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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. I test drove the web-browser-based Bandlab two or three times. I explored (very minimally) the potential to export Bandlab projects (*.blx) and then import them into Cakewalk. So, I know it can be done; I just can't tell you how. Not sure if this is what you tried already; if not, maybe the info would he helpful. If so, I can look up the links and add them here--but I think the sections are in the Reference Guide and in one of the Feature Updates from a few months ago. I seem to recall it was listed as a feature preview.
  2. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Arranging.10.html
  3. @Lord TimThank you for spelling out what I was not awake enough to explain or to make cut-and-paste screen shots! Preferences: 16 Ins 16 outs: Selectable:
  4. Are 1, 3, 5, and 7 set up as stereo pairs?
  5. Sorry. I was really just trying to suggest you try Workspaces if you haven't done that already. As an afterthought, I tried seeing if the grid resolution settings in the PRV would get saved to and restored from a customized Workspace. It was just as a test-of-concept. I have had success configuring many different settings. I have also had some settings that I couldn't get to work the way I wanted. However, now that I see what you want (thanks for the images; it helps!), I am not sure if switching Workspaces as needed would give you the sensitivity you want. Maybe someone else knows of a setting or method that would work for you.
  6. I have not tried this, but maybe you could try switching grid configurations via Workspaces (or have you tried that)? I'd try but I am sorting out some of my own stuff. EDIT: references to and images showing a different grid removed to save space; evidently, Workspaces cannot be used for this issue. See discussion below.
  7. Thanks for the suggestions. I believe the problem I face stems from importing an audio file which may have created pointers to audio regions that persist and do not get detected/removed by any of the strategies I tried before asking and since. There is a thread from January that has some possibilities. I will try those after a break.
  8. This caught my eye as a feature I never use but might if it worked. In SONAR X3, it looks like the |< button is linked to RTZ [W]. In the current version of Cakewalk, it looks like the button is linked to Go to Start [Ctrl+Home]. So far as I can tell, it is possible to bind Ctrl+Home to Rewind to Landmarks so it does the same thing as W (at least on my PC). However, I didn't find a way to change the Go to Start button. For some tasks I use a left hand on a musical keyboard and a right hand on a mouse, so I might want to use a mouse button instead of the RTZ [W] key. That being said, I tried to use a button in the Custom Module and was able to use the Rewind to Landmarks command. So, now I can use that button as well as Ctrl+Home---or W. For a related discussion of the change to RTZ, see this thread, which includes this: For the Feature Overview where the transport behavior was changed, see this thread, which includes this: PS: So far as I can tell, the Go to Start button seems to be coded to Go to Start, not whatever the user has assigned to the Ctrl + Home key binding. Maybe someone else can test this?
  9. I have what I think is a related mirror image question: How can I keep a project, but unlink a missing audio file that used to be in a track that was deleted? I tried all versions of save, save as, and copy with different check box options checked as well as saving as a *.cwt file. No matter what I try, when I load the new/altered project, Cakewalk keeps giving me the "Find Missing Audio" dialog and associated warnings.
  10. Quick . . . before they un-ban you . . . write a song and get it out there . . . . Booted out Run out of town Banned by K V R etc.
  11. AHA! Not a problem for me, but I now remember, I did change the "Lock Height" setting when I was exploring an issue someone described where tracks were not visible because the Audio/MIDI/Synths/Hidden panel was obscuring them. So evidently I did it knowingly after all!
  12. I never use this command, but I just tested it to teach myself. The tracks spaced themselves within the window with the one folder I had remaining the same size. Since I don't use this short-cut, I did not knowingly change the default settings. (Basically, I am seeing the same behavior; no idea why its different for others, but its not just you!)
  13. Glad that part of it helps! Its been a while since I setup my AZController preset/configuration. IIRC it shows what midi is being received. Do the drum pads show they are sending out data there? If the drum pads are sending out sysex data, that could mean additional programming is needed. If data shows up from other parts of the R8, but not the Drum Pads, maybe there is a way to turn them on--either through the Zoom itself or a Zoom/R8 utility . If not, I'd ask Zoom. Not sure if they have a user's forum.
  14. I am totally unfamiliar with your gear, but I have used pedals on an ART X-15 which generates MIDI and was wondering about your pedals and routing. The Questions section of the website has this: So, I am wondering if the pedal is routed through your gear in such a way as to generate midi data. I looked at pictures of your VooDoo unit, but not the manual. It has pedal I/Os. Does it convert the voltage to midi data? The blurb at Sweetwater makes me think it does. So, if the VooDoo's magic will let you configure setups (presets) you can switch with the buttons to define maps for the pedal, that's the way I would go if I had those. That's as far as I got; maybe it adds something to what you already know.
  15. I had success using AZController to set up my nanoKontroller both with the Cakewalk interface and parameters on my favorite plug-in. I don't have the links handy, but he has some videos that helped me get started and he has a website that should be easy to search for. Maybe it will help you with the Zoom. I should add that with the nanoKontrol, all of the sliders and buttons are configurable with the Korg Editor. I am not sure Zoom let's you do that or if they even publish what data the controls use. I looked at the Zoom site a few hours ago and saw that as of February 2020 they still seem to be testing their software with other music programs. You might want to see if they are testing Cakewalk and if not perhaps you could ask them to include it in their tests. Not sure if you saw this SOS Article, but it does say: To me this tends to confirm my initial thought that the window you described was coming from the Zoom software. Perhaps they need help developing their driver options. The R8 looks handy; maybe you can help them out. I looked for a document with a table of data output by the R8's controls--would be handy to map the R8 control data to anything else. I couldn't find such a table. Perhaps you could record the midi output of the R8 (each control, one at a time) to make your own table--especially if they don't have a utility like Korg and other do to set up the controls yourself?
  16. ____________________ Feature is Missing For example: The Event List is missing. Video is no longer in Views. The _______ shortcut no longer works and its not in the Views menu system either.
  17. Midi files do not have Bank and Patch settings (and others) as found in Cakewalk files--such as those in the track controls . Standard MIDI files >>might<< have bank and preset settings. To find out, look under Views > Event List. If you want to select / set banks and patches so they can be used in SONAR/Cakewalk, save the tunes as Cakewalk (*.cwp) files. If you want to select / set banks and patches to be used from standard midi files, edit the data using the Event List.
  18. To my ear, the "laaaa, ahh ahh ahh ahh ahhhh" part sound in the second video sounds more like something from "Lover's Concerto" than "Sunday Will Never Be the Same."
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