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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Yeah I have seen others mention Bome's. It's like MIDI-OX as understand. I'd be interested in your results--especially if successful! Ho Ho Ho!!!!
  2. Did some quick tests with MIDI-OX. With full bank dumps: some loss of data at 0000; upped to 0030; some successes and loss of data. With Current Multi: 1 data underrun followed by three 1373 captures. No tests sending anything back. Maybe another day. If I weren't so old, I'd try coding an Arduino to do sysex captures at various serial port speeds. With the Hairless MIDI<-->Serial Bridge. Might be cool to encode some dump request macros and see if the transfer can happen at 115200 bps. Proteus Pal. FYI, I've played with Royce Craven's Patch Librarian with the intent of assembling my own banks, but haven't used it in years--ever since I started diving into trying to do music with soft synths. I might try that Librarian one of these days to see if that also has issues with dumps.
  3. See http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=SYSX.13.html . PS: I did a deep dive into the E-Mu data formats, handshaking protocols, and sysex commands so long ago I don't remember all the finer details. I will double check, but IIRC the max packet size is 256 bytes. I probably still have the spreadsheets comparing the 1607-byte preset format (P2K) and 1615-byte format (CS/P2500). Egads!!! This brings back memories of when I used to be young and had the mental energy to figure all that out and the stamina to write some tools personal tools. ?
  4. I'd have to check, but that sounds right. One of the CbB configuration tweaks would probably be geared towards that, I seem to remember 2 of them--possibly speed and inter packet delay. I rarely used them. Perhaps they are more important on newer PCs and newer interfaces. 1000 ms would be overkill on my PC send to Cakewalk. Today I tried 0010, 0020, and 0000, but I only did about 10-12 dumps. I was surprised, but it was also around 50% successful at 0000. I don't have the patience to do more than 0020. ? Maybe I will try 300 and make another cup of tea!!! ?
  5. So, I fired up my P2500 which uses the same bulk data format as the Command Stations. Even with a packet delay of 0020 milliseconds (2x as much as usual) I had dropped data in the full bank dumps. It seems like every other dump had a problem. Then I tried a multi (current multi). 1373 bytes as expected, but I got the same message you did--incomplete sysex message, 3 times in a row!!!! Never had that before. Not sure why. Maybe we do need to use one of the Cakewalk/SONAR configuration tweaks for some reason. Most of my recent dumps are from 2010-2012, though I seem to recall I did some updates probably between 2 and 3 years ago (before I started seriously exploring the use of soft synths). Since then there have been updates to Windows 10 as well as CbB. I know when CbB came out I was still using the P2500 extensively. I was using a different Win 10 PC then. Between all the updates, the "newer" PC, the age of the E-Mus, and who knows what else, it might be very difficult to find out where there is this issue "all of a sudden." There are third-party tools for E-Mu, as well as the general purpose MIDI-OX which might serve as workarounds--do the dumps, save the files, and then load them into CbB's Sysex system. Bummer! Those E-Mus were workhorses. ?
  6. PS: Someone might tell you you can tweak some settings in CbB. For some circumstances that can help, but I never had to do those tweaks with E-Mus. Also, I am assuming to don't have any other midi stuff going on when you are doing the dumps. UPDATE: I just checked one of my CWP E-Mu Bank Files. All my multis are 1373 bytes, too.
  7. I'd have to check but 206,720 bytes looks right for a complete bank dump. 1373 looks close for master settings or multis. I'd have to look it up. What I used to do when I was doing P2K and Command Station dumps that were problematic was to put a delay in the packets coming from the E-Mus. I don't have any turned on, but it should be one of the midi settings. I think it's called Sysex Delay on both P2Ks and CSes. From what you wrote, it sounds like you already have a delay set, though. There could be other causes/solutions, but tweaking delay on the E-Mu usually worked for me. Not sure why you got 206,699 for one of the banks if all the others are right. I can easily hook an E-Mu module up to double check.
  8. Thanks for the tip. I don't get all the betas, but i need a break to play a bit and this has some things I am interested in!! I have come up with some patches I love using the random wavetable feature and am wondering what this Generate feature adds. I wonder if that means we can design modules that can safely trigger the generation of wavetables on the fly. I am not a guitarist, but I have been following the development of MGuitarArchitect. The whole NAM thing looks like the kind of thing that would appeal to some of the Cakewalk guitarists who are into modelling. Wondering if this ties in with the credits Melda offered to guitarists. I know there are many guitarists here some of whom submitted stuff. Just thought I call attention to this in case some of the guitarists here are interested in checking out the changes. Again, thanks for the heads up!
  9. ** Just remembered: I wanted to write up the steps / correct folder to install the mini-pack because it's not obvious. Yes, some people might know the steps how and where to move the folder, but I had started to triple check and got side tracked. Installers place the collections in the right place, but this is a compressed file that needs to be unzipped with the mini-pack folder being placed with the other collections for the instrument. WHAT???? You expect me to do that to atone for just posting a link to the video and letting others look at the details via YouTube? Hey, this is the Cakewalk Discuss Coffee House Deals subforum, sometimes known as The Bargain Basement. Like you expect full-service, maybe? In Late December??????? ? Seriously, if someone doesn't know where to put it, you can ask. ? OK, OK. I'll give you a hint: I put mine at C:\Users\My Name\AppData\Roaming\Cherry Audio\Synthesizer Expander Module\Presets . YMMV
  10. Sorry. Too much to do at the moment I grabbed the video link Had been planning to add more details but I forgot Diminishing age-related time, energy, and stamina issues Figured others would want to hear the sounds before just downloading On behalf of everyone else, thanks for posting the details and the dropbox link
  11. I defer to others who know the correct solution.
  12. To arturia's credit, I think the design of the module really facilitates self learning. Try everything in there, play around with the settings. They make so much sense and the visuals/animations really help explain what's going on. In addition, the CPU load even with the animations is fairly decent, especially compared to some other FX plugins I recently acquired.
