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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. TRUE!!! I think I finally resolved it in my head a while ago with: None = "You didn't chose any, so all are chosen for you." Omni = "Either you chose None and all were selected for you, or you chose all."
  2. Sometimes a missing feature results from the specifics of your project. For example, features related to MIDI might be missing if you (a) don't have any midi devices selected in preferences or (b) if your project only has audio tracks. Example 1: Problem: Instrument Definitions are not showing up where they used to!!! PROBLEM: WHY? No MIDI Devices checked!!! Example 2: Problem: On the Menu Bar under Views, PRV [Piano Roll View] is grayed out and cannot be selected!!! PROBLEM: WHY? The project only has audio tracks.
  3. Loved the music. As for the video, I learned something new about myself--some yawns were contagious, other not. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Glad it provided the trigger. The guide is coming along nicely! BTW, the link only gave me 0.9.4 earlier today--twice; but it gave me 0.9.5 a few minutes ago. ?
  5. I mostly use z3ta+ [v1.5.4.0 VST2, 64 Bit, In: 2, Out: 2] as an FX processor, but the synth dll also works. (PC = 4GB RAM, duo core, legacy PCI audio card). It is as reliable or more reliable on my PC than Dim Pro and Rapture from around the same era (+/-). Never got a z3ta+ issue on scanning VSTs. I scan manually, after a reset. I do get warnings about other plug-ins, though, but not z3ta+. Maybe these details will be helpful in debugging your z3ta+.
  6. For a related discussion, see also : which includes: For example, I have W's behavior configured so it rewinds and keeps playing. The Go-to-Start button does the same thing. However, I can bind Ctrl+Home to Stop, duplicating the Stop button. The point here is that based on what I tested on 3/18/2020 and confirmed today, "The Go to Start transport button uses the CTRL+HOME shortcut" is not true. On 3/18/2020 I asked if someone else could test that. No one replied. If my experience is not the same on others' PCs, I'd be happy to edit my comments, but so far as I can see, under 2020.01 (build 28) it does not use the function bound to the Ctrl + Home key combo. (I don't consider this a bug as I like being able to re-purpose Ctrl+Home. Since I already have both W and the Go-to-Start button, I don't need a two-key combo to do the same thing.)
  7. For me "W" is pretty easy, but the virtual button also works-- it just depends if I want to use my left hand or my right hand.
  8. Control Bar > Modules > Transport > Background [small and large] small: large: large w/pink Viewport Background: Note: Viewport Background is already in the manual but here it is with the colors from the "large" example.
  9. I tested the parameter you used; I didn't see any change.** Then I tried Control Bar > Modules > Transport > Background (small). EDIT: Just changed Background [Large]. **EDIT # 2: Just found what the Viewport Background affects. (See the third image-pink area.) I have been thinking of testing some colors for myself for a while. So thanks for giving me a convenient opportunity.
  10. Nice that someone else had an NK2 file that (with some tweaks) works with your workflow. Thanks for sharing the info on your solution.
  11. I was looking through my nanoKontrol 1 Presets for AZController and I have one that with scene 1 lets the sliders control track volumes in Cakewalk plus the start button toggles between play and pause and the stop button stops the Cakewalk Transport. I don't remember how I set it up, but might be able to reconstruct that this afternoon/evening if it might help. Mine doesn't have MCU mode, but it looks like you aren't using that. If not, my method might work. Briefly (until I get to look at it), the transport buttons show up as URT [Universal Real Time] commands. In one (or more) of the AZ Controller tabs, there are transport functions. Hope this will help get you started. If not I will try to reconstruct how I did it.
  12. I just did it, but honestly I don't know how. I had given up trying, moved onto re-configuring an AZController configuration to try to reconstruct how I did the nanoKontrol transport buttons --> AZController --> Cakewalk Transport, and all of a sudden I had multiple tracks with the same color WAI bar. Here's what I can tell you: I had one Control Surface set up and added two more. I could not figure out how to intentionally assign instances 2 and 3. I played with assigning transport buttons using an earlier AZController Preset. Before I started playing around with the Preset, all I could get was Move AZ Controller - 1 here. Nothing I tried based on the reference guide seemed to help when I did it. But maybe it did but didn't become available until I did something else within the controller setup. Let me know if you figure this out; I could use it!
  13. Excellent idea!!! I just tried it and sure enough exporting an audio project strips out the audio and leaves Markers and Notes (the ones in the Browser Notes section). So far I have just verified this in a hex editor, but the *.midi file would be easier to parse than a *.cwp file!!! I haven't coded in decades. Do you know of a program that will display the notes and marker times and text in a printable format?
  14. Does the Console plug-in work when inserted into a track without the device being checked in Cakewalk's Preferences > MIDI Devices? From reading the website documentation (yesterday and again just now in the manual), I got the impression (though I could be misreading it), that the Console is designed to be used as a plug-in, not as a midi in/out device. Again, I have no experience with the device, but to me it sounds like the plug-in is both routing the audio and handling the midi i/o via usb. There also seems to be a way to disable DAW Integration, but the on/off setting appears to be in the plug-in. Again, 100% speculation on my part, but maybe . . . .
  15. User 905133

    Blue sticky bar.

