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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. I didn't mention it but I also tried it with a loop (wav file) I dropped into a track. That didn't work either. Right now my XP PC is not accessible, otherwise I would have tried it. Other things I tried (without success): combining the split audio track (didn't think that would affect anything), using automation tracks for the 3 knobs--since they exposed to Cakewalk (didn't think that would work either), I even tried editing some Modulation CCs to different CCs in Event View (didn't think that would work either because the manual clearly says to use "Modulation." I did not try different midi channels, though. I mention all these in case it helps someone think of other possibilities. Not sure what they mean here (above); maybe someone else might know if "delay modulation" (whatever that is) is affected by some Cakewalk setting. I tend to either use lfo modulation or map the CC to another controllable parameter. Good luck with it!! (If I think of anything else, I will give it a try--because for me, its more fun than Soduko, Cryptograms, and other sorts of diversions. ?
  2. Comments written yesterday but not posted: I was curious about this, so I found, downloaded, and installed a demo version (1.09 from 2006). I put it in the fx bin on the audio track of a vsti. I tried a number of settings for the 3 knobs. My usb keyboard's modulation wheel is clearly going to the midi track. I hear the lfo modulation of the vsti, but Vinyl Boy doesn't scratch. I do hear the white noise, so I know it is in my audio chain. Maybe someone else can get it to work in Cakewalk New comments: Today I tried routing the audio portion of a vsti to a stereo bus and putting "Vinyl X" in the fx bin there. As far as the vsti, that works as expected. Plus, the bus has the vsti audio and the white noise from the demo version of the fx. My mod wheel affects the vsti audio, but there is no scratching effect. Cakewalk seems to see it as a 32-bit audio FX plug-in with 2 ins and 2 outs. The three knobs show up as FX controls where you would expect them to show up. I have not tried tweaking properties, yet. ADDENDUM: Convert to FX Chain works; in and out levels seem to work. I could probably add the 3 knobs, but that won't help with the MIDI Issue. Just showing here that Cakewalk can display audio in and audio out. The white noise indicating it is a demo plug-in only shows up on the output. BTW, the manual says it is for Windows 95 thru Windows XP. Maybe it will work on an XP PC?
  3. This sounds very familiar--with MConvolutionEZ now showing up. IIRC I solved it by going to the default Cakewalk plug-in layout instead of one of my own. I forgot how to do that, but I believe that's what solved it. BTW, I liked it so much, I sprung for the Multi-Band version when it was on a half-price sale.
  4. FWIW, I yesterday I tested a few SI-String Section programs (approx. 10-12) and only about 35-40% failed to loop on C3 and F3.
  5. I don't really have Melodyne, but from what I understand via comments in the forum, Cakewalk uses Melodyne somehow behind the scenes for converting audio to MIDI. I used to be able to drag an audio file into Cakewalk, the transport display would give me messages saying there is some sort of conversion going on, and when it was done, I had midi notes in the track in staff view. Recently, however, Cakewalk spins its conversion gears but there is absolutely no MIDI data in the track.
  6. I was curious, so I tried it out. (I never use SI-String Section.) There seems to be a looping problem with some presets (e.g., Default) and not others. I also experienced some looping artifacts with other notes with some of the presets.
  7. JMO: Its all personal preference; there is no one right way. For example, I like sliders as opposed to knobs, keypresses, mouse clicks, etc. So for me using a couple of nanoKontrols as midi controllers works well for my eye-ear-brain-hand coordination. Also, my preferred usb keyboards have sliders (in addition to knobs). Purely personal choice. For me, moving sliders just feels so comfortable. PS: To be clear, for some tasks I use keyboard shortcuts, for other things mouse movement/clicks, menus and dialog boxes, etc.
  8. Follow up to Promidi's comment about the lack of details. If you are recording MIDI data and playing it back via E-Mu gear, there are Instrument Definition files [*.ins files] at several places on the internet that include presets for all the ROMs. You can then use Cakewalk's Instrument Definition apparatus to associate each midi channel of each device / port with a ROM or User Bank. In addition there is at least one E-Mu user created software application that can output an *.ins file with custom E-Mu User Banks. This might help. Also, under Preferences > MIDI > Devices you can assign friendly names to MIDI devices. under Preferences > MIDI > Instruments you can assign specific preset banks found in an *.ins file to each midi channel.
