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Everything posted by User 905133
SOLVED (sort of) Midi Controller TTSSEQ Issues
User 905133 replied to Rob Bolling's topic in Instruments & Effects
SOLVED (sort of) Midi Controller TTSSEQ Issues
User 905133 replied to Rob Bolling's topic in Instruments & Effects
OK. Thanks. When I expand it 400% in MS Paint I can see that the answer to my question is yes. Since you have nothing else running but MIDI-OX, my experience with this error message cannot help you. Sorry. Maybe some one else has another suggestion that will help. Best wishes. -
OK. I removed my "Ha Ha." For the record, I also vote for individuals, not really based on the person, because I really don't know any politicians personally; I just know the persona of the characters they play based on how they present themselves to their various publics. Uh oh. I already removed the "Ha Ha" but then this came in when I was about to post my reply. The song is a parody--in essence social commentary on a caricature . . . Quadruple UH OH!!!! After the last post, I'd better just post this before the thread either gets really nasty or closed.
SOLVED (sort of) Midi Controller TTSSEQ Issues
User 905133 replied to Rob Bolling's topic in Instruments & Effects
I think I know what the midi-ox message is, but it is way too small. Is the second sentence what yours says (but with a different device)? If so, in my experience it usually means that another piece of software is already using the device in a mode where only one device can use the driver. -
All MeldaProduction plugins updated to 14.05 and MSuperLooper released
User 905133 replied to Larry Shelby's topic in Deals
Thanks for this!! Previously I had discovered that SampleTank 4 uses OpenGL 2 [a minimum requirement] and therefore doesn't work at all on my Audio PC. It does indeed work on my OpenGL 2-capable laptop. So, today I tested some Melda plug-ins on my laptop. They don't have the issues I have on my Audio PC. For doing music, I have a few easy work-arounds so I can use the Melda plug-ins ? . -
All MeldaProduction plugins updated to 14.05 and MSuperLooper released
User 905133 replied to Larry Shelby's topic in Deals
Thanks for the reassurances about Melda VTS3 plug-ins working in Cakewalk. I asked because I have been exploring some possible issues I have had recently. In another forum (KVR) it was noted that the plug-ins use some OpenGL routines. Since my PC is an older model, it doesn't have the ability to use many newer OpenGL routines. I like the Melda plugins I have used so far and will be looking into updating my graphics abilities. Thanks also for the SuperLooper video!!! -
SOLVED: MIDI track channel button missing
User 905133 replied to Dave G's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Since the OP's issue was solved, I erred with my reply to the second question. I need to revisit my prior understanding of the relationship between specific workspaces, the "None" workspace, the track control manager, and visible widgets. I am not sure I said anything wrong, but maybe I failed to consider some things. I will correct the post as needed. One of my assumptions (which I will explore further) was that in essence, when the Track Controller manager said "[Workspaces]" that meant my widgets were in effect customized per my specific custom workspace. Thus, I thought my second and third workspace screen shots ("=== MIDI" and "LISTEN+EDIT") were showing how specific custom workspaces could be used to get in effect customized widget configurations. I could be wrong and/or I could have over look other things because I did not test a full set of possibilities. Another assumption (which I will also explore further) was that the "None" workspace pulled up prior settings based on a number of things [possibly like a "last state" set of UI settings]. This and my previous post really belongs to a different thread. EDIT: After additional exploration, my observations seem accurate; however, (1) they are incomplete and more importantly (2) they do not directly address either the first question or the second implied question [Why does the track control change to Custom?] . -
SOLVED: MIDI track channel button missing
User 905133 replied to Dave G's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
EDIT: Temporarily withdrawn pending further exploration. See the post below for details. Could be related to workspaces. I have tested using "None" as a workspace and "All" as my track/widget control preset/filter. "None" [workspace] seems to return "All" [track widget control] fairly consistently. If I switch to a different workspace, it [the track widget control/filter] will usually change based on the workspace being restored since I have chosen to make my custom workspaces behave that way. I am not sure how the factory workspaces are set up with regard to the "widget filter," but from what others have advised, if you tend to use a certain factory workspace [e.g., Basic, Advanced], you should be able to change things and then resave the workspace. I don't know if the widget filter gets stored and reloaded with workspaces. Did you test that? Screenshots forthcoming to show sample widgets based on personal workspaces (maybe they will help). -
WARNING: Absurd lyrics that some might consider "graphic." Please don't listen if you wish to avoid this vocal/sonic theatre of the absurd.
