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Frank DeFede

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About Frank DeFede

  • Birthday January 20

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  1. I tried to install Native instruments Komplete Kontrol today. As it turned out it doesn't work with Cakewalk. But, now even after I uninstalled it, my Yamaha keyboard plays a note when i start or stop a song in the project with the computer keyboard or when I hit the play button in cakewalk itself. It is very annoying. Any help solving this would be much appreciated Thanks
  2. I got a RED WARNING message today that I have 1 day left for Cakewalk and to update my registration. I tried to open Bandlab Assistant, but when it opened it was just a plain white screen. I tried several times with no success. So I decided to download the LATEST Bandlab Assistant and it installed, and opened fine, but now there is nowhere to register Cakewalk. Can anyone tell me how to proceed with this as I don't want to lose access to Cakewalk. I am working on several projects. Thanks
  3. when I opened Cakewalk yesterday, I got a message that Cakewalk registration was going to expired. I didn't have to deal with it just then. I opened it today and it opened with no message. I went to the BandLab Assistant and opened it. It came up with a blank screen with no option to do anything. I want to be sure that my registration doesn't expiration. Can anyone give me advice on how to re-register or to fix the BandLab Assistant. Thank You
  4. Is there a setting that will automatically mute the last take when recording a new take. I always have to mute the last take in the track lanes. It isn't a big deal, but seems like it used to automatically mute the previous take when comping. Thanks Frank
  5. I have 3 midi tracks Strings, Celesta, and Piano. I want to bounce each of them to separate audio tracks for further mixing. I selected the string midi track an and froze it. No problem it made an audio file of just the strings on a new track. The problem is the other 2 midi tracks. They freeze along with the strings. If I hit unfreeze on the celesta and/or the piano it unfreezes the Strings. It's like they are all tied together. I also tried to use the track folder, but it says no audio is selected to bounce. I thought I could bounce midi files in the Track folder. Any help is much appreciated.
  6. Thank you all for your help! I now have a much better understanding. It still gets a but confusing at times, but thanks to this forum and the time you took to respond with your knowledge I am most excited that I can complete the song I'm working on and my album project. One thing I still don't understand is that when I used to insert a soft synth with multiple tracks it would also insert 1 midi track and 4 of output tracks. Now I have to insert the midi track separately. Is that a software update or is there some setting I am missing when inserting the soft snyth TTS-1 in order to get the midi track at the same time? Frank
  7. Hi Mark, Thank you for pointing this out to me. I never knew about this and it has always been confusing to me. I went ahead and followed your instructions. I had the strings working, and the Piano, but couldn't get the Celesta to output. So I went ahead and inserted a new TTS-1 with the 4 tracks. I assigned the outputs as you directed and it worked great, prefect. Thank you for this information. Now i am moving on to figuring out how to quantize the midi tracks, and hopefully i won't have to post. Frank
  8. I did a work around. 1. Muted 2 of the midi tracks. 2. Frozen and Outputting the strings solo as suggested 3. I copied the frozen strings 4. Pasted the frozen strings to the newly inserted audio track 5. Unfreeze Strings 5. Repeated Steps 1 - 5 for each of the other midi tracks, Celesta, and piano It worked, but I still need to figure out the correct and easiest way. Thanks for all of your help.
  9. Thanks Glenn, I started this project from a previous project. It apparently had more than one instance of TTS-1 as there are several in the pull-down menu to select for output. TTS-1 1, TTS-1 2, TTS-1 3, TTS-1 4. But, only one of them work as I tried to output to them all. The only one that works is the 1st instance TTS-1 1. I think the others may have been deleted, but still show up in the pull-down menus? You're right the the 3 midi tracks are tied to the same instance of the TTS-1. I will try your suggestion, and I believe I have done that before, but for some reason I couldn't get it to work last night. I tried for hours. The problem is that all 3 midi tracks get frozen. Mutting 2 of them does give me the one track of strings only. But, in order to freeze the next midi track I have to unfreeze the Celesta and then it unfreeze all 3 again. Thank you for your suggestion. I will try it again this morning ?. Do you know if there is a way to separate the 3 midi tracks to be independent. I inserted a new soft synth TTS--1 with 4 multiple outputs thinking I could send my midi tracks to it, but couldn't get the midi tracks to output to any of the 4 tracks. Thank you kindly! Frank
  10. I have 3 midi tracks Strings, Celesta, and Piano. I want to bounce each of them to separate audio tracks for further mixing. I selected the string midi track an and froze it. No problem it made an audio file of just the strings on a new track. The problem is the other 2 midi tracks. They freeze along with the strings. If I hit unfreeze on the celesta and/or the piano it unfreezes the Strings. It's like they are all tied together. I also tried to use the track folder, but it says no audio is selected to bounce. I thought I could bounce midi files in the Track folder. Any help is much appreciated.
  11. I have almost always had a problem when punching in a keyboard track. It usually starts late even though the punch area is correct. Sometimes it works, but not too often. I have tried different methods like playing along with the tracks even before the punch in area, but that doesn't work. I thought maybe stepping on the sustain pedal may be the answer. I usually do a work around by putting the notes in the missed area, but it is a pain as you can imagine. Does anyone else have a problem with this? If so is there a solution. Thanks again for all of your help from this forum. Frank
  12. I adjust the volume on the TTA-1 to about 100 on channel 1 and 3. But, as soon as I start the song it jumps back up to 127. I had brought it up to 127 so I could clearly hear what I was playing, but now I need to mix it into a more realistic level of around 100. But, it jumps back up to 127 as soon as I start playback. I have search on the module to see if there is an automation function, but I can't find one if there is one or you can advise me on how to defeat this from jumping back up, any help on this is much appreciated. Thanks Frank
  13. Hi John, Thank you for the tip. After I posted I noticed that the numbers show up after the track is frozen. I was trying to figure out what I had played on a track and I wanted to see the note names instead of the numbers. So I had unfroze the track and the names came back. After I got you tip I tried the method you suggested, by right clicking on the piano on the midi track and the frozen track. The numbers switched to the piano with the names, but then my program is not working as it is waiting for me to select my option in a hidden box. Everything I click on just dings without any response. The only way out was to hit Control/Alt/delete which then brings up the task manager and I can see the dialog box. I am still a bit confused, but I can work with it. Thanks for your help. It is much appreciated.
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