  13. It took several tries to get the Activate button in the ASC to actually activate, then it took a while after it was activated before the Install button showed up. I assume ACS was downloading the file somewhere in there.
  14. Disclaimer: I am not a guitarist and to the best of my knowledge I have never watched videos from the Guitar Rig Guru before. From what I can tell his YouTube channel is primarily geared towards guitarists although this particular video has attracted 2.2K views since it was posted (April 2022). Although it is over six minutes long, for me it is useful to the current discussion because (1) it shows yet another two reasons why someone might not have sound coming from a soft synth, (2) he takes the time to show people who might not be familiar with using Instrument Tracks the audio paths he uses in the example project, and (3) two explanations** of why with this particular example project there was no audio (a) from the virtual controller and (b) from the recorded track are both included (**although one is glossed over and the other is more explicit). The two different causes for the "No Sound" issue might not be readily evident to Cakewalk users. Additionally, the second cause might not be discovered by early stage diagnostics especially for someone who doesn't use automation lanes regularly. (1) Regarding playback: The automation for Track 1 (an Instrument Track) starts with Volume at zero and doesn't get pulled up to normal volume until about measure 9. The envelope comes up slowly (fades in), You can see that at approx 4:30. Just before that he shows that the plug in (Z3ta+ 2) is producing audio. Comment: Don't be fooled by the fact that the video only has 26 likes even with 2.2K views over a year and a half. To me it just shows in part that this particular cause (automation envelope has the volume at zero) might not be common. To me the fact that there are so many more views than his other videos suggests that there was draw to the video in part because it addresses a problem other Cakewalk users have (albeit with different causes). (2) Regarding live sound: At approx. 1:49 we can also see that MIDI Echo / Input Echo is on for Track 1, but not Track 2 (Addictive Drums). Immediately after that we can see how he has no live sound from the Virtual Controller (the source of his frustration by his own admission) and then at approx. 2:21 we can see him change the focus to Track 2 which automatically turns MIDI Echo / Input Echo on for Track 2. NOTES: (1) As a synthesist (initially using hardware and more recently using soft synths), I called the button under discussion in this thread MIDI Echo because having it on enabled live playing of notes to pass through to the synth (2) The video is well intentioned, but is unintentionally deceptive. It covers two different possible causes for the issue (no sound from soft synths / VST instruments) but seems to focus more on the issue of Track 1 (Z3ta+ 2 + automation at volume = zero based on the time marker / Now Time) than Track 2 (Addictive Drums + track focus + Input Echo switching). As a result, some viewers might not realize these are just two of many possible causes. (3) The Guitar Rig Guru shows posts from the forum to demonstrate that he is attempting to describe a cause that no one on the forum described. This is true but only for the Track 1, automation cause. In fact, the second post directly addresses the OP's issue (this thread) as well as one of the Guru's two causes. FINAL POINT: Don't misunderstand: I am not saying Guitar Rig Guru's video is bad. I am however, saying it could have done more of a service (and perhaps gotten many more than 26 likes out of 2.2K views) if he (1) emphasized a goal of showing multiple causes, (2) specifically identified the more common causes and their solutions, and then (3) added yet another cause + solution that he stumbled onto. In fact, I initially thought the video was exclusively about problem solving Track 1 and the Automation Volume starting out at zero issue, even though one of the first things I noticed on my initial viewing was the track focus / Input Echo issue at approx. 1:49 (i.e., the OP's issue). In case anyone is interested in why I said the video is unintentionally deceptive, please take a look at starting at approx 4:02 . At 4:12 we see Input Echo buttons for both Tracks 1 and 2 are on. He then does a very useful (IMO) diagnostic summary--how he knows that the MIDI routing is correct / working. However, at approx. 4:21 he clicks on Track 1 which turns Track 2's MIDI Echo / Input Echo off. JMO: Veteran users of Cakewalk have a mind to hand coordination / fluency that some people looking for solutions to very specific problems might not have. So, it is my claim that this kind of subtle visual change that is not explicitly called to the viewer's attention helps conflate the two very different causes. Again, I am not saying the video is bad. I think that for people who don't have a lot of experience using automation lanes, it emphasizes an important thing to look at when diagnosing the "No Sound from Plugin" issue. It also has subtle clues (i.e., visual) about the importance of the MIDI Echo / Input Echo button in diagnosing the "No Sound" issue. In addition, the section that starts around 4:21 ("These are the areas you need to check . . . .") is a good internal summary of some important diagnostic steps (MIDI/Audio/Instrument Routing) for the "No Sound" issue (among other issues). To reiterate what I wrote previously, it is so very basic that I assumed that anyone using Cakewalk with soft synths would have at least some experience with the Input Echo button. My bad for not taking the "Explain it like you would explain it to someone who has never used Cakewalk before" approach.
  15. Did they ever attempt anything that resembled an explanation of what they considered inappropriate content? Did they think you were advocating violence against the police? I can easily see an algorithm that had certain images being flagged by fake intelligence.
  16. Even if you haven't gotten the e-mail yet, you can check the site (offers).
  17. And in your honor, I will not look up "PFL" to be consistent with your philosophy / professed way-of-being-in-the-world. ?
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