My old programmer's brain maxes out at 32768-1! ? Thanks for doing the higher-order math here!
In addition, check out Edit > History--where you can undo multiple tasks at one time. I used Ctrl+Z to Undo a midi recording and an audio recording. That put the history at <start>. I then used the dialog to put all of the following back. Based on my quickie test, (1) saving a project retains the history, (2) closing/reloading resets the history. Esoteric PS: I just put the max undo levels to 999999999999 and upon re-opening the dialog, it was 2147483647. I have never used that many steps in one sitting; not sure it really goes that high; I do not have the patience to test that many edits-in-one-sitting. Maybe someone who leaves Cakewalk open for days without shutting down their PC knows. Not sure if that's a hard coded max or a function of memory. But, more to the point, you can undo sequential tasks in reverse chronological order--including midi and audio recording.
All MeldaProduction plugins updated to 14.05 and MSuperLooper released
User 905133 replied to Larry Shelby's topic in Deals
Are Melda plug-ins safe to use as VTS3s or have others been finding problems as VST3s in Cakewalk? Thanks. -
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.04 Early Access 2
User 905133 replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
ooops -
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.04 Early Access 2
User 905133 replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
Thanks for asking. This afternoon I updated some plug-ins and am currently doing a vst rescan-after-reset. The project I had been using to test was updated; so maybe that will fix the screenset issue. If not, I will send you a cwp file that has the issue that was saved under 2020.01. -
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.04 Early Access 2
User 905133 replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
You have the Basic workspace; change that. See the image here--no screensets in the Basic Workspace. -
LOLOLOLOL! I'd recommend fresh fruits and vegetables for your problem, but they might be hard to find if you have a COVID-19 inspired lock-down in place. I have fresh veggies, but I am not leaving my home and therefore cannot send you any. Good luck with that!!! ?
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.04 Early Access 2
User 905133 replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
EDIT: After a number of focused tests, I highly suspect the issues I experienced and attempted to describe (1) predate any of the 2020.04 Early Access Releases and (2) are most likely the result of the interaction between my specific PC and the specific soft synths and FX plug-ins I have been using. The issues I described have not gone away; they are reasonably consistent; I am trying narrowing it down. At least with the projects I am using on my PC, they might be related to the drawing of VSTs, possibly specific VSTs or specific VSTs from specific manufacturers. Or, it could be related to some changes I did to my PC: (1) removing virtual desktops and/or (2) under privacy settings denying permissions for apps, such as camera, mic, location, etc. I rarely use screensets and have the ability to explore work arounds. I was curious when I saw the screenset issue post and found I also had it under the newest Early Access Release. I am used to other issues with Cakewalk that go unresolved, so it is not a major issue for me. The nature of bugs can be elusive--sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. I have no doubt that 99% of users might not have a specific problem. As for me, I will roll back to the last working non-early release and re-test the files I have been testing the screenset issue. If I don't have these issues, I will put a post-it note on my monitor not to accept any newer versions. If I find a work around, I might share that. So far, for me the FX VST Control Bar lock up I have been experiencing this morning can be resolved my minimizing the plug-in and then docking it in the Multidock. Unfortunately, that locks the FX VST into a cutoff mode. There are several work arounds for that--such as deleting the plug-in and inserting it again. If I can create a new project with a non-third-party paid plug-in that distributes the issues, I will share it. To be clear, as I originally stated (i.e., the reference to Project A and Project B), I have also been able to open some projects and not have the screenset issues. On my PC, it only seems to occur with some projects. I am now officially bored with trying to isolate the problem. ? Apologies to those who have no issues with screensets. -
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.04 Early Access 2
User 905133 replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
