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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. There is a wizard for Inserting an Instrument that has some advanced options upon insertion. I seem to recall asking for the same option you would like and the reply was to create a template (which I had done previously). The current version (2020.08) has some improvements, but I think the advice still holds--create a template and use that. I would be happy to find out it has now been implemented.
  2. I have been a fan of convolution reverb for certain musical tasks and am curious to see the comments in the video in context. If you don't feel comfortable posting a link to the video, could you send it to me via Cakewalk's private mail? Thanks. Background: I started with Voxengo's Perfect Space when it was included in SONAR. More recently, I played around with the one that's included in MeldaProduction's free plug-in set and then their paid multiband version (during one of their 1/2 price sales). To me, the various settings, parameters, and controls can be very expressive in certain types of music and certain performance modalities. Specifically, the complex interactions for me work much better than set-it-and-forget-it monolithic reverbs. Not saying one type is better than another for all forms of music; just want to see the full context. To me, any reverb (and many other effects) "can sound sterile." Depending on the type of music the tutorial addressed, convolution reverb might indeed be inappropriate. Again, thanks.
  3. Diagnostic question: Does it happen with different patches? different soft synths? external synths? Are you saying literally you checked your sustain pedal to see if it was working or you checked all midi events to see if there were Sustain CCs that were not being turned off?
  4. Thanks for the question and for the answer, I never use the start screen and I never use the image option in notes, but I will probably find a use for this! Footnote: Just tested this: If there is existing image pulled up by Cakewalk itself and then the image is overridden via Notes, deleting the changed image reverted to the former image.
  5. Just a thought: maybe you could offer the theme to others in a modular fashion--for example, the base theme with variant overrides.
  6. Thanks for the clarification!!! I have never used "ReWire" and the Reference Guide was no help--so far as I can tell, standalone Soft Synths do not show up via "ReWire." However, I can rewire [in the generic sense] Proteus VX with ASIO by (for example) sending the output of Proteus VX to an ASIO stereo pair output and then routing it via a send from PatchMix DSP into a Cakewalk ASIO stereo pair input. I never thought of routing ASIO channels as rewiring, but I guess you can call routing wiring and changing ASIO Ins, Outs, and Sends rewiring. I see what happened--by "a rewire device" I took that to refer to the "ReWire" apparatus, as opposed to just routing the standalone soft synth via ASIO. Thanks for helping me to understand the difference.
  7. I haven't taken Proteus VX back out of my scan path and would be willing to try it if someone can provide steps on how to convert it to a rewire application. Reading the Reference Guide provided no clues that I could see for converting plug-ins to rewire applications. UPDATE: For what its worth, I just found an old thread about the Proteus VX (and other E-Mus) in a previous forum. There are other threads there, too.
  8. I have the highest respect for the work Tim Swartz has done and continues to do with the E-Mu Library. Another option is to use an XP PC to run Proteus VX and send the audio into a Win 10 PC. One benefit to the out-dated E-Mu software is that you can convert hardware sampler banks (*.e4b) to the software format (*.exb). For ages there have been price gougers selling disks (both copies and original disks), but you can sometimes find musicians selling legitimate E-Mu disks for a fair price. (Just to be clear, I am in no way suggesting being taken in (1) by sellers offering bona fide disks at inflated prices or (2) by unauthorized sellers offering downloads and copies of disks.)
  9. OK. Rescanning Proteus VX jogged my memory: As TracingArcs noted: As for Dimension Pro, I will have to check, but IIRC it uses more CPU than Emulator X. Plus with Emulator X I find that I can have up to 19 buses per instance (though I set mine up to do 16).
  10. Over the past few weeks I have pruned some of my soft synths from my scan paths including Proteus VX. Not sure if I removed it because it didn't work under Windows 10 or if it was redundant. If it would help, I could add it back and rescan and check.** If you can find a working copy of the last version of the sampler, I'd recommend that over Proteus VX any day (assuming it can still be authorized). Some of the E-Mu CDs for the X series no longer scan properly in Cakewalk, possibly due to changes to changes in Windows' protected locations changes.*** **Update: Yup--I pruned Proteus VX because it doesn't work under Win 10 (as others have confirmed). ***
  11. It looks to me like you have an older version of SONAR/Cakewalk as evidenced by "Lenses" listed in the space where newer versions have Workspaces. Perhaps if you switch one of the Lenses in your version, it might reset the main screen views. I barely started exploring Lenses when they were changed to Workspaces, and since then there have been several improvements to Workspaces. Just a suggestion. There are other ways to change the User Interface (visual layout), but I thought since your version has Lenses, I'd mention the new and improved Workspaces. You might also try switching screen sets.
