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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Sorry if it wasn't clear I was asking about Cakewalk version 2020.05 v Cakewalk version 2020.04, not the version of Windows. As for the new-to-me machine, I will see what the MS Authorized Refurbisher Updated Windows to and run my tests with that--while it is still within the 30-day return period. Thanks for input about Fawudd's departure.
  2. Thanks for taking the time to detail your experiences. Out of curiosity, did your final tests use 2020.05 or did you stay with the previous version? I ask because on my PC (an older duo core CPU + PCI audio card system) I noticed major improvements on my system starting with 2020.05 EA2 in Cakewalk's success coping with Windows' siphoning of limited resources. In other words, I experienced far less audio glitchiness at sub-par audio card settings under 2020.05 than 2020.04 (and earlier). Under Cakewalk 2020.05 I was able to nudge my audio card's settings up less than before to reduce the impact the Windows v. Cakewalk competition-for-limited-resources. Thanks. PS: I have a new-to-me PC on order and am asking in part as a prelude to setting up the "new" one when it arrives.
  3. I just put in some random "words" (Large 4) and tested a scroll automation lane. Not sure how I would use it, but it works!!!
  4. I confess--I used "midi echo." See below (emphasis added) ; You will see immediately below (2) there is a virtual button I labeled "echo on." I got started before DAWs. We had sequencers that only did midi, not audio. So I called it "midi echo." For me turning on that virtual button echoes the input from my midi controller to either external gear or software synths via midi. ADDENDUM: If you search the Reference Guide for "midi echo" you will find many references, including this:
  5. If you don't like key-bound shortcuts, but clicking on buttons fits your personal workflow, you might want to consider the Custom Module as a substitute. Under Commands, we have* For example: * among many other commands in addition to many choices under Menu Items
  6. From a discussion I remember several months ago, the list of FX chains that use plug-ins that long-time users of SONAR have that are not available to CbB-only users is sizeable. There was a post (later removed) that listed FX chains that "didn't work," but IIRC the original version of the list made it seem like the FC chains themselves were broken for everyone, as opposed to the FX chains distributed with CbB not working for users who didn't have the underlying plug-ins. If you have access to deleted posts, I can point you to the thread that had the original list. (I am not sure if I saved a copy of it). I stumbled onto the distinction because one of the posts in the thread listed chains with z3ta+ fx as not working which I have used for years and still worked under CbB.
  7. Are you using a hardware synth? If so, did it get changed to a mode where the gear only responds to one channel and/or only responds with one patch (i.e., non-multitimbral mode)? Are you using a software synth? If so, what MIDI channel are you sending data on? Is it a multi-timbral soft synth? How are you directing the data to different MIDI channels? What MIDI routing method are you using? For example, sometimes (with a usb keyboard and either a soft synth or hard synth) I will have different presets on different MIDI channels and just change the global (transmitting) channel on the keyboard. This gives me a single track with multi-channel data that plays different sounds on each different midi channel. Other times, I have tracks dedicated to specific MIDI channels and use the the MIDI output widget to force the data from they keyboard onto a onto a single, specific midi channel. With this type of track routing setup, it doesn't matter what channel my keyboard sends (and Cakewalk records) because I am forcing the data to a specific MIDI channel. Also, how are specifying the channel, bank, and patch? If you are using the track widgets, does it make a difference if you insert a patch change command in the Event List?
  8. Track 5 is a MIDI track showing you the midi input is being received as evidenced by the green leds. I can't tell from the section above, but is the midi output [O] track control widget pointed to the softsynth? I see [O] = 1U40419 . . . which seems like an audio device, not TTS-1 (or another softsynth).
  9. Thanks for the insights. After trying a few non-logical elements, including many that >>might<< have a side effect, I'd say your gut feeling is correct. I also tried some optical illusion like effects to make the distinction more noticeable. The best I could do (and it is not really helpful) was making the name frame the same shade of gray as the selected synth rack strip in the hope that the unselected one would "seem wrong."
  10. I was curious about this and since I enjoy learning about custom tweaks, I looked last night. Unfortunately, I didn't see any color elements or images taht would work for this; however, I was only looking at element names that seemed logical to try. Not sure if there are elements for other things that also affect the selected / unselected Synth Rack list. I will probably try again, though.
  11. I was confused by this, too. According to the default Key-bindings, ALT+X toggles Aim Assist on/off. When I tested it (with ALT+X), the state of Aim Assist did not seem to get saved and restored via specific Workspaces. (I don't think the reference is to Key-bindings, because those can be saved with Workspaces.) I never use it (except when I see it referenced in the forum so I can teach myself about it), but just now it [the on/off status] did seem to persist regardless of Workspace or project. I think if I were to use Aim Assist, I'd like it on all the time unless I explicitly toggled it off via Alt-X, but I can understand how others might want a whole bunch of settings (including Aim Assist on/off) set up by personal Workspaces. If this is not what the comment refers to, I'll go with any forthcoming clarification. See
  12. I think what you call "preferred Workspace in Track View (e.g. mix, i/o, fx)" is what I call "Track Control/Widget Preset" -- the set of track control widgets in effect when the Workspaced is saved, if that is chosen to be saved/restored. As far as I have seen when it says [Workspace], the widgets are the ones saved with the Workspace. I'm guessing you want it to say the specific name of the preset and not "[Workspace]." Intuitively, I seem to like knowing that the widgets are already set in the Workspace so I don't have to re-save it. Also, the way it currently is, if I temporarily change the widget preset, I know that the correct one is still stored with the Workspace because it doesn't say "[Workspace]." Also, based on what I just tested, it seems that when my Workspace is set to "None," opening up an existing project does display the widgets [i.e., track control preset] the project was saved with. Not 100% sure on all this as I am still learning the nuances of Workspaces, so I am open to corrections from those who have more experience with Workspaces and track controls.