If the screensets module was not in the Control Bar, perhaps (1) you have it unselected (in which case you can add it by right-clicking on the "empty space" in the Control Bar or (2) you have screensets excluded through a custom workspace (in which case you can switch to a workspace that includes screensets). Also, if you have a custom theme that wasn't updated for these EAs, you might want to try either the factory themes or one of the 2020.04 EA tweaked user donated themes. -
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.04 Early Access 2
User 905133 replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
Preliminary observations: This is odd. I was on EA1, verified my current project [A] had screensets, rolled back to the previous version, updated to EA2, loaded the same project [A] and found the screensets module did not seem to work at all. I loaded another project and found screensets were there. Then I switched to the first project [A] and the screensets from the second project persisted, but I was able to switch them and get the screensets from the first project [A]. It does not seem to be a user workspace issue because my workspaces is set to "None." This is odd. I will try several more times. UPDATE 1: I reopened project A. Hovering over buttons in the screenset module shows names for screensets, but the buttons do nothing. I will test for the effect of a custom theme as the possible cause. UPDATE 2: I closed project A and reopened it. Same problem. Looked at preferences; I had been on Mercury. Switched to Tungsten. Screenset 1 showed in the top bar and the buttons worked. Switched back to Mercury. It was a problem again. Will do more testing, but I don't think its your error. UPDATE 3: I tried switching to the Advanced workspace and then back to None (still using project A and Mercury). Same problem. I am very reluctant to call things bug (much to the chagrin of other users who insist on things being bugs), but with this preliminary testing, if someone called it a bug, I wouldn't argue with them. Definitely unexpected, though (IMO). I hope others (esp. staff and power users) can look into this before my OCD kicks in. UPDATE 4: The problem occurs with some projects, not with others. I then switched to the Advanced workspace (as opposed to None) which has the Screenset Module collapsed. I experienced a consistent problem switching to Screenset 1--the UI switches, but the name doesn't show up. Not sure if the issue is with screenset 1 or the name I used "2020-04-13" or something different. Under "Misc." for EA2, I thought the following statement was a fix: but after loading files under various conditions, maybe its more of a "known problem" in EA2 they are still working on. I thought perhaps the problem was caused by files saved under EA1, but I do not want to roll back and then try saving files under EA1. Maybe when I re-boot again tomorrow morning it will have fixed itself. -
Footnote: Some reading matter: https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4643&context=gradschool_dissertations
Confused about pitch bend values vs. RPN (Pitch Bend Sens)
User 905133 replied to Dave G's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
In any synths I have used there is a pitch bend setting for range which can be set to different values--0 for no pitch bend, or any number of semitones, intervals, or octaves. The full range of the wheel's movement is then mapped to the pitch bend range. For example, I can set the PB range to a perfect fifth. In that case, moving the wheel up full bends a note (or notes) up a Perfect Fifth and moving the wheel completely down lowers the note(s) by a Perfect Fifth. Likewise if I set the PB range to 2 octaves or 3 octaves, etc. the wheel changes the pitch based on the range set in the PB range parameter. EDIT: To see what midi data TTS-1 responds to (such as PB range) see the document available through TTS-1's HELP button. Never mind; I don't use PRV and evidently the PRV has its own set of rules for handling MIDI data. -
I opened this in both SONAR 8.5 and Cakewalk by Bandlab. Neither opened up the project with any soft synths, just midi tracks. Are you using hardware synths? If not, did you assign the tracks to any soft synths? UPDATE: I opened it again in Cakewalk and the tracks are now assigned to and playing Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. I inserted Cakewalk TTS-1 and pointed each track to that soft synth instead of the basic MS GS soft synth and it plays. As you might know, MIDI files don't have sound, they just have instructions which midi hardware synths and software synths use to do things like play notes, change patches, etc.
How to make text larger in Event list and Markers view
User 905133 replied to Angelo DiBraccio's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks for mentioning this. I was getting nauseous (like motion sick) in the default mode. I found in the settings I can set the zoom increment (5% works for me) and can set up the X and Y dimensions of the lens. I like that I can do Ctrl+Alt+ Scroll Wheel to zoom in and out.