  9. I am familiar with using chord tracks in Cakewalk for playing so-called "Intelligent Arrangers" (circa 1990s). I am not sure exactly what is being advocated here, but it sounds like a track that can be used to display chord names as a song is being played/recorded so musicians can play along with the visual cues--perhaps a re-sizable floating / dockable window? BTW, it would be helpful for other users who don't have a lot of DAWs if the feature were described as opposed to alluded to** in addition to a reference (e.g., "like in XYZ [other DAW]").
  10. I don't know the answer, but was curious enough to seek clarification: You want to be able to highlight several consecutive tracks in track view and then open the midi data for just those tracks in a PRV, right?
  11. Not sure this will answer all your questions, but it might be more direct for some of the basic questions than reading through a multi-page thread that has a bit of discussion related to the original poster's now solved issue and then some.
  12. Personally, I like the use of black + gray to help draw the mind-eye towards important features/elements. I like the way you have done this here! Super nice!
  13. Are you wanting to keep the gradients, just with different colors/shades changed with minimal effort (other than changing the image pixel-by-pixel)? Or do you want to just change to a flat color? If the latter, I just use MSPaint, I draw a box (squared or rounded); but with your experience you probably know how to do that already, so I'm guessing you want to keep the gradient/3D.
  14. Long shot--did you look to see if there was a hidden dialog box waiting for a reply? I had that happened once and now know to look for it.
  15. The 2020 post by Ken stemmed directly from the Original Post from May 2019, expressed some concerns about some of the replies to the Original Post, and then addressed some specifics about something being missing and therefore confusing in a 2020 video directed at beginners. To be honest, it was a bit tedious to go through the video to try to determine if Ken just didn't notice something that was there, if the video left some things out, if the method did in fact work as presented in the video and Ken was off-base, or to try to verify that the problem was simply the lack of mentioning to use Alt+0. My reply related to the video directly addressed the 2020 post even though the video wasn't around in 2019 when the OP was written. Let's agree to disagree on all of this.
  16. JMO: I think the video confuses new users by (1) leaving out important details and (2) mentioning some details too early in the learning process. Yes, references to MIDI Source and Track Widgets might be more advanced concepts, but they are pedagogical seeds that (a) can be easily ignored and (b) will be important. Leaving out critical steps usually tends to be far more confusing than planting seeds for "aha moments." I am guessing we disagree on that; which is fine; just wanted you to know I intentionally planted them and my pedagogical rationale. If I had misinterpreted the @Ken's post or neglected to address it, that would be a totally different matter.
  17. Also, selecting "Midi Source" will not produce midi output (so far as my testing showed). I suspect we are saying the same thing with different explanations: not a midi controller = not capable of serving as a MIDI source? For example, Voltage Modular as MIDI source shows up as a MIDI input in the track widget. PS: I know you know this; doing it to add incremental details for the benefit of "newbies."
  18. There is something odd with your link. I got a page with a "YouTube Privacy Warning." It seems you have posted a link to specific search using a specific search engine. Maybe you could fix that by putting a link to the video itself, not the search query. Out of curiosity, at what time marking does the advice about SI-Drums begin? 3:16? I did the steps from 3:16 to 3:49 with a new template that already has a 2 measure count-in and I used Comping Mode instead of changing it to Sound-on-Sound Mode. Also, in the wizard, I changed the MIDI Input device to my usb keyboard. It worked exactly as expected (recording and playback). I started over and did the same thing choosing the Virtual Controller as my MIDI Input device. It worked exactly as expected, too. OH. I see. He doesn't tell users (1) to turn on MIDI echo and (2) to go to Views > Virtual Controller. He could have also shown how to select the MIDI Input device from the Wizard. Personally, I think those steps are more critical than setting the count-in and selecting Sound-on-Sound Mode--esp. for total beginners. BTW, there are a number of ways to Insert an Instrument/Soft Synth. Today I learned that the [+] will call up the Insert Instrument wizard. (I use other methods having started using with Cakewalk before the Track Insertion Wizard.) As for using the plug-in to put down notes, just a guess here, but I suspect because the plug-in can be used to play drum patterns via the pattern selection/transport interface, the plug-in is specifically designed not to record midi and audio by clicking on the drum kit images or the patterns.
