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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Thanks for the video showcasing the Arranger Track!! I am glad I waited for the improvements (which look wonderful!) before trying to learn how to get started with the Arranger Track.
  2. User 905133

    Two screens

    One option is to set up a full screen Console on your second monitor and save it as a Workspace. There maybe be other options.
  3. Evidently the file doesn't open in the same way on my PC as on yours. I just downloaded it again and the only triplets I see are in measure 13 plus they are quarter notes, not 8th notes. Also there are 8 midi tracks in the version as it opened on my PC, but only 1, 2, and 3 have midi data. As well as being empty, tracks 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are also muted. So far as I can see, from start to finish the notes in the 6/8 version I did are the same as the notes in the 4/4 version as they opened up on my PC, though they are in different measures with bar lines in different spaces. It is a complete mystery to me why I see only quarter-note triplets in measure 13 in the original (tracks, 1, 2, and 3) and not eighth-note triplets anywhere else. UPDATE: I opened the file in SONAR 3. There are indeed eighth-note triplets in the three tracks. I have no idea why they don't show up as triplets in Cakewalk on my PC. FOLLOW-UP: Even after rolling back Cakewalk and re-updating it, my PC doesn't show the eighth-note triplets.
  4. Sorry it didn't work for you. Not sure why not. In the past that method worked for me. Maybe the answer to this question was no? There's a problem with my PC: The eighth-note triplets do not show in Cakewalk; the do show in SONAR 3.
  5. I don't have any Waves products, but the discussion about hardware/IDs/etc. is good to know about in case other products use a similar protection/authorization scheme. Thanks for raising the issue and for reporting the details of the detective work on this.
  6. The other day when I tested the spacing issue on my 1600 x 900 max monitor, adding FX and Sends pushed everything above them up so the "empty space" shrunk. Are you saying that doesn't happen on 4K monitors?
  7. Thanks for the reminder!!!! I have a new-to-me (i.e., refurbished) PC that came with a clean installation of Win10 v.2004. I will add this to the list of settings I need to check / duplicate from my current PC (v. 1809).
  8. Yes--that's how I did it. (See screen shots above.) Yes--it does work on my PC.
  9. Do you mean just changing how the existing notes are divided on the page? Not sure this is what you want; all I did was: from Project > Insert Meter/Key Change . . . . EDIT [2020-07-21]: For some reason the images seem to have disappeared since they were posted yesterday. In any case, its of no significance because evidently the file opened up incorrectly on my PC under Cakewalk.
  10. Thanks for chiming in on this, Bassman! I will look to see how I set it up based on your comments. I believe I am using the same preset within AZController. Also, as MIDI-OX shows, the CCs are the same. Here I just moved slider 1 a little on each. Port 1 is nanoK # 1; Port 2 is nanoK # 2. Thanks for the link to the preset on AZSLow's site; I will take a look at it. EDIT [20 Jul 2020]: Oh--that thread/preset is for nanoKrontrol2. From what little I have read, version 1 and version 2 are very different. UPDATE:
  11. OK--I am going to try what it says here (setting the WAI for different tracks in hopes that one nanoK controls one track and the other one controls a different track). Nope; I cannot make it happen; need someone who has had success with this before. No matter what I tried, I get both nanoKs controlling the Console sliders for both tracks 1 and 2. This kind of thing might be why I went with AZController instead of ACT. I will try the AZController to see if that will enable the two nanoKs to be independent. [Image from Cakewalk using ACT removed--it didn't work] UPDATE: (1) There's got to be an easier way! (2) I will return to this tomorrow, but I did set up the faders on one nanoK to affect Console faders 1 - 9 using AZController and following this video step-by-step. I will try setting up the second nanoK to affect Console faders 11-19 tomorrow (unless someone has an easier way to do it with ACT). New UPDATE: Set up second NanoK to work with Console faders 11-19. It works. ? Again, this is with 2 version 1 nanoKONTROLS. From what I have seen in the Forum, version 2 has a Control Surface mode. There might be easier ways than programming it with AZController, but if not, following AZ's video works. I just mapped 9 faders for this proof-of-concept. Buttons could be mapped such as to Mute/Solo. I only used Scene 1 on both nanoKs. I suppose with scenes 2, 3 and 4 on each, I could map more console sliders. But so far, I tend to use the nanoK for FX plug-in controls. PS: These remain as before:
  12. Anything in these thread that might help with trying to find a solution or shed insights on the problem?
  13. I have two of the original nanoKONTROLS, but I tend to use them as midi controllers, not as control surfaces to change Cakewalk itself. I did test some control surface capabilities, but I used AZController, not ACT itself. I have not tried to use both simultaneously as control surfaces, but if no one knows the answer, I could do some trial-and-error testing. As MIDI controllers, they work because they are on different ports. One question I'd look into if I were to try this is: How can I (if its even possible) route controllers on different ports to different parts of the Cakewalk UI? Again, I hope someone else can help, but if not, I could try as it might benefit me somewhere down the road. EDIT: FWIW, I just set this up; maybe I will explore it later today (unless someone else can help).
