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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. I usually choose one of the links and change it to "Cakewalk" https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Views.04.html https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Views.04.html However, that doesn't always work--such as with this one. (It usually works for me about 60-70% of the time.) So I usually then go to the Table of Contents https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation/Home Some times its easier to use the index https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ix.html THUS: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=EditingMIDI.03.html
  2. I just installed these [Manual Scan/Reset from Preferences]. At first I didn't see them. Then I looked at my layouts. I was using the one called 2019-10-19 ALL. So I changed the layout to "Sort by Category" and typed "sa" [for "SAFE*] in the Audio FX Search box. They showed up. Maybe this will help.
  3. Does this mean that only the bass kick drum is on MIDI channel 10 and all other drum sounds are in the same track, possibly going to the same instrument but on different MIDI channels?** Or, is it an entire drum track with many different drums on (or forced to) MIDI channel 10? **For example, if you have a synth (or a synth preset/patch) where each drum sample / multisample is assigned to its own unique MIDI channel and a multi-channel track goes to a multi-timbral synth, perhaps you could use a CC (7-volume or 11-expression seem likely choices if the synth responds to them) just on MIDI Channel 10--assuming you have midi headroom to do so. If the all the drums are set to 100, it would seem you should have some midi headroom to bump up just channel 10 with the bass drum. Just another option in addition to the others, depending on your midi data.
  4. Other things to test (when you get home) if you didn't do so already: (4) If you drop a standard midi file or a midi loop/clip into the TTS-1 Instrument track, does that play? (5) Do the Virtual Controllers trigger notes? Long shot diagnostics: (6) Have you tried transmitting on a variety of midi channels from the controller, and if so, do any of them trigger sounds? (7) If you record on the track, does midi data get recorded even if there's no sound?
  5. Let me see if I understand: (1) The M-Audio Oxygen controller shows up under Preferences > MIDI > Devices > Inputs and you have it checked. (2) If you (a) insert a midi track, (b) make sure the either the controller or all midi inputs are selected as your midi input, and (c) turn midi echo on, the track virtual leds do not light up when you press notes (or turn knobs) on the controller. (3) And, if you insert a midi instrument and play notes, you don't get sound? BTW, for testing audio flow issues, I like TTS-1 because I can press the riff sample buttons at the bottom to test the audio independently from the midi. I am just asking for clarification here to try to figure out what works and what doesn't.
  6. I will let someone else with more expertise about these VSTs answer this question, just wanted to let you know that rather than posting the same question (with variations) for different VSTs, you can edit a previous post (such as to add additional questions, specific VSTs, etc). In my experience with the several DX and VST instruments I use, the ability to assign midi controllers varies based on what the plug-in manufacturer allows, but I don't have experience with the ones you mention.
  7. User 905133

    Track Strips

    It looks like the default width of your tracks is set to super wide. I never adjust that, so I'd have to look up how to do that. I'm used to resizing track widths manually. So its not a problem for me. Maybe this will work. YUP! I was able to set my default height as super wide! (1) Set any track to the height you want to be your new default height. (2) Right click in the blank area of the track header. (3) Select "Set as Default Height." PS: I was able to set it back to minimal height as the default using the same method.
  8. Are you talking about shrinking the play time of a finished stereo track (opposite of stretching it) without changing the pitch? (For example, taking a song with a play time of 3'58" and making it to fit 3'05" ?) Possible solution removed because there's a better [easier, quicker] one posted below.
  9. Thanks for the detailed explanation of the issues, your methods, and your rationale for having these abilities. I don't use Cakewalk in this way, but I might some day and I learned a lot from the explanations of your workflow. I found the key and key + mouse combinations to make all audio tracks increase and decrease waveform height / zoom setting en masse. Unfortunately, as you pointed out there doesn't seem to be a way to do this with Take Lanes. In fact, with Take Lanes expanded, (1) the Take Lanes aren't scaled with the above method and (2) the track itself is no longer scaled along with the others until the Take Lanes are collapsed.