  13. I de-selected all my midi devices and got the same thing. Then I re-selected a midi output device.
  14. Do you use customized Workspaces? I ask because with my personal dual monitor based Workspaces, I haven't noticed inconsistencies such as you describe. I know that "None" is often used as an option to preserve UI arrangements from session to session and often I use that. However, at times I just want to use a specific Workspace--including the one where I have a full-screen, undocked console on Monitor 2. UPDATE: I just went through my Workspaces and they seem consistent, though I did read that with 2020.05 there were some changes. That being said, the ones I have set up to put up a full-screen undocked Console View on Monitor seem to work as they did before. Also, I created a new "Undocked Test" that has three undocked panes on Monitor 2 and tested by opening up different projects. That also seems consistent from project to project.
  15. I agree. Another benefit--I find the buttons on the bottom are great for making sure Windows audio settings Cakewalk's audio routing are working (very quick built-in diagnostic tool). If you haven't see it, there is an extensive midi implementation document available from the Help button.
  16. At one point I had that, too (the grayed out options). Someone posted about that. I will look for the link. Did this help? UPDATE: I just tested scooks' advice, and it still works using these two steps. (I am using 2020.05 Build 039.)
  17. Thanks for the additional details; they make sense. I was all tested out yesterday. I did some brief comparisons between the models, with different ASIO latency settings while looking at CPU % in task manager, with my PatchMix DSP mixer visible and hidden, switching workspaces, opening MSPaint (to save screen shots), etc. Models 1 and 2 worked on my system previously; so, since 3 was problematic, that was the big change. I will be doing more fine tuning and will try to see if I have any noticeable differences between 2 and 3. Yesterday, I didn't notice any--that's why I wondered if 3 was bypassed based on some characteristic of my system.
  18. With previous releases, I tested scheduling model 3, changing my PCI card's ASIO latency settings to see if I could make it work. I have an older PC and always had horrific audio artifacts with model 3. However, with 2020.05, either model 3 is not working or it has been fine tuned light years ahead of its previous implementation.** On a duo core PC with 8MB memory, I can lower my PCI card/driver's ASIO latency setting more than before and can even switch Workspaces and not have audio artifacts. If it is working (as opposed to being bypassed based on my PC and its capabilities) and if there were massive intentional changes to make this happen, thanks!!! **That being said, it might not be changes to the threading model that made this work for me without the artifacts, but maybe other changes, such as the streamlining of UI creation, re-drawing, etc. In any case, thanks for 2020.05; definitely well worth the wait as far as I am concerned.
  19. Yeah--none of my parallel port MOTU midi interfaces (8 x 8s and 4 x 6s) work under Windows 10 Pro** no matter how much I try to trick them into working. Even MOTU tech support couldn't help and I have no experience in writing device drivers (nor do I have enough of a hacker mind left to try to teach myself how). **They do work on a bona fide XP SP3. Based on my experience, having multiple devices from the same manufacturer can be problematic (e.g., triggering BSODs). So far as I can tell the E-Mu device drivers identify each of the two pairs of I/Os on a single 2 x 2. I am not sure if its the E-Mu driver or Windows (or something else) which differentiates one 2 x 2 from others. To try to re-stablize them one time after a Windows 10 update which I believe was responsible for some BSODs, I disconnected them, removed the drivers (including hidden instances of the drivers), reconnected them one by one, and power cycled my PC to try to ensure that Windows 10 set up them up properly in whatever tables it makes. Unfortunately, as you can see, somehow the ports on one 2 x 2 now have the same names as a different 2 x 2. I don't dare hook up the 4th one!!!! ? You raise an interesting point--by implication: if I disconnect all the 2 x 2s (i.e., just have the nanoKontrol and the MK-249C, will I then need to exit and reboot Cakewalk when I power-cycle the MK-249C (or any other usb keyboard). I'll put that on my to-do list to test the next time I start getting a rash of BSODs and do another clean installation of the 2 x 2 drivers.
  20. Footnote: Try using Shift in the Markers pane to select a range of markers and Ctrl to select non-contiguous markers. It works on my PC; might work for others, too.
  21. I can't answer your questions, but thanks for raising them! I always have the SynthRack docked on the right, but now that I see what you have here it looks like something that would work very well with some of my workflows. This is new to me but so far as I can see, we are limited to two rows of virtual knobs.
  22. I have not started to use the Arranger Track, but have some projects I might want to try it out on. Since I like consistency, I agree--on the surface it seems strange for the [A button} on the Inspector to open the Arranger both in the Inspector and in the Track View but when pressed a second time it only closes it in the Inspector. Yet, [A as a shortcut} only toggles (open and close) the Arranger in the Track View. I am guessing there were discussions about potential Arranger workflows and it was decided that people working with the Arranger Track would probably switch among various Inspector tabs/views while continuing to keep the Arranger Track visible in the Track View. Just a guess. I have never used an Arranger Track in any other software either, but maybe Cakewalk looked at possible workflows and decided on what would work best for Cakewalk users. I will have to find some decent videos on how to use the Arranger Track and Inspector panel in Cakewalk; to me it is not very intuitive. Looking forward to giving it a try.
  23. EDIT: In case it was not clear, this classic from the history of mid-20th century electronic music was made with the sound of rubber bands (tie in with the previous song) and uses early techniques of tape editing that helped pave the way for current digital methods.
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