    I typed up the following approx. two hours ago because it seemed to me that people were missing what you were wanting. I could be wrong, here goes: ------------------------------------------------- You want the ability to turn off the auto-docking hot-spots, right? In other words, you want the "blue sticky bars" to not appear at all when moving around floating windows, right? In other words, you want the [ Ctrl + moving windows] behavior to be the default behavior without having to hold the Ctrl key down when you move things around, right? In addition, you would also like to know if others have audio dropouts when a bunch of windows (all of them) are undocked and moved around while working on a project, right? I can understand a work flow that involves moving windows around as needed as opposed to pressing buttons to open and close windows. I tend to use a left-hand-on-the-usb/midi keyboard, right-hand-on-the-mouse modality for many activities. For me changing hands to type on a keyboard or to look for and press or hold a key down is not as fluid. Maybe your working modality is similar. My personal concession is to use the Ctrl key to gain control of window placement and avoid the blue rectangles. I suppose if I felt more strongly about it, I'd put in a feature request.
  16. User 905133

    TTS-1 Automation

    Just my opinion, I am not convinced you did anything wrong. I could be wrong, but I don't think TTS-1 makes those parameters available. At first I thought, "Maybe its because TTS-1 is a DXi. " So I tested four others. Two did not "expose" parameters to the automation lane menu system; two did. I tested them in such a way as to test the hypothesis that DXis with multiple outputs would differ from DXis with single outputs: One DXi with 16 outputs had no parameters exposed. One DXi with a single output had five categories of parameters with multiple parameters exposed within each category. One DXi also with a single output had eight categories of parameters with multiple parameters exposed within each category except for one. One DXi with a single output had no parameters exposed. So far I did not break this down into which ones are mono-timbral and which are multi-timbral, but I am curious.** As for me, this exploration is giving me new insights into using soft synths within Cakewalk. I tend to use the same ones that have served me well over the years, but as long as I am hunkered down, this is a great distraction! (It keeps me from looking at the news of the day.) Maybe (1) someone with expert knowledge of soft synth design and capabilities and/or (2) someone with expert knowledge of how Cakewalk makes soft synths work internally can explain why some soft synths show up there and others don't. ------------------------------------ ** Testing this is hard because some of the DXis I have are multi-timbral and some appear to be mono-timbral by default, but some have an option to make multi-timbral (such as but using different outputs or elements). However, so far I have not seen that this makes a difference.
  17. In my experience (admittedly limited) that message usually means the device is being used by other software. There might be other causes, but I have had that enough times to explore that possibility first. This is what my message looks like when it happens. Update: This page seems to say that Cakewalk by Bandlab is supported. There are a number of Q & As that that address installation, possible issues, etc. Maybe the section that tells you to insert the plug-in on tracks would be helpful. Just a guess, but maybe you get the device failure issue because the software is controlling the controller and you need to use their software as a plug-in? 100% speculation on my part, but as long as I was curious and looked at the Console, I thought I'd share my initial observations. I might be right or not; so feel free to ignore my speculations.
  18. Not sure this helps with the nanoKontrol 2, but maybe: on the nanoKontrol 1, I used the Korg configuration editor to assign buttons, knobs, and sliders. Then (if I need it, such as for the transport buttons to control Cakewalk), AZController does its magic for me.
  19. Also, Workspaces will affect the Track Control Widgets. So, depending on your Workspace, you might not see the same widgets when you boot a new project. If you want to be shown when you open projects, set the Track Controls to , and set to .
  20. User 905133

    TTS-1 Automation

    Glad it helps. Looking for that helped me gain insights into how I might someday start using automation lanes. So, thanks for pointing me in that direction. As for why it is that way, I will defer to others with more detailed knowledge of the workings of Cakewalk and others who make more use of automation lanes with different soft synths.** BTW, in a quick reading I didn't see this issue mentioned in an article by Craig Anderton on Automation in Cakewalk, but the article is now on my reading, so maybe I will explore automation lanes sooner than I would have otherwise. ------------------------- **EDIT: Just a guess--it has to do with how the soft synth was created. I see people who know more than me use a phrase like "what the plug-in exposes." So, I looked at the automation lane options for the Z3ta+ FX dll which I use for live control of TTS-1 -> Z3ta+ FX effects. I lost count, but its somewhere around 500-600 listed "parameters." I'm not sure if all of them will allow for automation, but they do seem to be "exposed" in my TTS-1 Instrument track (not the midi track that points to TTS-1) because I have it in the FX bin. The "Last Program" parameter? is either somewhere around 560 or 660 (+ or - 50 as it was a very quick counting and I lost track at times).
  21. User 905133

    Blue sticky bar.

    I seem to remember a discussion about this several months ago. There was a suggestion floated to have a switch [like a preferences check box] so that the default behaviors for (1) moving undocked windows and (2) Ctrl + moving undocked windows could be swapped--(a) autodocking or (b) non-autodocking. If I am understanding you correctly, with such a switch you could set the preference so that moving any undocked window could be done without having to hold the Ctrl key. EDIT [2020-03-27]:
  22. I have the nanoKontrol 1, so I cannot help other than to refer you to other threads where the nanoKontrol 2 has been discussed.
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