  19. Hope it fixes the issues I experienced, too.
  20. How about capturing patch changes when recording midi data during the compositional process: press a button on a keyboard and the patch number gets recorded onto the track. I guess I misunderstood your Feature Request a couple of weeks ago. It really seemed to me like you wanted something akin to Instrument Definitions for Soft Synths. Oh, well. Thanks for the correction.
  21. I did not test as many permutations/combinations as I did for previous versions of the Insert [Instrument] Track/Soft Synth process. However, (1) I think there are variations in results based on the specifics of each VSTis/DXis, and (2) the current version seems to be inconsistent with previous versions.. (1) [Based on specific SoftSynth]: For example, in one softsynth, I can set the number of outputs up to 19. I have it set to 16, so when I use the VST2 version (one stereo audio instrument track per output), Cakewalk will create 16 instrument tracks linked to one instance of the VST. With "Max. Available" checked, Cakewalk now channelizes the 16 tracks (so the outputs go to the one instance, MIDI channels 1 -> 16 respectively). [New feature seems to work in my tests--sort of**] If I set "Limit to" to 8, I only get 8 channelized tracks for the one instance. Note: I used the Menu Bar > Insert Menu > Soft Synth method (2020.08). With TTS-1 when I put 8 in the "Limit to" box, Cakewalk inserted 8 Instrument Tracks with one Instance in the Synth Rack with two sets of tracks pointed to MIDI Channel 1 -> 4--because TTS-1 has four outputs. ** (2) [Haven't tested many possible combinations] Previously I could set the soft synth to use 19 outputs and Cakewalk would create 19 outputs (or 19 outputs x no. of tracks I chose). Today, Max. Available seems to be 16 max; I did not get 2 instances; I did not get 19 tracks. I understand 16 might be a limitation in Cakewalk; if so, it it should say Max. Avail. [up to 16]. Again, not fully tested with different insertion methods and combinations of insertion options--yet. Also, I got some crashes/shut downs. As well, once when I accidentally typed in a number > 19, I had a crash/shut down. Note: I don't need workarounds; I always work within what the limits of software. Just adding info./details that I hope is helpful. PS: I was pleased to see that with this method, the 16 tracks were channelized. I don't remember that happening with tests of some previous versions. Not a problem to split the instrument track either as needed or in a personal template.
  22. How about capturing patch changes when recording midi data during the compositional process: press a button on a keyboard and the patch number gets recorded onto the track.
  23. FWIW, I have had no troubles assigning images to recent tracks via the Notes > Artwork method, but also have had no success affecting *.cwt files in the templates folder so far. I even tried tweaking a factory template that had an image and saving it as a *.cwt file, and that process lost the factory-supplied image from the original.
  24. I could be mistaken, but it looks like the pedal was depressed while the notes in cluster two were still depressed. But I admit, I don't use the PRV. If I saw the midi data, it might be clearer. I will defer to others who use the PRV.
  25. If the video shows the specific problem you are having (sustain pedal pressed too early**) and you like the idea of using the Piano Roll View [PRV] to tweak midi data, I hope someone who uses Cakewalk's PRV can explain/show how to do it in Cakewalk. I don't use the PRV so my suggestions would be of no use to you. **Based on what I see in the video, the performer pressed the sustain pedal on while the second cluster of notes was playing. As a result, the notes from that point sustain when the third cluster of notes comes in--what he calls "dissonance." Please ignore my comments about editing MIDI events using the Events List. To make it easier, I have deleted both the comments and the quotes. Didn't mean to confuse you. Good luck with that.
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