  10. My Workspace was set to None and it shows this: I am using Cakewalk 2020.01 (Build 28). I just tested changing the number of the rulers on the Timeline with these steps: (1) Open/Boot Cakewalk. There is no Timeline yet. (2) Open a new project. File > New > -- Blank Project --. It has a Timeline with 2 rulers. (3) Click on [ - ] at the end of the Timeline. (4) Click on Remove M:B:T Ruler. It disappears. (5) Close Project. Answer No when Cakewalk asks: Do you want to save the Project? (6) Close Cakewalk. (7) Open/Boot Cakewalk. Again, there is no Timeline. (8) Open a new Project. File > New -- Blank Project --. It has a timeline with 1 ruler. (9) Add 3 more rulers using the [ + ] at the end of the Timeline. It looks like this: (10) Close the project and say No again when Cakewalk asks to save the Project. Then close Cakewalk. (11) Open/Reboot Cakewalk; Load New -- Blank Project -- again. All 4 rulers are there. (12) Using the [ - ], remove three of the rulers. It looks like this: (13) Close the Project; Do not save; Close Cakewalk; Open/Reboot Cakewalk; Load New -- Blank Project - - ; I am not sure what steps you used, but I hope this helps solve the problem for you.
  11. I think its at github along with the code (if you program in RUST). Can't wait until they do progressions. How many tunes can you think of based off the same 10-20 basic standard progressions? How about copyrighting key modulations? cadences? They may have opened a tremendous legal loophole. wormhole. ear-wormhole. ?
  12. Would this vector-base GUI mean that the size of the everything-all-at-once could be be resized, that each individual visual element could be resized, that everything within single panes/windows could be resized independently, etc.?
  13. If this were implemented, it would be nice if the "use-width-from-the-corresponding-console-channel-strip-width" were (1) optional and (2) off by default. Otherwise, it seems to me that the width of the ProChannel strips would change constantly to match the width of the corresponding console channel strip. Perhaps the options (if implemented) could be: Console - uses the width of the corresponding console channel strip Narrow - same as "Narrow Strips" in channel strip Normal - same as normal channel strip Double Wide - normal ProChannel
  14. If by "set default session" you mean having UI elements (placement, functionality, settings, etc.) be constant from project to project, you might want to design a personal Workspace. Or, you might want to use "None" for your Workspace, or possibly one of the factory Workspaces. If its just making changes in a track template, I seem to remember a discussion about doing this recently, possibly with regard to meter scales. I will see if I can find that thread. This was the discussion I was remembering, but it is about meter scale ranges and having them return. Not sure this applies to your issue. But there was another discussion specifically about the number of scales in the time line. Let me look for that. Maybe this applies to your issue?
  15. Possible setting change removed after testing it. The go-to-marker-on-stop part of what you want works, but it also goes to the marker and continues while playing. Clarification: Are you asking for a way to disable the "Now" marker?
  16. Sorry I didn't make that clear--yes it worked. I also tried it again with a test audio arp track that did a few weeks ago. It took a while because it was much longer, but the audio to midi conversion seemed to work. If you are doing small sections at a time, it should be quicker. There's a MFX Arpeggiator, too, but I didn't try that. Not sure if there's anything helpful here:
  17. I have never done this with the Inspector-based Arpeggiator. (I have done it with hardware.) It looks like it might be possible. If no one chimes in and says how to do it, I am going to try the methods listed here--on line documentation. Update: Nothing on that page allowed me to record the midi output of the arpeggiator. Maybe someone else has been able to do it. Update 2: Not sure this is the best way to do it, but in a simple test of a single arpeggiated note I recorded the arp pattern as audio, then exported it, then imported it to a midi track and let Cakewalk do its audio conversion to midi. I hope there's a better, more efficient way to record patterns as midi data.
  18. NOTE: Since Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB) has a history of on-going changes (improvements, bug fixes, etc.) some of the details related to this thread might change. For example: If at one point the CbB supplied Basic Workspace excluded the Event List and then an update fixes that omission, references in this thread to Event List as missing only apply to prior versions of CbB. ================================================================================== Different Workspaces can have different features enabled or disabled. For example, if Video or Event List or Markers is missing from the menu system, we do not have access to those features until we either (1) choose a different Workspace (including "None") or (2) tweak the current Workspace (either by creating a new one or resaving the tweaked one).
  19. I am guessing you might have a Workspace that excludes the Event List if it is not available in the Views menu list. Try switching your Workspace to None or others (not Basic, though).
  20. Does this help solve the problem for you?
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