the screen. Maybe Cakewalk Sonar won't have so many customizable toolbar settings to mess with, but if it does maybe the new system of graphics will be able to adjust for all of the possible display devices (and the drivers, monitor settings, etc.) Cakewalk users have (and will have in the future).
  6. I still have the previous Product Manager, but the problem I described a few weeks ago seems to have changed for the better. So, I am no longer showing that sound content needs to be updated. I do have a number of buttons for Sound Content that needs to be installed (or reinstalled) instead of being updated. The good news is there is nothing that says the Sound Content has expired. ?
  7. Apologies if the video or story doesn't show up in other countries. https://abcnews.go.com/US/ai-songs-mimic-popular-artists-raising-alarms-music/story?id=104569841 By the way, it's amazing that the opening vocal melody line of the song sounds a bit like an oldie called "Precious and Few."
  8. Computers don't start religious wars or muck up the universe; people do. ? But from what I saw in a news story news today about a songwriter who used AI to convert his voice to sound like Adele, AI seems to be catching up. ?
  9. Did I say full circle earlier? Yes and you the rightous are certainly helping the OP with his issue. Gosh, thanks for jumping in-so cordial! C'mon everybody; sing it like you're three years old: One more time, ad nauseum . . . . IBTL?
  10. Also, https://musictech.com/news/industry/bandlab-expansion-partnership-fuga-worldwide-digital-music-distribution/
  11. Well, here's the weird part about flying. I can always tell if the cockpit is "higher" or "lower" than where I am seated without any visual cues at all. I just figured the fluid in my head as part of the sense of balance were messing with my perception. Come to think of it, the surface of fluids in a drinking cup was rarely parallel with the airplane floor. So while the pilot may have been keeping the entire jet at a relatively constant altitude, the jet was not really level the whole time. That is, the "nose" was for the most part either higher or lower than where I was sitting. Have we come "full circle" on all the various issues in this thread? ?
  12. That reminds me: When I went to college I would take a flight after being on vacation break from LAG (or maybe it was JFK) to SEA. The flight chased the sunset for several hours as the jet followed the curvature of the Earth as we approached the ever-moving horizon. As a fan of beautiful sunsets, I always requested a windows seat on those flights. Enjoyed it more than inflight movies. ? Peace.
  13. I thought that ins.files were done by dedicated users. I either got mine from various communities or tweaked/made my own. As for making your own, yes it does take time, but there are many online site and communities have them. Still, if you have user presets, optional banks, etc. you will have to know how to add them in. Maybe this can help save some time: https://web.archive.org/web/20130903222847/http://tweakheadz.com/how-to-build-a-cakewalk-ins-file/
  14. I had that same reaction. When I go to the Cakewalk Site, follow the links to Cakewalk Next, and click on the "Check Out The Public Beta" button, I get an invitation to the Cakewalk Next Discord Server. So when the OP posted the notification (with the serial number), I just assumed the OP had followed these steps. Maybe people are passing the software around or it has been released elsewhere? I think it now makes sense why the OP was confused when initially referred to the Discord Server. But I don't understand why it took so long to figure out the source of the confusion. Well, maybe now it's clear how to get access to the Cakewalk Next Discord Server.
  15. Multiphonics CV-2 is $65 (56% off) Multiphonics CV-2 Upgrade from CV-1 is $79
  16. Is there a list somewhere of what has come out since TS 4 MAX came out and is not included?
  17. https://www.youtube.com/@LiquidLightLab
  18. User 905133


    Glad you appreciate my sense of humor. Shhhhhh. Don't tell anyone. "Great Deal - Perpetual License for all BogusCorp Plugins . . . ." Do you think BogusCorp was too subtle a clue?
  19. User 905133


    Another option is edit the post, change the font, and offer an explanation.
  20. Not sure about this, but is your Bandlab Studio app open when you get the busy signal? Maybe CbB needs it to be closed? Long shot, but might be worth a try.
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