  12. I was curious about this, so I tested a little bit (Windows 10). On my PC when I reduce the size of my main Cakewalk window so I need to scroll, I find something similar. The mouse-wheel scroll range of the Inspector panel changes based on what display items I have enabled [checked].** As a result, the right-hand strip doesn't get fully displayed. Basically, it looks like the upper scroll limit is compromised. It almost seems like the scroll range is not computed correctly. **Its not just the presence of the volume slider in the left strip; its just more noticeable because of the height of the volume slider. ADDENDUM: Just floated the Inspector and had the same problem (lack of a full scroll range). IMAGE: Left shows floating Inspector scrolled down (low end of scroll range); right shows floating Inspector scrolled up (high end of scroll range). Notes: Its not just the volume slider, but possibly the computed scroll range from a combination of display options. It happens on Win 10. It happens with floating windows as well. Display/scroll range is independent of monitor/monitor range. display looks the same on two different monitors with different display resolutions 1600 x 900 1920 x 1080 display scaling = 100%; no accessibility magnification
  13. Just wondering, are you saying here that if you save "MySong.cwp" as "MySong-rev1.cwp" in the new location, when you open "MySong-rev1.cwp" from the new location after rebooting and only opening CbB, you get the same error?
  14. OK--I see it: I had MSuperLooper before MPC Beats; when I get around to trying a live loop creation workflow, I will also give MPC Beats a try. Of course by then, some new ones might come along!
  15. I haven't used MSuperLooper, but my understanding is (correct me if I am wrong) that you can create and manipulate loops in real time. Your demo of the Matrix is nice, but my understanding is (correct me if I am wrong) you are using pre-made loops. I am aware of Ambiloop and Mobius and seem to recall I tried to integrate them into a workflow with Sonar/Cakewalk a few years back, but it was cumbersome (and I am not sure I was able to make the integration I was striving for). Again, I haven't used MSuperLooper or tried to integrate it into a workflow with Cakewalk, but based on the videos posted in the forum when it was announced as new lead me to believe (1) it can be used to real time creation and manipulation of loops and (2) it can be integrated into various Cakewalk workflows. I am probably months away from trying it myself, but if I do and find out it doesn't work as shown in the videos, I will report my efforts and lack of success.
  16. . . . Just another crack on the wall.
  17. Obviously you put a lot of time into developing and writing up the details. Maybe I missed it before, but for the first time in this thread I see that you want the knob to be non-linear (I think). Also, the explanation helps get at a question I wondered about--what does your proposed knob do to handle bumping up against the upper and lower limits (127 and 0).
  18. I found an online listing for Pffft: Not sure if the UK and US spellings are the same. ?
  19. Did you try the Help > Get Started . . . wizard? That will step you through a number of pages where you can see what Cakewalk finds. Another option is to look at Device Manager in Windows, but if you are not exaggerating about knowing absolutely nothing, I think the wizard might be a better option to see what choices you have for setting up Cakewalk. If you feel comfortable with this, you might want to look at (don't change anything just yet) Window's Sound Settings [and device properties]: NOTE: This is just a suggestion to look around so you can better understand what's under the hood of your Windows PC/laptop. At this point, unless you know what you want to do specifically and how to do it, its probably not a good idea to make changes. You should also understand how you can change the settings back first. For example, notice above (my PC) Windows sees some playback devices and some recording devices. Also notice that Windows can tell us things like "Default device," "Ready," "Not plugged in," and "Disabled." JMO: You don't need to know what's under the hood; so far as I can tell, the Get Started . . . wizard will look for you, but at some point you might want to have more control over what's there.
  20. It sounds to me that you have taken the time to (1) understand the components of the Windows Sound/Audio settings and how they interact with devices on your computer and (2) make adjustments to settings to get the system tuned-up to your needs. I do this too, but honestly, it took me many hours over several months to try to understand the many complexities. In fact, I even tested hiding audio devices via BIOS only to get a warning that some Operating Systems ignore the BIOS settings! (Not sure if that means Windows can still access a sound chip even if it its disabled via BIOS.) However, yesterday I installed a new-to-me device (iConnectMIDI4+), updated the firmware, and took a look at how the ports were listed in the configuration software, a standalone soft synth, and Cakewalk. I did not change my Windows Sound/Audio settings and I changed the software preferences back to my main sound card (a PCI card). Previously, my setup allowed me to have Cakewalk loaded, listen to Youtube audio, etc. BUT: somehow my default audio device got changed from my PCI card to the iConnect. I don't know if it was caused by installation of the drivers, Windows' detection of the new device being on, or what. So, I knew to go into the Windows Audio device setting and changed it back (so that the default playback device is my PCI Card). If I am wrong about my premise (see my 1st paragraph), then maybe the deity / deities of your choice had something to do with it. ?
  21. Are you talking about the Inspector-based Arpeggiator? If so, are you using remote control MIDI? If so, there are other discussions about that issue.
  22. I don't know if there is such a function; I will defer to others on this. If there isn't, you could make a Feature Request. I'm not sure how many people record one track at a time (v. multiple tracks). As for me, I often split Instrument Tracks (soft synths) into their components (MIDI + Audio); sometimes I record both at the same time in separate tracks, sometimes I will just record the MIDI track. For hardware synths where the sound is layered, for me it makes sense to record each synth on its own track. I have also read that many people record different drums simultaneously using multiple tracks.
  23. I'm not sure, but it sounds to me like you want the functionality of a radio button such that pressing record in one place turns off all other record buttons that were on.
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