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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Nice tune! The conceptual interplay between the text ("paradigm shift") and shifting phrase lengths is a cool feature--lyrics and music playing off each other with multiple meanings! Excellent!
  2. There are often multiple methods for doing things. My personal work flow for some projects is to use split instrument tracks--where the combined instrument track is split (separated) into an audio track and a midi track. Sometimes I will leave the instrument track with both audio and midi together and will create a separate midi track and point it to the soft synth. Below you can see that the output of several midi tracks are all pointed to the same instance of TTS-1 [O = 3-TTS-1 1]. However, the midi data for tracks 10 and 11 are forced to different midi channels [C=14CkwlkT...] and [C=15CkwlkT...]. These are just some personal options, but I hope it shows one of the missing pieces to understanding midi routing. If you don't have the I, O, C, B, and P track control widgets visible, switch the track control preset to "All." Hope this helps. [UPDATE: The presets for the track control widgets can be selected from the little arrow next to where it says "All" in the following image. You can also create your own widget configurations by choosing "Track Control Manager..." from the drop down menu. Apologies for not putting a box around it; I grabbed a picture from a few months ago.]
  3. When I started testing this early access release, it seemed to me that the UI stabilized more quickly than previously (1) upon opening a project and (2) when switching Workspaces. I was very glad to see I wasn't imaging it and that it is indeed an improvement. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
  4. Glad to hear this works!!! Actually, I set my PC to open *.ins files in Notepad as the default. Almost all of my hardware modules have Preset User Banks and I edit the names in my tweaked *.ins file using Notepad. Super easy! I think I also use the "Normal" bank switching method for my gear. I will check that out and also look at the Korg file to see if its different. UPDATE (revised): Bank lists like [Korg Pa4X Bank 00 GM/XG] and [Korg Pa4X User2] define the banks by enumerating the names of the presets in those banks. In a later section, the bank switching values themselves are listed under the name the Instrument Name: 15488 / 128 = 121 - So, the bank switching MSB = 121 and the LSB = 0. 15489 / 128 = 121 with a remainder of 1 - So, MSB = 121, LSB = 1. The CC0 value is the MSB number and the CC32 value is the LSB number for bank switching. HOWEVER: If you have the correct *.ins file installed correctly (and it is set up correctly--lined up on a per port / per-channel basis), you shouldn't need to figure out the CC0 and CC32 Bank switching values. For example: Here I have port 1 channel 1 set up to look at one of my E-Mu *.ins files. Specifically, it is looking at one of the Instrument Definitions for a Sound ROM I have installed [Module: Virtuoso 2000; Bank 1280]. I think the Korg *.ins file should work the same way. Hope this helps explain the relationship between the CC0 and CC32 values as listed in the Korg User Manual and how to select specific banks based on the *.ins file.
  5. It depends on work flow. Some projects I have done just use the initial synth patch/preset as set in the track widgets. In those cases I wouldn't insert a program change in the middle just for the heck of it. However, sometimes I have changed presets on a track in the middle after the fact. I might insert a program change via the Event List in those cases. Sometimes I will insert a program change from a keyboard but will later either want to remove it, or change the bank/patch. I used to sometimes use a separate track for controllers. When I did that, I might have also used that track for program changes in some projects. (This was before automation lanes, though.) I have some synth module templates that use a similar approach. Every channel (up to 32 midi channels on several modules) are there, color coded by module, in per-module track folders. With this approach, it makes little sense to me to insert program changes in the middle of a track. However, after working with the massive orchestration template, often I just want to create music as I go (at least for the initial stages, to get the ideas down) and might have an initial patch on each track, but will insert back/program command at the beginning. With this work flow method, I retain the initial patch I used and can also try some other patches--from the start or in certain sections. Not saying one work flow is absolutely preferable; just enumerating different possible work flows.
  6. Thanks for the heads up!!! You and others probably know this, but maybe some don't. Zino puts in an automatic payment well in advance of a subscriptions' end. I put in a mini-subscription (3 months for $1.00) mid-April and downloaded and/or read part of the May issue. Yesterday, they took $35.99 + sales tax from me. (I thought I would have time to browse at least two issues first.) I alerted my bill paying service to cancel automatic payments and requested a full refund and cancellation from Zinio. Not sure if they will still let me have June and July for my $1.00. I will try to download June now--just in case they will be taking those away when they get my request. Lesson Learned: Cancel subscriptions I might not want immediately; if after the trial/teaser subscription I want to pay the full price, I can always sign up then. UPDATE: Just got a reply: "Since you do not authorize this renewal we will refund this for you." Evidently they didn't get they money yet, so they will be refunding it after they get it. Again thanks for the heads up about the June issue!
  7. I just did a quick internet search and found this. I didn't look at the *.ins files themselves, but maybe there's one for your model. This ^ . I use the insert button (computer keyboard) to put in an event used, and then click on it to change the "Kind." EDIT Just took a quick look. Here's the instrument definition header. Also, it looks like the author has drum keys defined, too! ; instrument define Korg Pa4X for Cakewalk/Sonar ; written by (Anton Janosik) www.korgpa.sk - 16.10.2015 01.16h NOTE: I am not familiar with the PA4X or Korg Instrument Definitions and the file has some things that I haven't seen in the *.ins files I have used.
