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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Thanks for taking the time to share your sample library choices and your recording/production insights and for the links to your wonderful music.
  2. Do you know what method(s)/tool(s) were used? Thanks.
  3. (1) Are you disagreeing with my agreement with slartabartfast? (2) Are you disagreeing that the solution I found to translate the linguistic conflation works for me?
  4. Ooops. You want to set it up as a default, not on a folder-by-folder basis.
  5. I am not sure if this is the kind of thing you have in mind or how to do it in the new arranger (if possible), but I would like to be able to take soft synth-based loops that I create in individual projects and arrange them. If that is possible with the new arranger, could someone create a mini-tutorial (written steps for each part of the process) to lead me through the process? Thanks.
  6. I don't know if its the quickest or best way, but if you have the console in the Multidock, you can have the Synth Rack in another tab in the Multidock and just switch tabs. I tend to have the synth rack or the track view available, rarely just the Console. Others might know better/easier ways.
  7. My problem was solved by following the advice posted: (1) Revert back to the previous version, (2) Run the revised EA installer. After that I had the PC Presets. Would it still be helpful to know additional details? I did get a Windows message saying some components could not be rewritten, but I didn't save a screen grab. If I would be helpful, I can revert/update again to capture the message, though I don't recall it specifying what couldn't be written. Like Windows Defender, AVG also flagged the program, but each time it did a scan and said no issues were found. I assume they will also be adding it to their database.
  8. Are you changing the initial presets in the track header--the B [Bank] and the P [Preset] widgets? If you are just changing them in the TTS-1 UI, when you hit play, the track settings might be changing them.
  9. The use of "Rules" threw me off yesterday, too. I believe it refers to what some people might call guide lines--the lines that separate octaves. Similary, I believe "measure rules" are the lines that separate measures.
  10. Thanks for the quick rebuild. It let me see the PC Presets as well (using the new next and previous buttons). Thanks also to those who spotted that and reported it. This will encourage me to use PC Modules!
  11. To grab screen shots of dialogs, mini-windows, panes, etc., I usually, (1) make sure it has focus and (2) press Alt + Prnt Scrn. That places the image in the cut-and-paste buffer. For things that disappear when alt is press, I grab a full screen shot, paste it into MS-Paint, and cut out the section(s) I need. There are other methods, too. If you are handy with cut-and-paste shortcuts (esp. Ctrl + V to paste), this method might work for you.
  12. Glad to hear you had success with the *.wrk files. I am not sure if the sounds packaged with 1990s SB cards were based on GM, but you might want to test drive TTS-1. Also, over the years I have seen soundfont files posted on the internet; so, maybe someone has converted sbk files into soundfont files. If so, they might work in any of a number of soundfont players. Maybe someone with more experience with those can make recommendations. EDIT: FWIW, the only *.sbk file I have is SYNTHGM.SBK which I found in some archival Creative Labs folders. I mention this because TTS-1 will probably not help with other *.SBK files.
  13. Thanks! I have wanted to import some of your choices from Tuncury Light Green into my own personal* themes for some time [*i.e., not for distribution, just for my own use].
  14. I have a question that stems from something I was going to explore when reading the posts about someone who wanted different colored meters in an existing theme. Correct me if I am wrong, but if I create an exported theme file of personal preferences (or maybe new/unchanged parameters), couldn't I just import those on top of any other theme to add them? If that method will work, I thought I'd do that by starting with a single set of just the new/changed parameters (tweaked). I was pleased to see that (unless I am mistaken) the new package (EA version) includes the updated editor with the new parameters. If there is an easier method to change sets of parameters in an existing theme, or if this method won't work with new/changed parameters, I'd be interested to know. (It will save me time testing.)
  15. Clarification: The image is a new image; it is not a composite image of an old screenshot and a new screenshot. It is what happens if someone switches to an old theme that has not been updated yet.
  16. Should I wait for you to figure out changes such as the following, or would it help to post them here? send PM? old: new: Never mind. No help is needed since as scook pointed out the changes have been posted.
  17. The list of new features and fixes looks amazingly comprehensive! Thanks!
  18. User 905133

    Sonar 7 studio

    Just the guitarist? No header? No Log-In Button?
  19. Hmmmm. I just checked the two factory themes (mercury and tungsten) and both have green meters.
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