  14. Long shot, but easy to check just in case: Did your MIDI Driver Mode change (MME v. UWP)? I had something similar with nanoKontrols not being seen in Cakewalk after I had switched to UWP. Hope your solution is that simple to fix.
  15. Possibly related threads:
  16. Thanks for the historical clarification!! Though I have X1 and X3, at that time I was doing more with a hardware sequencer and just exploring soft synths in X1 / X3 as an alternative. Not sure if I noticed it. Glad Cakewalk by Bandlab had the wisdom to add them back!!! Maybe they will also add the tools back into the Staff View Pane. (I did notice those were gone from CbB.) From X3 (looks a bit "sparse").
  17. Help me out, how does the new feature differ from the old buttons? From SONAR 3.
  18. working on testing this. So far as I can tell, clicking on an existing note on the staff with either the smart tool or the edit tool does not change the note-value button in the Staff View Pane.
  19. Just did a very quick test as follows (v. 2020.05 build 39). Verified "Last Touched" was checked in the Control Bar's Tool Module. On a single staff from a project in progress from a few months ago: Selected 1/2 note from the note-value tool in the Staff View Pane, Placed a 1/2 note on the staff, Checked the duration by right clicking on note head. Repeated the steps for a whole note, a quarter note, and a 16th note. For all 4 tests, the duration was as expected--2 beats for 1/2 note, 4 beats for whole note, 1 beat for quarter note, 480 ticks for 16th note. ----------------------------------------- oops--part 2 got put into a new post instead of going here.
  20. I just tested some pre-Arranger Track Themes and the folder was there. Setting my windows scaling to 150% also allows the folder to be seen (though the UI took a very long time to display/open the project). Also, tried some of my custom Workspaces, with pre-Arranger Track Themes at 150% Windows Scaling. Could it be related to some display specific settings?
  21. I started to reply, but I am only familiar with that setting as it pertains to bank switching methods and decided that was probably not what you were talking about (since you didn't say anything about bank switching). If you were, then the way you phrased the question definitely caused me not to reply. Also, I am a novice when it comes to using the Prochannel, I didn't see anything to change from Controller0 to Normal there, and assumed that someone who uses ProChannel Tools might know what the reference was to. Ohhhhh. Just found it at the bottom of the Inspector: And it looks like you were talking about bank switching method. Sec. I will try to reconstruct what I started to test back when I first saw the Q. UPDATE: Just did a quick test and it worked for me. Let me test again. Basically here's what I did: FWIW, there's this in the Instrument Definition wizard: I never defined my instruments this way; I just edited *.ins files directly. But maybe you can tweak all of your Instrument definitions in this dialog, or create/tweak a "NEW" Definition with Bank Selection = Normal and just assign that Definition to all channels. PS: I cannot speak to why others didn't reply, but your lack of referencing Bank Switching dissuaded me from replying. I had started to explore this when I first saw your post. Also, your reference to ProChannel distracted me from looking in the Inspector. Anyhow, hope this helps.
  22. Oh!!!! Are you using Bandlab--the web-browser based, social networking oriented app? or Cakewalk? I had assumed you were talking about Cakewalk because (1) this is the Cakewalk Forum and (2) everyone else seemed to be replying as if you were talking about Cakewalk. However, after your most recent post, I went back to the beginning and it is totally unclear. If you mentioned Cakewalk, I didn't see it. Everyone else replied re: Cakewalk. So maybe that's why their suggestions do not make any sense. If so, its not a can of worms, just a classic case of miscommunication.
  23. This is interesting--something that sounds like it should be simple to do evidently isn't. I have never had to do this, but someday I might; so I am trying to understand. If I play a part and save it as a *.mid file, Cakewalk saves the part as a MIDI file. So I guess from what people are saying, if there are other tracks in the Cakewalk Project, somehow the keyboard track needs to be isolated and saved as a midi file. Evidently, exporting a single midi track doesn't work. (Not sure why not, but I don't do a lot of exporting.) Could you just make a copy of the project, delete all the other tracks from it, and then save it as a *.mid file?
  24. Its needed for a second or third or fourth monitor (however many your PC can support) that might be at a lower resolution than 3440x1440 px. ? My second monitor is 1600 x 900, so I don't have the problem you do. If I did have a larger resolution, I can easily see how the extra space strip could get used by sends, FX, etc. Its not in my budget, but now that I see the potential, it is now on my list of things to save up for. So, thanks for the suggestion.
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