  8. Just a small footnote: I remember reading some discussions about issues and changes to Fullscreen/F11 switching. Just did a quick search and found this: Full Screen mode now persists globally instead of per project i.e. you can only toggle Full Screen mode via the Full Screen mode button or by pressing F11. Closing or opening projects or switching workspaces will no longer exit Full Screen mode. IIRC, there were user problems before this and I think this was the most recent change. If my memory is wrong, someone who knows more than me will probably correct me. (Again, just a small footnote.)
  9. Different people have different methods. One option: insert the bank switch/program change command using the Event List. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Views.27.html#1122094
  10. Not sure if this is off-topic but maybe someone knows. Evidently at some point I imported sounds from Rapture and Dimension Pro into Rapture Session. (I don't own Rapture Pro.) I vaguely remember importing them but haven't been able to find the steps I used. Can anyone point me in the direction of the steps? (I seem to remember there were listed somewhere.) Thanks.
  11. CAVEAT: These hot spots worked on my PC, but evidently they might not work for others.
  12. Strictly as a hobbyist I have played around with Workspaces. I believe you are correct: telling a custom Workspace to exclude Screensets from the GUI disables screenset functionality when that specific Workspace has been selected.
  13. You mean with software like touchdaw among others? If so, search the forum for "touchdaw." There have been discussions about this and other android-based software.
  14. WARNING: Explicit Lyrics - Not for those who prefer to avoid explicit lyrics.
  15. I'd post an Emitt Rhodes album here (with "Recorded at Home" artwork on the vinyl), but that's probably too obscure a connection. So, let's say its an honorable mention rather than a definite post.
  16. Like many other things, there are probably different entry points and different people prefer different methods. Not as an expert, but as a basic audio user, I usually use the taskbar speaker icon to run the Troubleshooter. Often when I am trouble shooting an issue with Windows audio, even if the troubleshooter detects no problem, simply running the troubleshooter seems to launch some check/reset audio services that might fix an issue. After that, there are settings and/or properties options. In audio device properties, I will then use the tab to set/test the sample rate and bit settings. There are quicker ways to get there via Settings directly if you prefer, plus I am sure that others can tell you other methods. This is just one method one person (me) uses. Not trying to say anyone else should do it this way. I know there are people who will swear up and down that the trouble shooter is worthless. That's fine; multiple options works for me. Just offering this as some possible ideas.
  17. IIRC someone raised the issue of wanting the ability to bind keys/key combos to Workspaces. At first I though it was a great idea because it would make things much easier for me personally. But then I thought of problems created by people who created Workspaces that didn't have the same keybindings every custom Workspace. With all the people who have issues with Workspaces, I imagined a proliferation of "anti-Workspace hate posts." Thinking about it again now, if there is a set of default keys dedicated to Workspaces, and possibly assigned to factory Workspaces, that would most likely cause a rise disgruntled Cakewalk users. Don't get me wrong--I would personally benefit from not having to use a menu and the mouse in a long list that needs to be scrolled (because there is no folder hierarchy) to find and restore a custom workspace I want. If the developers can come up with a way that it wouldn't cause confusion for other users, I'd like to see that too. As for the issue of rough/slow transitions between Workspaces, I briefly tested "minimal change" Workspaces [Workspaces that leave 85-95% of the UI as is but just change a few things], but I did not test to see if those result in smoother UI updates. Maybe others know. Wondering out loud--maybe somewhere down the road there could be a Workspaces module (possibly for the Control Bar, possibly floating, or even hidden) that is a cross between Screensets and Custom such that users can assign up to 10 (or more) frequently used Workspaces to both buttons and keys/key combos. Maybe something like this (without any defaults) would prevent accidental UI/Workspace switches by people who don't use Workspaces, don't want Workspace keybindings, and/or don't want such a feature. (Yeah, I know, you can't please everyone . . . . ?‍♂️ )
  18. Sorry you thought ill of a question you felt was off-topic in the topic you started. Honestly, I had no idea that the question was unreasonable and worthy of a thumbs down. My intent was not to offend you. I have removed the question.
  19. This is what my second monitor looks like with a Workspace called "Undocked Console on Monitor 2." What you see here fills 100% of the monitor's viewing area. If you had a way to tell Cakewalk to never open anything in a Multidock. I am wondering if that would guarantee you would have 100% unless there were some options to open full views on specified monitors (other than what we can already do with Workspaces).
  20. JMO: Everyone has different workflow preferences and dislikes. For me I have several workflow modalities I feel comfortable with for different music creation, performance, recording, editing, etc. tasks. I enjoy seeing others' workflows and preferences because I often learn new-to-me ideas that I can gradually incorporate into what has become personally intuitive. Sometimes I see a new-to-me way of doing something I really like and I choose to immediately break from my ingrained patterns and start using as much as possible to retrain myself. Sometimes, though, no matter how much I try to retrain myself, it is just too easy and far more efficient to go with the flow of personal traditions.
  21. This is Pre-Spinal Tap! ? wrt Lucille:
  22. Double Match: Bleed & Stone! ? Triple if you consider Mick Jagger a heart throb.
  23. I only posted an example of a Type 1, multi-track file above. Here's an example of a Type 0, multi-track file.
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